Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

924 Jiang Qing: He Is Your Son

It's strange that Jiang Qing's face looks good.

After fighting the BOSS for a long time, this guy was resurrected on the spot with full health, and his level was also raised by one level.

On the other hand, the black and white Opelucid Contest Condition has declined, Mewtwo's summoning time is still more than a minute, and the effect of God's protection has passed.

The other party only lost one Lyle, and it was quite worth it.

Look at your Mewtwo fragments, there are eighty left.

Well, I still have a sense of security, but why is my heart bleeding?

"I am the god of death, and you will all die."

Yveltal's voice was very calm, but Jiang Qing could still hear the huge anger and murderous intent contained in his voice. After all, this guy had been beaten so badly by him before, so it was strange that he didn't want to regain his place.

Jiang Qing looked at Metagross: "Metagross, I have a headache."


Metagross: How about - let Mewtwo Self Destruct.

"What did you say - it seems worth a try."

Jiang Qing's expression changed in disbelief from the beginning.

Self Destruct seems to work really well.

Self Destruct, Big Self Destruct, Explosion, this method is what Trainer will only let Pokémon use when he is most desperate.

Trainer Pokémon will basically learn one or two of these three skills.

Self Destruct is a Pokémon that uses its life to detonate the power in its body, and its power can be one level higher than its own level. In other words, Self Destruct, a quasi-Elite Pokémon, can hurt Elites, and even kill Elites if they are lucky.

Of course, once Self Destruct is used, if the Pokémon uses Self Destruct when it is seriously injured, then after Self Destruct, this Pokémon will definitely be dead.

And even if you are lucky enough to survive, your lifespan will be greatly reduced and you will only have a few years to live.

A Pokémon in the Contest Condition will not die, but it will fall into a state of near-death. After recovery, its level will also be reduced.

Some Pokémon that are blessed with Self-Destruct will have much lower side effects than most Pokémon, such as the typical naughty Thunder Egg. After Self-Destructing, it only needs to rest for a period of time before becoming more energetic again.

Because of this ability, this Pokémon has become the favorite Pokémon of terrorist organizations.

Naughty Thunder Eggs are also very simple to cultivate. There are many of them, and they have become special Pokémon for terrorist organizations. Of course, many Trainers will also specialize in cultivating this kind of Pokémon. Needless to say, its role is natural.

The power of ordinary Pokémon using Self Destruct is so great. If Mewtwo uses Self Destruct, Jiang Qing shuddered at the thought.

This power is simply unimaginable.

He summoned Mewtwo with fragments, so if he really used Self Destruct, even if he blew himself up, Jiang Qing could still use the fragments to summon him again.

However, the power of Mewtwo's use of Self Destruct is definitely very powerful. If Self Destruct is used here, the huge waves caused by the storm will not be spared by Baga Country, but even the surrounding countries, Kimchi Country and Xia Country will be affected. Very serious impact.

So even if you want to use Self Destruct, you can't use it here.

Jiang Qing looked up at Soaring in the sky. If Self Destruct was used, that would be the most suitable place.


Looking at Mewtwo in front of him, Jiang Zhi really liked this guy even though he summoned it with fragments.

And even if it was summoned by fragments, Mewtwo is not a puppet. It is a Pokémon with real feelings and flesh and blood, but it will disappear in five minutes.

So Jiang Qing hesitated for a while. Mewtwo was not a puppet, and he had already regarded it as his own Pokémon.

The relationship between Trainer and Pokémon is a two-way street, which is stronger than so-called love.

"You are hesitating"

Mewtwo's voice suddenly sounded in his heart.

He saw Mewtwo who was fighting Yveltal and had time to look back at him, with that arrogant look and indifferent expression.

Damn, how can this guy be so handsome?

"Don't peek into my heart"

Jiang Qing's face was dark, "Damn, can you not be distracted during the battle? I wonder if Yveltal is very awesome now."

"I didn't spy, and I couldn't spy. It's just that your expression was too obvious." Mewtwo's voice came again.

“If you hesitate, you will lose.”

These words were quite out of place. Jiang Qing even suspected that Mewtwo had used vibrato, but they were indeed correct.

Hesitation leads to defeat.


Jiang Qing cursed angrily. For things like Self Destruct, other people's Pokémon can do it, but their own Pokémon can't, even if it only appears for five minutes.

But I have to summon it completely sooner or later. If this guy retains the memory of Self Destruct, what will it do to settle accounts with me?

There are a lot of fragments on your own, so don't be afraid, in the worst case, you'll have to summon Mewtwo later.

Wait - later

Looking up at Soaring in the sky, the moon is quite round.

0……Please give me flowers…………

It was already evening when the finals of the World Youth Championship ended, and later there were performances by Jiang and Williams.

When Lyle showed up, it seemed to be quite late.

"What time is it in Metagross now?" Jiang Qing asked.


"Twelve o'clock, one hundred and thirty three days until my birthday."

"I don't need you to remind me, I know"

Jiang Qing was a little angry. I didn't remember your birthday last year. There is no need to remember it all the time. This is simply smaller than the tip of a needle.

"I want a hat"

"I'll buy you a green one when the time comes."

Jiang Qing looked at Metagross angrily, turned his head, and stopped talking to this guy. After all, business matters.

It was already early the next morning, which meant that his divine protection had been refreshed and could be used again.

"The system extends the existence time of Mewtwo," Jiang Qingxin said.

As the ten pieces disappeared, Mewtwo stated that he could exist for another five minutes.

And Jiang Qing's Mewtwo fragments were reduced to seventy pieces.

Just when Jiang Qing was about to bestow God's protection on Mewtwo, a pink figure suddenly appeared in front of him.



Jiang Qing’s voice is surprising, while Celebi’s voice is Rage.

"Bichi, what are you doing here?"

Celebi jumped off Jiang Qing's head and looked at him with an unkind expression.

But the next second, Jiang Qing placed it on his head again.

"Celebi, Mew is a good boy, don't be so cruel to him"

Jiang Qing criticized Celebi and said to Mew: "Mew, you are here just in time. With our relationship, I am being bullied now. Can you do me a favor?"


Mew tilted his head and looked at Jiang Qing, then pointed at Mewtwo who was fighting Yveltal.

"Why does it smell like me?"

Mewtwo is an artificially created genetic Pokémon based on the Mew gene, plus the genes of other Pokémon.

Then it will naturally have the aura of Mew on it.

Jiang Qing looked at Mewtwo to make sure it didn't notice her, then whispered in Mew's ear: "It's your son, so you can help your son."


Mew: Zundu is fake.

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