Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

810 Cooperation With The Country

From the standpoint of the White Bear Country, Jiang Qing can also understand why they did this, facing a new type of culture medium that can enhance the strength of the entire country's Trainers.

Every country will be moved.

If this thing was developed by White Bear Country, then Xia Country would also try to get it.

Tell the elders what you know, and this matter is over.

As for whether the Xia Kingdom can maintain the relationship with the allies of the White Bear Kingdom, it depends on the results of the conversation between the leaders of the two sides.

Jiang Qing didn't care about this kind of thing, nor did he want to.

Anyway, if there was a fight, he would just kill the champion of the White Bear Country.

"Wave ----- Polly ----- Wave"

This side just hung up the call with the Great Elder when the phone rang again.

At first glance, it was the call from the great grandfather Jiang Gangjin.

"Hi, Grandpa"

"Little" 197" Qing, you have done a good job on this task"

Jiang Gangjin's appreciative voice came from the phone.

The Presbyterian Church itself felt that it was almost impossible to retrieve the information, but still handed over the task to Jiang Qing, except that Jiang Qing had the ability to create miracles.

There is also the meaning of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

As a result, Jiang Qing really finished it, and it took less than a day.

Not to mention the retrieval of the information, even the country behind the scenes has been investigated clearly by him.

What Bai Xiongguo did surprised the elders.

But Jiang Gangjin didn't call here because of this matter, but because of the new culture medium.

"Have you backed up the data of the new culture medium?"

"Let Metagross back up ------- can't it?" Jiang Qing said.

He didn't have any other purpose in making Metagross back up, just in case.

"This new type of culture medium, at present, the Presbyterian Council has decided that the country will produce it together with the Jiang family. The country will account for 70%, and the Jiang family will account for 30%"

"Establish a brand new company, land, equipment, buildings, personnel, these countries will handle it, and the Jiang family will be responsible for daily management, publicity and sales"

Jiang Qing narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling that it was not simple.

Jiang Qing knew very well how useful the new culture medium was. The country should be in its own hands with this kind of weapon that benefits the country, so why would it be willing to share a piece of the Jiang family's pie, and it still benefits so much from 30%.

Once the new culture medium is successfully marketed, even if the price is expensive, many people will buy it, and the profits will be enough to make this company a new Fortune 500 company.

But the country is willing to distribute the benefits to the Jiang family.

Is it because the Jiang family has two champions, or because he found this information.

If only these two reasons do not seem to be enough.

"Grandpa, why did the elders do this?"

Hearing Jiang Qing's question, Jiang Gangjin was very pleased and said: "Xiaoqing, you can think of this question, which is much better than your grandfather's single-celled organism."

Jiang Qing: Well, I don't speak.

"Since you can guess the reason, then guess again, what is the reason?"

There is the consideration of building steel bars. Although the Jiang family has two champions and a member of the Presbyterian Church, it can be said that they are in the limelight.

But the more this kind of time, the more careful you have to be.

"It's to balance the distribution of interests between the aristocratic family and the common people."

Jiang Qing didn't think for long, and said directly.

"Hahaha, yes, if you can think of this, I will rest assured that the Jiang family will be in your hands in the future." Jiang Gangjin laughed loudly on the phone.

Most of the world's cyan qualified Pokémon are in the hands of the family and the top Breeder company. This is not only the case in Xia, but also in all countries.

Therefore, if a commoner Trainer does not have a certain ability, he will not be able to own a blue-colored Pokémon in his entire life.

More than 90% of Elite Trainers from various countries come from aristocratic families, and the chances of civilian Trainers appearing as Elites are very small.

It's not that civilian trainers are not talented enough and don't work hard enough.

The number of commoner trainers is far more than that of aristocratic trainers. On such a large basis, there are always talented people who work hard enough.

But the number of Elite born is pitifully small.

The reason is that they cannot touch the Pokémon with cyan qualifications.

Now, with the emergence of a new type of culture medium, the probability of Pokémon's cyan aptitude will be improved to a certain extent. Even if this increase is small, it is still the hope of ordinary trainers.

Most of the aristocratic families do not want commoner trainers to rise, because the cake is so big, if you raise a commoner trainer, the resources will be distributed to him.

Then the question comes, who will give him the resources...

The emergence of the new culture medium is actually not very effective for the aristocratic family. After all, even in a small and weak family, the family can still get one or two Pokémon with blue aptitude.

But for civilian Trainers, without certain opportunities and strengths, Pokémon with cyan qualifications is completely a dream.

The new culture medium increases the strength of commoner trainers, which is naturally a good thing for Xia Guo, but it is not a good thing for the aristocratic family.

Especially for small and medium families, most of the domestic resources are controlled by big families like the Jiang family, Qin family, and Xia family.

Small and medium-sized families only control a small part.

And once the civilian trainers rise, they will inevitably snatch the resources held by the small and medium families first, and they will be the first to be affected.

Therefore, if the new culture medium is promoted, it will definitely be organized by small and medium families. Once these families unite, the resistance will be very great.

As for those big families, although they will not be affected for the time being, if the civilian trainers continue to rise, their interests will be touched sooner or later.

With the emergence of a new type of culture medium, the balance point between the aristocratic family and the common people is about to be broken.

Once it is not handled properly, let alone increasing national strength, it may lead to civil strife in the country.

So how to deal with it is the most critical one.

What the elders think of is to find a speaker.

This speaker is strong enough and prestige is big enough. 4.5 With two champions and a peak quasi-champion, the Jiang family naturally came into the eyes of the elders.

If the Jiang family took the lead in promoting the new culture medium, the resistance would undoubtedly be much smaller.

Many families want to sell Jiang's face.

However, if the Jiang family didn't handle this matter well, there would be trouble between the common people of Xia, Trainer, and the aristocratic family.

The benefits are huge, but it is also a hot potato. If you are not careful, you may fall into the quagmire instead.

"I will call some family representatives to discuss this matter later, Xiaoqing, you only need to improve your strength, as long as you are strong enough."

"The status of the Jiang family will not be affected in any way"

Jiang Qing nodded, no matter when, one's own strength is the most critical. .

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