Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

923 Lyle Sacrifices To Heaven

Since its birth, this is the first time Yveltal has been so seriously injured. Even its mortal enemy Xerniyar has not caused such huge injuries to it.

The black and white Opelucid's ultimate impact lasted for 30 seconds. With Yveltal as the center, the ultimate impact of the two sides shattered the surrounding space into pieces.

Under the strong pressure, the sea surface within a radius of tens of kilometers was completely sunken, exposing the seabed below, and the suppressed seawater naturally turned into a huge wave.

He ran directly towards Baga Kingdom.

Originally, the four first-level gods had left the Baga Kingdom to fight, but the huge waves formed in the aftermath of the battle were enough to submerge the entire Baga Kingdom.

Baga Kingdom: Destroy it, I’m tired.

As the ultimate impact ended, Yveltal, whose bones were shattered, fell down weakly, and the power of death on his body reappeared and began to heal its injuries.

But now its injury is very serious, and even if it can be healed by the power of death, it will take time.

The most important thing is to see whether Jiang Qing gives it this time.

"Mewtwo Psystrike"

Because the black and white Opelucid used the ultimate impact with all their strength, and the previous Contest Condition was not very good, so at the moment they were a bit out of force 360, Jiang Qing did not let them continue to attack

"You block the huge waves," Jiang Qing said.

Under this huge wave, all the people of Baga are expected to die. Once they die, the power of death formed, if absorbed by Yveltal, is enough to bring it back to its peak.

Therefore, these people cannot die, and in addition to most of the Baga people in the Baga country, there are also people from other countries, and there must be people from the Xia country.


Psystrike once again turned into an extremely sharp blade, and its substantial spiritual energy caused a burst of energy in the space.

The blade was pointed directly at Yveltal's neck, as if he wanted to cut off its neck.

In a life-and-death crisis, Yveltal used the power of death to heal her wounds regardless, mobilizing all the energy in her body to form a protective shield of Black.

Psystrike was blocked by the protective cover, and the latter's body was also Tackled, accelerating and Tackled on the seabed.

"There are many means, but unfortunately no matter how many means are used, they are useless."

Jiang Qing snorted coldly and continued: "Mewtwo, Psystrike"

"Jiang Qing, Yveltal will never lose, you are dead" (ahca)

Lyle came here from Baga Kingdom without knowing anything. This guy's face is full of madness at the moment. After all, the god in his heart has been beaten into a miscellaneous bird by Jiang Qing

Even close to death.

"Where did you come from - me"

Just as Jiang Qing was about to confront Lyle, he saw the other party took out a dagger and stabbed it into his heart.

Lyle quickly fell to the ground. He looked in the direction of Yveltal and whispered: "Let me become a part of your body."


Using his last strength, he called out the other person's name.

He died in the next second.

At the moment when Lyle died, a huge black energy rose from his body. Seeing this black energy, Jiang felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

"Big gold"

Jiang Qing just wanted Metagross to disperse the black energy, but saw that the black energy instantly submerged into the body of Yveltal, who was falling downwards.

Then Paul was reborn.

Just like going back in time to Normal, the injuries on its body disappeared in an instant as the black energy submerged. There was no healing process, but it was cured instantly.


A loud cry came from its throat, and its wings flapped hard towards Mewtwo's Psystrike. With a bang, the Psystrike was defeated and its body flew backwards for more than ten kilometers.

"Healed, fucked"

Jiang Qing clenched her fists tightly and looked at Yveltal whose injuries were all healed. Her face was as ugly as it was. It took a lot of effort to beat it like this, but in the end everything had to start all over again.

And the aura on the opponent's body is stronger than when he appeared.

Pokémon: Yveltal (Evil Flying)



Ability:Dark Aura

Props: none

Gender: no gender

Moves: Gust, Double Team, Taunt, Snarl, Disable, Sucker Punch, Tailwind, Roost, Air Cutter, Dark Pulse, Mental Strength, Wings of Return, Phantom Force, Foul Play

Skill CD: None

Genetic Skills: None

Note: When the God of Death spreads its wings and tail feathers and shines with red light, it will absorb the life of creatures.

Note: After devouring Lyle's power after his death, his level was briefly promoted.

It's not my illusion. At the moment of investigation, Yveltal's level has indeed increased from 107 at the beginning to 108 now, which is one level lower than Mewtwo.

Lyle's power after death is so great that it can even level up Yveltal, a first-level god.

Could it be because Lyle is the summoner of Yveltal?

Come to think of it, this is the only reason.

This is going to be difficult.

Mewtwo only existed for five minutes, and it has been used for more than three minutes now, which means there is still more than a minute left.

The black and white Opelucid Contest Condition declines very seriously. If it continues to rise, once it is severely damaged, it will fall into a deep sleep, and once it falls into a deep sleep, it will not wake up at all for hundreds of years.

There are medicines to treat the injuries of level 1 gods in the system mall, but with these points, Jiang Qing thinks it’s better to let them sleep for hundreds of years. Anyway, if they can’t die for hundreds of years, they should die too.

Facing Yveltal, who was one level lower than Mewtwo and had recovered from all his injuries. At the same time, when Mewtwo only existed for more than a minute, Jiang Qing had a headache.

The effect of God's protection has long since passed.

If you shake Kyogre over, even if you live longer, you will probably be sucked dry by Kyogre.

The key point is that Kyogre is not strong enough and will not be useful even if he comes.

Yveltal now has at least four or even five levels of strength.

[Coach, it cheats

[What to do, Lyle sacrifices to the sky, Yveltal's magic is boundless, Jiang Champion finally hits it hard, and now it's back to the start]

[This is the God of Death, he has too many methods, it’s really scary]

[I don’t think there’s anything to worry about. Champion Jiang’s Mewtwo and black and white Opelucid are still there, and they can completely defeat the opponent again.

[The black and white Opelucid Contest Condition is no longer good, and the only one Champion Jiang can rely on is Mewtwo]

Faced with the scene of Lyle offering sacrifices to heaven and curing Yveltal, the whole world has exploded.

Originally, seeing that Yveltal was severely damaged, everyone thought that the battle was about to end. Many news media had written articles and waited for the battle to be over to release them immediately.

As a result, Yveltal was seen resurrected with full health on the spot, and the battle situation became uncertain again.

And many people found that Jiang Qing's face turned ugly, and they suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts. .

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