Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

834 This Is A Gift In Return

After the small episode of Swellow, there was no second accident on the way. At around 5:00 pm, Jiang Qing's private jet landed successfully at Xiangjiang International Airport.

The two cubs, Celebi and Jirachi, were pressing their faces tightly against the window glass, watching the plane land, and they were very stable. The two cubs flew excitedly to the door of the aircraft cabin.

Dong Bo - he had already changed his clothes and walked to Jiang Qing's side.

As the cabin door opened, as soon as they went down the stairs, Tian Baren walked over.

"Hello Jiang Guanjun, I am Ouyang Zheng, the chief executive officer of Xiangjiang"

A man in his sixties walked up to Jiang Qing and stretched out his right hand.

Jiang Qing lightly shook hands with him: "Hello, Mr. Ouyang."

He looked at the other seven people beside him.

"Jiang Shao, I am the person in charge of the Xiangjiang Branch of the Jiang Group. I am in charge of all the business of the Jiang Group in Xiangjiang. My name is Liu Ye"

"Hello Mr. Liu, I heard that Uncle Tian mentioned you." Jiang smiled.

This guy has a lot of status in the Jiang Group, otherwise he wouldn't be in charge of Jiang's business in Xiangjiang, but in the final analysis, he still works for Meiqing.

The other five people are local families in Xiangjiang, three of the four major families came, and the other two are families in charge of Xiangjiang shipping and construction.

"The Du family didn't come." Jiang Qing narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

The others didn't know why, after all, they didn't know the purpose of Jiang Qing's coming. They didn't know that Jiang Qing was coming, but Ouyang Zheng told them, that's why there was this scene of picking up Jiang Qing.

"No." Ouyang Zheng shook his head.

As the top executive officer of Xiangjiang, Jiang Qing's purpose for coming here is very clear, and he still knows something about what the Du family has done.

Moreover, the Du family is the largest family in Xiangjiang, and this strength is also a top family in Xiaguo, but unlike those top families in Xiaguo, the Du family is very high-profile in Xiangjiang.

In Ouyang Zheng's view, the Du family is a disobedient thorn.

"Mr. Ouyang, it's not good for you to say that. Jiang Guanjun came to Xiangjiang. Why wouldn't our Du family not come? We must respect the friendship of the landlord anyway."

While speaking, on the other side, a person who looked similar to Jiang Qingnji, accompanied by four people who looked like bodyguards, walked over in a dawdly manner.

"He is Du Zhi, Du Cheng's youngest son, and I heard that he is very popular with Du Cheng," Dong Bo whispered in Jiang Qing's ear.

When he came to Xiangjiang, Dong Bo——read through the information of some local families in Xiangjiang, and the mutual power links between them, of course the Du family is the top priority.

As for Jiang Qing, he has all these materials, but he just doesn't bother to read them.

"The friendship of the landlord, according to your words, Xiangjiang belongs to your Du family"

Jiang Qing looked at this foolish Du Zhi, who knew at a glance that he was not a good guy.

"Jiang Guanjun was joking, Xiangjiang is naturally not our Du family's, but as the first family of Xiangjiang, our Du family has the qualification to represent Xiangjiang."

"That Swellow was sent by you, right?"

Here, Du Zhi had just finished speaking, when he suddenly heard Jiang Qing's question, he was stunned: "What Swellow?"

Judging by his appearance, he doesn't seem to be pretending to be stupid. It seems that he really doesn't know, or that it wasn't done by the Du family.

But it's okay, even if it wasn't done by the Du family, it has something to do with the Du family.

"I don't understand why Du Cheng sent you here"

At a glance, Du Zhi knew that he was the son of the domineering Power Trip family, and he was sent here to disgust him? Then Jiang Qing felt that he had a high opinion of Du Cheng.

"My father didn't ask me to come here. I had something to do to leave on the plane. I happened to see Chief Ouyang Zheng and some friends from our Du family here. I'll see who is worthy of these people coming here."

"I didn't expect it to be Jiang Champion"

As he said that, he looked at Dong Bo who was beside Jiang Qing, his eyes lit up suddenly. As a hungry ghost, such a superb beauty like Dong Bo is still very rare.

Naturally, Xiangjiang also has them, but such women all have a certain status. Even if he is the son of the Du family, he can't mess around with his status.

But looking at Dong Bo, he seemed to be Jiang's secretary.

Dongbo - beautifully wrinkled, Du Zhi's eyes made her feel very sick.

"I'm new here, I prepared a presentation for Patriarch Du Cheng"

"Hahaha, Champion Jiang is in camp"

Du Zhi immediately showed complacency when he heard the words, seeing what happened to the champion, he didn't want to be polite to them Du's family.

What youngest champion, what future powerhouse, these are useless in front of their Du family.

…… Ask for flowers………

Thinking of this, Du Zhi's expression became more Power Trip, and his words became a little rude, or he was not polite.

"The champion, let's not talk about the present, I can get to know the beauties around me first."

Dongbo—the pretty face was full of anger, and Zhi liked this expression even more.

"It's okay to know each other, but Mr. Du is not curious about what kind of presentation I prepared for Patriarch Du Cheng?" Jiang Qing said with an unchanged expression.

"Oh, what is Present"

Du Zhi immediately became concerned. Jiang Qing is the champion, and the present he wants to send must be in line with his status. If this present can be used by himself.

Suddenly his gaze became a little hotter.

He wants both Present and beauty.

"Do you think patriarch Du Cheng will like your head?"

Jiang Qing's tone was indifferent, and he looked at Du Zhi and the four bodyguards behind him with a stern expression.

Du Zhi didn't seem to have reacted yet, but the four bodyguards behind him immediately released their Pokémon.

One Elite, three quasi-Elite peaks.

It seems that Du Zhi is really loved by Du Cheng, and the bodyguards around him are all Elite.

The actions of the bodyguards brought Du Zhi back to his senses, he looked at Jiang Wei in shock and said, "You want to kill me"

"No, no, it's your father who wanted to kill you." Jiang Qing sneered.

At the same time, he looked at the four bodyguards with some curiosity: "You think you can stop me, but this level of loyalty is okay."

"Leave a dead body"

Jiang Qing said lightly.

Immediately, the Poké Ball at the waist was turned on, and a burst of white light quickly flashed past the four bodyguards and their Pokémon.

In the next second, the four of them and their Pokémon all fell to the ground.


Kartana appeared in front of Du Zhi, and under his horrified eyes, his sharp left arm gently slashed at his neck, and a human head flew up in the next second.

It never occurred to Du Zhi that with a few words, his life would be costly.

I cheated my father before, but now my father cheated himself to death.

Grabbing the head, Kartana came to Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing said to the other three families: "Please send someone from each of the three families to give this head to Patriarch Du Cheng. It will be regarded as my return gift to him."

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