Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

829 Champions Of Xia Kingdom

The team captain of Teito University is a senior student, and he is also an Elite trainer, but Mizuki's side is not very good, the school team captain shall be the peak of Elite.

Of course, they are still only in the first half of their senior year. If it comes to the second half of the semester, the captain Mizuki may also become an Elite.

Too bad he's not there yet.

Quasi-Elite against Elite, unless the Pokémon itself is very good, otherwise it is basically impossible to reverse the Elite.

"Dongbo Eagle"

Jiang Qing was slightly taken aback when she learned that the captain of the Imperial University's team was named Dong Boying.

"The eldest son of Dongbo's family, by the way, he is also the eldest son of your secretary."

Having said this, Xia Wu looked at Jiang Qing with an inexplicable look.

Jiang Qing is now a favorite among the big families, and the eldest ladies of those families can't wait to tie Jiang Qing directly to their beds.

If it weren't for the fact that the Xia family had a good relationship with Jiang Qing, and the family didn't have a suitable prostitute, otherwise they would have attacked Ai.

"No wonder, I do look a bit like one," Jiang Qing said.

Dong Bo Ying looks like Dong Bo—four to five points similar, and he is also extremely handsome, with a wolf tail. He has many suitors in Imperial University.

Jiang Qing had heard from Dongbo that she had a younger brother who was also Jiang Qing's junior, but she never expected to meet him today.

The main Attribute is a steel trainer like Jiang Qing.

Let me mention here by the way, because Jiang Qing is a steel-type trainer, and after he became the champion, the number of trainers with steel-type as the first attribute increased significantly.

The breeding company under the name of the Jiang family has increased the sales of Aron by three or four times, and the supply has exceeded the demand.

Mu Qiang is human nature.

Jiang Qing and Jiang Oreburgh are both steel-type trainers, and they immediately made the name of the steel-type, and the popularity is the highest. Even the dragon-type is now ranked behind the steel-type.

Although the dragon type has the strongest attack, none of the seven champions of the Xia Kingdom has a main attribute of the dragon type.

Jiangqing and Jiang Oreburgh main Attribute is steel.

Jiang Qing is currently the chief executive of Xiaguo Elite.

Jiang Oreburgh is currently the vice president of the Xiaguo Trainer Association.

Xia Guo's strongest champion, Attribute is a super power department, and is currently the president of Xia Guo Trainer Association

The champion of the White Wolf Army, whose main attribute is the Electric Department, is currently the General Marshal of the Xia Kingdom Army.

Xiahou Shifang military champion, the main attribute is the fire department, the current Marshal of Xiamen Air Force

The champion of Li Yuan's family, the main attribute is the water department, and he is currently the Chief Prosecutor of the Xia Kingdom.

Lu Wan is the civilian champion, the main attribute is grass, and he is currently the vice president of Xia Guo Trainer Association.

This Lu Wan champion was born as a commoner, and relying on the template of the protagonist of a novel, he has gone all the way to become the current champion

He is also the existence that most civilian Trainers admire and yearn for.

Of course, the other party has established his own family long ago. This guy is also very good at making people. In a few decades, he gave birth to five sons and three daughters.

Although the family population is still small, it has surpassed the century-old Jiang family.

What can this say.

If you want to blame, you can only blame the elders of Jiang's family. They don't like to have children. If it weren't for the inheritance of blood, they probably don't want to have children.

It's the same with Jiang Qing, they've all become champions, and they haven't started being a scumbag yet, showing mercy everywhere.

Fortunately, the eldest aunt is pregnant now, but she is pregnant with a girl, so she can't play a role in spreading the branches and leaves for the Jiang family.

So in the end, this important task still has to be on Jiang Qing's shoulders.

And Jiang Qing didn't realize that he had this important responsibility at all, or he knew it, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

Imperial University has Dong Boying, an Elite master, whose Trump Card is a Metagross, of course the one with normal color.

With him around, unless Dong Boying estimated to release the water, it would be difficult for Imperial University to lose.

Lin Qiu was the third player to appear on the stage, showing a strength that surprised Jiang Qing. He used Alakazam, who was in the late Elite stage, to defeat Salamence, who was at the pinnacle of Mizuki Juchu.

This worked really well.

Xia Wu also knew that Jiang Qing was very optimistic about Lin Qiu, so he said: "Lin Qiu is indeed very talented, and it will be a matter of time before he becomes an Elite."

"It's just that he was not born well. If he is a child of a family, maybe he can become an Elite because of three factors."

There are many civilian trainers. With this base number, the probability of being born a genius is naturally high, but most of them will still be dragged down by their ordinary families, and eventually become thousands of ordinary trainers, and even switch to other industries.

...asking for flowers...

Like Lin Qiu, from an ordinary family, he was admitted to the special recruitment class by Imperial University, and became a full member of the school team in his sophomore year. Such people are really rare.

If his luck is good enough, maybe he can become the second Lu Wan.

If it wasn't for Lin Qiu's labeling of Jiang Qing early on, Xia Wu would have wanted Lin Qiu to join their Xia family. Even if the other party didn't want to, the Xia family could still support Lin Qiu, just for the sake of a good relationship.

"I didn't expect you to have such a good eye"

With Jiang Qing around, Lin Qiu would basically have no problem becoming a quasi-champion.

Jiang Qing said with a smile: "Because the first time I saw this guy, I knew he was a talent"

Dare to broadcast the award ceremony as an advertisement to earn advertising fees, this guy is not a talent, who is qualified to be a talent.



Just thinking of this, Jiang Qing saw Lin Qiu after defeating the opponent, directly took off the school team's jacket, revealing the clothes covered with big and small Hiroshi obituaries, and spun around a few times.

It wasn't until the referee let him off for the third time that this guy reluctantly walked off the stage.

Seeing this familiar scene, Jiang Qing smiled slightly.

The audience at the scene laughed even more when they saw this scene.

"Brother Qing, this guy is so embarrassing."

Zhou Han looked at Lin Qiu with disdain, and felt that this guy was a bit of a sensationalist, and she couldn't do such a thing even if she was killed.

"When you can't even support yourself, you won't think so," Jiang Qing said lightly.

Xia Wu's face was a little dark at the moment, Lin Qiu's actions "can be regarded as "expanding" the reputation of Imperial Capital University a bit.

"How is it possible? Even if my family goes bankrupt, there is still Brother Qing, you will definitely not let me live on the street and beg for money." Zhou Han looked at Jiang Qing pitifully.

Jiang Qing smiled: "Don't worry, your family won't go bankrupt"

Based on the relationship between mother and Aunt Zhao, if Jiang's property leaked a little to the Zhou family, it would be enough to support the Zhou family.

Jirachi suddenly said on Jiang Qing's head: "Jiang Qing, I'm a little thirsty"

Jiang Qing casually picked up the unopened water bottle on the ground and handed it to Jirachi, but he heard him say: "I want to drink Coke, iced."

This guy is totally screwed by Celebi.

Sure enough, if you learn well for thousands of years, you can learn badly for ten days. .

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