Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

830 Dongbo Ying And Lin Qiu

The result of the competition is naturally that Imperial University won. After all, Imperial University has an Elite trainer, but Mizuki has none.

Mizuki, the second child of ten thousand years, is sitting very securely.

After the host loudly announced that the champion was Teito University, everyone on the scene, whether they supported Teito or Mizuki, gave the champion applause.

The best MVP of the Hundred Schools League is naturally Dong Boying.

Lin Qiu's performance is also very good, but it's a pity that his strength is not as good as Dong Boying's. Naturally, he won't be able to win the MVP.

As a reward for MVP, it is a quasi-god cub.

The quasi-god cub prepared by the Conference is Beldum.

But Dongboying's Trump Card is Elite's early Metagross, so Beldum is dispensable to it.

The suggestion given by the Conference is to replace other quasi-god cubs, or the "860" which is not a quasi-god Pokémon two, and the aptitude is cyan.

I thought that Dong Boying would propose to replace other quasi-god cubs, after all, the value of quasi-god cubs is far higher than other Pokémon.

It turned out that he didn't but asked for Aron and Aluminum Steel Dragon.

Aron, Xia Guo's largest breeding company is the Jiang family, and most of the Arons with cyan qualifications are naturally controlled by the Jiang family, but every year the Jiang family sells a few Arons with cyan qualifications.

It's not too difficult to get Aron with cyan qualification here at the Conference.

However, the aluminum steel dragon is more difficult.

At present, the Jiang family has no intention of selling the aluminum steel dragon at all.

Although the Jiang family also gave the Xia family a small amount of aluminum and steel dragons, the Xia family didn't even have enough for themselves, let alone sell them to others.

And it is still qualified in cyan.

So the organizer of the conference found Jiang Qing. The Jiang family had the largest number of aluminum steel dragons. If Jiang Qing agreed, the aluminum steel dragons would naturally not be a problem.

Jiang Qing looked at Dong Boying and said with a smile: "You have a good vision. The aluminum steel dragon has the special defense of the steel type and the strong special attack of the dragon type. Apart from the relatively weak defense, there are almost no other shortcomings."

And the Species Strength of Aluminum Steel Dragon itself is relatively high, it is definitely a very good Pokémon.

Dong Boying was a little shy at this time, not at all as cold as he was on the field just now.

"My dream is to have the same steel lineup as you, Senior"

Jiang Qing was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect this guy to be his admirer.

After thinking about it, the steel-type Pokémon that the opponent had played before really belonged to him.

Metagross, Steelix, Lucario, they all have each other.

However, it is still relatively difficult to get the resources of the Aron with the cyan qualification, let alone the aluminum steel dragon.

Of course, this was before, and now the Dongbo family has become a subsidiary family of the Jiang family.

The family's prostitutes were all sent to Jiang Qing's side and served as Jiang Zhi's secretary.

"At that time, I'll look for it for you. There are only a few Elite-level aluminum-steel dragons with blue qualifications. You are not suitable now. See if there are any Pokémon eggs. If there are, I will get you one."

Jiang Qing is not a stingy person, especially for his own people. Even if the aluminum steel dragon Pokémon egg does not have the blue aptitude, he will use potions to improve its aptitude.

"Thank you, Senior," Dong Boying said excitedly.

Jiang Qing waved his hand, Dong Boying is a very talented trainer, of course he will help.

Thinking of Dongbo Yiyi, who is also an Elite in his twenties, although he is already twenty-six at the age of becoming an Elite, he is still an excellent existence in the aristocratic family.

This Patriarch Dongbo, well, his daughter and son are all so talented.

According to the previous agreement, after the awards ceremony, Jiang Qing took the Imperial University team members to the Gardevoir Hotel for dinner.

Zhou Han has already gotten along well with the two female members of the school team.

And told Jiang Qing that she would also become Jiang's school girl in the future.

Now that Zhou Han has just entered the first year of high school, as for the grades, hehehehe.

With her current grades in cultural subjects, unless she has an extremely outstanding trainer talent, she won't even be able to get into Mizuki, who only accepts failed students from the imperial capital.

Jiang Qing's contempt made Zhou Han very angry. He was determined to study hard in the future, but when he thought that he didn't even understand the Pythagorean Theorem in mathematics, he was a little discouraged.

Zhou Han really couldn't figure out why there was such a tormenting subject as mathematics, which he still couldn't understand.

And Jiang Qing also couldn't understand why someone could only get 30 points in such a simple math test. Isn't it just substituting various formulas?

Jiang Qing, who has been a top student since she was a child, can't understand the pain of the scumbags...

It took about two hours for a meal, and everyone drank some wine, even the summer afternoon teacher drank a lot.

There is no need to worry about getting drunk, Jiang Qing has already reserved rooms for everyone.

After drinking and eating, the show will end later.

Jiang Qing walked up to Lin Qiu who had been depressed since eating.

"Want Beldum?"

Lin Qiu nodded, but then said: "I will rely on my own strength to fight for it, Jiang Qing Senior, you don't have to help me."

He knew very well that if he spoke, Jiang Qing would most likely help him, but he would not do so. It would be too embarrassing to underestimate his behavior so much.

"If this session doesn't work, then I will next session"

By the time of the next Hundred Schools League, Dong Boying has already graduated, and given him a year to grow, maybe he can really become the MVP of the lower shoulders.

There will definitely be a quasi-god cub as a reward for the NVP of each Hundred Schools League.

As for this year's quasi-god cub Beldum, Dong Bo Ying didn't want it, so there is a high probability that this Beldum will be kept for the next session.

So if Lin Qiu really becomes the next MVP, the probability of getting Beldum is still very high.

"I'm not here to help you with this, your Alakazam's aptitude should be almost blue."

"Yes, I'm collecting some resources, and when I collect them all, Alakazam's aptitude can become green." After speaking 5.0, he showed a wry smile: "After buying these resources, I have to start tightening my belt again."

There is one more thing he didn't say, relying on these resources, it is still unknown whether the land blocking qualification can break through the blue color.

Pokémon's qualification breakthrough requires a lot of resources, even so, the probability of breakthrough is not 100%.

Once the breakthrough fails, the children of the family are fine, and the loss can be borne, but for ordinary Trainers, the price of breakthrough failure is unbearable.

"Just use this"

Jiang Qing handed him a cyan aptitude enhancement potion.

After all, Lin Qiu is also one of his own, Beldum got him a bit of a blow, but it is still possible to give him a green aptitude potion.

The effect of the Jiang family's aptitude potion is only known to a very small number of families. In fact, Jiang Qing bought it from the system mall. .

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