Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

809 White Bear Country

The person behind this incident was really not the Stars and Stripes or the countries headed by the Stars and Stripes, but a country that surprised Jiang Qing.

Stars and Stripes: Look, I said it wasn't me.

It wasn't that he didn't want to do it, but that it was really difficult for the spies in Laboratory No. 1 of the Research Institute to get in. Before the incident happened, they were still thinking about how to get the spies in.

And the country that did this is Xia Guo's most powerful ally ~ Bai Xiong Guo.

Stealing the laboratory's latest Pokémon egg culture solution was done by the White Bear Country.

As the neighboring country of Xia, the two have a common enemy, that is the Stars and Stripes.

And there is a huge hatred between the White Bear Country and the Star-Spangled Country, if it weren't for the design of the Star-Spangled Country [a champion in his country and a quasi-champion close to the champion would not be

Because of the death of a champion, the number of champions in the White Bear Kingdom changed from five to four.

And the overall strength loss is not small.

This caused the overall national strength of the White Bear Country to be comparable to that of the Stars and Stripes, directly and sharply decreased.

The champions are all dead, so this hatred can't be big.

It just so happens that the relationship between Xia Kingdom and the Stars and Stripes is also very tense, and Xia Kingdom is a neighboring country, so there is no huge conflict of interest in itself.

Based on the principle that an enemy of an enemy is a friend, the two countries became friends and became allies.

Xia Guo is also very happy to have such a powerful ally as Bai Xiong Guo.

Although he lost one champion, there are still four champions in the country. The number of champions is second only to Xia Guo and Stars and Stripes, and it can be said to be the third most powerful country in the world.

At that time, the overall strength of Xia Kingdom and Stars and Stripes was about the same, but Xia Kingdom had one more champion than Stars and Stripes, so the overall national strength was a little bit stronger.

The White Bear Country has been an ally of the Xia Country for decades, and the two countries have always gotten along relatively well. Occasionally there are conflicts of interest, but this is normal.

The purpose of the White Bear Country is to prevent the Stars and Stripes from being too much.

In the world, what the Stars and Stripes wants to do, regardless of whether it is right or wrong, I will oppose it, and if the opposition fails, I will secretly sabotage it.

As long as you, Stars and Stripes, are not happy, I am happy.

After forming an alliance with Xia Guo, Xia Guo gained him as a powerful ally, and conversely speaking, he also gained Xia Guo as a powerful ally.

This is a matter of mutual benefit, if there is no benefit, why should I form an alliance with you, I can't play alone.

However, in the process of Xia Kingdom's development, the mentality of the White Bear Country's ally is also slowly changing.

Xia Guo first turned the pickle country into his own back garden, and the secret relics in the opponent's country have been controlled by Xia Guo.

In the matter of the Kimchi Kingdom, the White Bear Country also made some efforts, so afterwards, the Zhen Country also gave the White Bear Country certain benefits.

But compared to the benefits obtained by the Xia Kingdom, the benefits of the White Bear Country are naturally much less.

But Bai Xiongguo didn't say anything, after all, he didn't contribute much, and it was good enough.

But with Jiang Qing becoming the champion, Xia Guo has the seventh champion, and he is still a 22-year-old champion.

Xia Guo, who has seven champions, has completely suppressed the Stars and Stripes, and has become the well-deserved Totem of this planet.

And Xia Guo also discovered a scientific relic, the technology in it is several decades ahead of the present, once Xia Guo also gets a huge improvement in technology, then he may become the Totem of this planet.

All countries depend on the situation.

What is an ally? The premise of being an ally is that there is not much difference in strength between the two sides.

If the difference in strength is large, then it is not an ally, but a younger brother.

Guo: You are talking about me.

The strength of Xia Guo Trainer has completely surpassed that of Stars and Stripes, of course it has also completely surpassed their White Bear Country, and has three more champions than their White Bear Country.

As Xia Guo researches the technology in the technological relics, Xia Guo's technological level will continue to improve.

In a few decades, Xiamen may become the world's Mightiest country.

And how terrifying Jiang Qing's strength will be after decades.

At that time, Xia Guo still needed allies.

Apparently his ally was no longer important by then.

What Xia Guo needed at that time was resources and territory. Among the countries around him, he had the most resources and the largest territory.

If a country wants to continue to be strong, in addition to development itself, there is also plundering other countries.

There is no eternal friendship between countries, only interests.

As long as you hinder my development, then we are not friends.

The strength of the Xia Kingdom made the Baixiong Kingdom, an ally, feel great pressure.

...asking for flowers...

Even if in the future Xia Guo will talk about his feelings and will not take action against them, but you dare to bet that the so-called victory is said to be defeated before it is said.

To place the future of one's country on the benevolence of another is itself a colossal mistake.

Just at this time, the spy he placed in the No. 1 laboratory of Xiaguo told him that the new culture medium of the No. 1 experiment had made a major breakthrough, and it might be successfully developed.

As Xia Guo's most powerful ally, it's normal for me to plant some spies.

Xia Guo: Yes, after all, I have planted spies, but I don't like your things, so I didn't do anything.

For this new type of culture medium, Bai Xiong Guo also has a certain understanding of the situation reported by the spies.

During the Pokémon egg period, there is a certain chance to improve the qualifications of the Pokémon after birth.


Most of the Pokémon qualifications in this world are green, and the growth limit is the quasi-Elite peak.

Most of the Pokémon with cyan qualifications are in the hands of aristocratic families, and even in the aristocratic families, there are very few. This is the same in all countries.

It is difficult for a Trainer born in an ordinary family to obtain a Pokémon with cyan qualifications.

If the green qualification is to be upgraded to the blue qualification, the resources required are also huge, which many trainers cannot afford.

Although the price of this new type of culture fluid is much more expensive than the ones on the market, it has a certain chance to make the green qualification Pokémon break through to the blue qualification.

Even if this probability is one in ten thousand, based on the huge number of Trainers, with a one in thousand chance, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of cyan qualified Pokémon can be born

As long as the number of Elite-level Trainers increases, the chances of birthing Champion-level Trainers will naturally be much higher.

It can be said that this new type of culture medium is something that can enhance the national strength of a country, and it is possible to make this country a champion earlier.

For the White Bear Country, they desperately hope that another champion will be born in their country.

Among their four champions, one of them is already very old. If this one dies, the White Bear Kingdom with three remaining champions will not be called a great power.

Moreover, the neighboring country Xia Guo has seven champions. Under the changing situation, Xia Guo may no longer look at them as an ally, but as a fat sheep. .

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