On the private plane heading to Xiangjiang, Jiang Qing looked helplessly at Dong Bo who had made a mistake, lowered his head, and was wearing a stewardess outfit——

"Why are you following me?"

This mission is dangerous, of course Jiang Qing can guarantee that she will be fine, but Dong Bo - not necessarily.

"My lord, Jiang Chang, I followed you," Dong Bo said in a low voice.


Now Jiang Qing had even more headaches, and she didn't doubt Dong Bo—after all, without the consent of the elders, Dong Bo wouldn't dare to follow her at all.

And this is the private jet of the Jiang Group, her uncle—— was able to sneak in, it must be with the help of insiders.

As for why Grandpa Jiang Gangjin asked Dongbo to follow him, the main reason was that Grandpa wanted to make himself and Dongbo together.

Although Gongyang Nan is very good, his grandfather is the strongest champion of the Xia Kingdom, the Ram Army. If Jiang Qing marries Gongyang Nan, it can be said that the two families are united.

Originally, the Jiang family was the first family with two champions. If they married Gong Yangnan, the Jiang family would have three champions, one of which is the current strongest champion, and the other is the youngest champion, the seed of the strongest in the world

The gathering of these forces could threaten Xia Guo's regime, and the Jiang family might be the only one in the future.

At that time, even if there is Jiang Gangjin in the elders' council, will the other five elders be on guard against the Jiang family and the 943 Rams' family?

And Xia Guo has been a country that likes internal fighting since ancient times.

It is a taboo in any dynasty that the power of the minister is greater than that of the monarch

Even if the Jiang family didn't have this idea, other high-level officials in the Xia Kingdom might not think so.

Jiang Gangjin, as the Jiang family, of course hopes that the Jiang family will become stronger and stronger, but he is also a member of the Xia Guo Presbyterian Church, and it is very uncomfortable for him to be caught in the middle.

In fact, the Jiang family didn't need the help of the Gongyang family, so he simply supported Dongbo—becoming Jiang Qing's other half.

As for Jiang Qing's choice of Gongyang Nan in the end, the Jiang family doesn't cause trouble, so they are definitely not afraid of trouble.

Dong Bo——Since they all boarded the plane, Jiang Qing couldn't drive him off, after all, the plane had already taken off.

"Forget it, let's change clothes, although the clothes look really nice"

Jiang Qing shook her head, and took a closer look at Dongbo in the stewardess uniform—not to mention that the clothes fit her well, and it outlined her figure with unevenness.

Dong Bo noticed Jiang Qing's eyes one by one, his face was slightly red, he was naturally very happy in his heart, and asked in a low voice: "Then should I change or not?"

(cfdb) Jiang Qing: --Forget it, let’s change it when we get there.”

It's troublesome to take it off after you've worn it all on, um --- that's it.

Jirachi looked at this scene very carefully, and then suddenly showed surprise, he pulled Celebi and said: "Celebi, this is the uniform Captivate, right?"

"Yes, Jirachi, you're a fast learner, so let me ask you what Jiang Qing called it just now." Celebi had a childish expression.

Jirachi thought for a moment: "Jiang Qing is using power to seek sex."


Celebi nodded.

Using power to seek sex, I never thought of this, as expected of my little brother, his brain is easy to use.

Jiang Qing's face turned dark. These two little ones just forgot that they were right next to them. Fortunately, Dongbo couldn't understand what they were saying, otherwise his fame would be ruined.

He looked at Celebi and said with a serious face: "If you ruin my reputation and teach Jirachi badly in the future, I will delete your Pokémon Glory account in front of you."

Seeing Celebi's big brother, I was wrong, I will dare next time, Jiang Qing lay on the chair and took a blindfold.

It takes about six hours to fly from Imperial Capital to Xiangjiang.

Jiang Qing's plane departed at eleven o'clock in the morning, so it would arrive around five o'clock.

Because it is a private plane, there is a signal even at high altitude.

The two little guys, Celebi and Jirachi, were obviously very energetic. They were either talking or swiping their phones along the way. Dong Boshi even gave them ten small snacks from time to time.

On the radar side of the aircraft cockpit, the captain found that the radar was flashing rapidly, and a red dot appeared.

"A Flying-type Pokémon appeared, with an Elite level of strength," the co-pilot said eagerly on the side.

All planes are equipped with repelling devices, and Flying Pokémon will stay away when they hear this sound, and there are special personnel to clean up the plane routes.

In both cases, if there are Flying-type Pokémon appearing on the plane's route, the security personnel on the plane will take action to solve it.

But this time it's the Elite-level Flying-type Pokémon.

"Don't worry, Jiang Guanjun is on the plane, what are we worried about?" The captain glanced at the co-pilot, as expected, he was still too young and not calm at all.

The co-pilot was taken aback, yes, Jiang Guanjun was on the plane, and his plane was simply the safest plane in the world.

In front of the plane, a Swellow looked coldly at the plane coming towards him, with Hyper Beam in its mouth.

"Airport, Jiang Guanjun, isn't he making a move?" The co-pilot watched the plane getting closer and closer to the red dot on the radar, and suddenly became a little nervous.

Because the distance was still far away, he couldn't see the Swellow with his naked eyes.

"What are you panicking?" The captain's expression remained flat.

Ma Dan, don't panic, in front of Rookie, this forces me to pretend.


In a daze, the two of them seemed to hear a loud cry.

Then a red figure seemed to flash past the side of the plane.

In the cabin, Jiang Qing took off the blindfold.

He said lightly: "You are very courageous, this is a warning to me."


The crisp sound of Growl came.

The window-colored figure spreads its wings Fly, like a bodyguard Normal, protecting the plane.

"Master Chief, when will Moltres be released?" Dong Bo asked curiously.

"It's been outside all the time, saying it's boring to stay in the Poké Ball," Jiang Qing explained.

inside the cab.

The captain looked at the disappearing red dot, replaced by the red dot of Moltres and said with a flat expression: "Look, Jiang Guanjun has made a move, you are worried that you are not as good as you were just now."

The co-pilot smiled sheepishly and said, "I won't do it next time, Brother Zhang, that bird was Moltres just now, right?"

"Sure, such a beautiful big bird, only Jiang Guanjun has."

"It's the first time I've seen Moltres so close. If I tell you about it in the future, I'll surely envy many people."

The co-pilot looked like a mother, I am promising, and I saw Moltres' expression.

"In the future, you will often see Moltres, not only Moltres, but also other Pokémon owned by Champion Jiang. Our plane is Champion Jiang's private jet."

Although Jiang Champion is hardly used.

The captain silently added a sentence in his heart. .

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