Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

934 Gengar Version Of Cocoon Of Destruction

Gengar said that he is a coward, while Jiang Qing said that there is no other suitable Pokémon except you, and he does not want to cultivate an alt.

However, merging the power of death does have certain dangers. The Exploration Eye has said that it may cause death. Thinking about his non-chief Attribute, Jiang Qing felt that Gengar might have the ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

No, this guy just looks down on himself.

Rubbing Gengar's big fat face with both hands, Jiang Qing has already focused on the system mall, "I want to find something in it that can make Gengar's fusion death calendar safer.

After rubbing Gengar for more than ten minutes, when Gengar could hardly feel his face, Jiang Qing stopped.

"Jie Jie"

Gengar looked at Jiang Qing doubtfully, as if Ping was asking why he stopped rubbing it.

Jiang was already looking at a product.

Lucky Charms: The level of luck increases within one hour after use (can be used in stacks, up to ten)

Each one costs 50,000 points. To be on the safe side, you must use ten, which equals 500,000 points.

Half a million points - and Gengar's life.

Jiang Qing was actually confused. He had more than four million points on his books.


Gently patting Gengar's head, Jiang Qing muttered: "I'm really not a human being, how can I hesitate?"

So I bought ten lucky charms directly.

After using it, I didn't feel anything happened.

But he had a way to experiment.

"Metagross, buy me a stack of scratch-off tickets"

Metagross looked at Jiang Qing in confusion, wondering why he thought it was happening, but he still left via Teleport and went to buy scratch-off tickets for Jiang Qing.

About three minutes later, Metagross came back with a stack of scratch-off tickets.

There are a hundred cards in this stack, each with a face value of one hundred yuan, and you can win up to ten million.

When Jiang Qing entered the first card, he found that he had won five hundred.

"Well, it seems to be really useful."

Then he stopped scratching. You ask why, because the luck will run out. If he keeps scratching, if he wins a big prize, he may run out of luck.

If the power of the non-chiefs comes back by then, Gengar will be dead.

I took out the mineral water and washed my hands and face.

After it was over, Jiang Qing felt that his luck had reached its peak.

"Xuan does not save Fei, and Krypton does not change fate. The world is not the same, but I am the only one in Europe."

After muttering a few words, Jiang Qing grabbed Gengar and stuffed the source of death into his mouth before he could react.

Gengar: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


As Gengar swallowed, the source of death was swallowed by it.


Gengar: "I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die"

Looking at Gengar rolling on the ground, he said he was going to die, but there was no expression of pain at all on his face.

"Okay, take a closer look and feel the changes."

Jiang Qing kept looking at Gengar. Under his probing eyes, its Contest Condition was clearly visible.

"Excuse me?"

Gengar touched his body doubtfully, as if nothing was wrong, and then began to sense his body. At this time, streams of black energy came out of his body.

This was the power of death. Jiang Qing was shocked. Metagross hurriedly led Jiang Qing back, but was stopped by Jiang Qing because he found that the power of death only surrounded Gengar.

As more and more death forces appeared, Gengar was obviously at a loss.

"Gengar is fine, don't worry"

Jiang Qing's voice reached its ears, and Gengar's expression began to calm down.

After a few breaths, the power of death had completely enveloped Gengar. Under the strong power of death, Jiang Qing could no longer see Gengar inside.

But the probing eyes are always open.

Until finally the power of death condensed into a hard shell, which looked like a cocoon of destruction, and Gengar was inside it.

Gengar: The power of death is being absorbed, no danger.

After seeing the feedback information during the investigation, Jiang Qing finally felt relieved. The fact that there was no danger meant that he had succeeded. It seemed that his five hundred thousand points were not in vain.

I took out the Poké Ball and prepared to put Gengar in it, but the red light was blocked. I guess Gengar in this Contest Condition cannot be put in the Poké Ball.

"Metagross, take Gengar, let's leave here," Jiang Qing said.

As a result, Metagross shook his head and said that he could not move the Gengar version of the Cocoon of Destruction. There was a resistance. If he moved it forcibly, it might cause harm to the Gengar inside.

…Please give me flowers…

Jiang Qing was in trouble this time.

He didn't know how long it would take for Gengar to absorb the power of death. It would be okay for a short time, but if it took a long time, wouldn't he have to stay in this place forever?

After thinking about it, Jiang Qing released all his Pokémon and planned to stay here for the next few days to check the situation first.

Black and white Opelucid immediately focused on Gengar's version of Cocoon of Destruction. The power of death on it was simply not too familiar.

"This is Gengar, we will stay here for the next few days," Jiang Qing explained.

Of course the Pokémon have no objections to this, as some Pokémon prefer to stay in the wild than in the city.

Why most, not all, because Celebi immediately became listless after hearing this.


Jiang Qing is now deep in the forbidden area, that is, deep in the mountains and old forests, but there is no signal at all here.

She can't play Douyin, can't play Pokémon Glory, and can only use her phone as a light bulb. This is really hard for Celebi.

In fact, Jiang Qing is the same.

As modern people, we play with our mobile phones when we are bored, play with our mobile phones when we are resting, play with our mobile phones when we go to the toilet, and secretly play with our mobile phones when we are working.

"Yeah dong"

Looking at the surrounding environment blankly, there should be a lot of wild vegetables, wild fruits, mushrooms and the like here, so he called Lucario and his young apprentice Magearna and took him to pick things to prepare for dinner in the evening.

Dragonite, Garchomp and Salamence looked at the black and white Opelucid. This is a dragon type boss. With this figure and spirit, he is worthy of being my dragon type senior.

Dragonite: I’m afraid I can’t keep my position as the dragon brother.

The world of Pokémon loves the dragon type. Not only are most of the quasi-gods from the dragon type, but even many first-level gods are from the dragon type. Therefore, the dragon type has always been the strongest among the eighteen Attributes.

none of them.

If you want to become a dragon trainer, your family will give you tens of billions to start with. If your family's assets are not rich, you should choose other attributes.

The black and white Opelucid lay on the ground taking a nap. Although these Pokémon are all Jiang Qing's partners, so are they, but they are first-level gods, and they have a sense of arrogance in their bones.

Without releasing one's own pressure, it would be good enough to drive them away. .

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