Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

728 Someone Came In

The exploration team consists of 50 people, and the leader is Xu Fu, the super power elite among the 18 Elites, whose strength is the pinnacle of the champion.

In addition to him, there are also two quasi-championships and three trainers at the peak of Elite.

These six are equivalent to the security of the exploration team.

With these six people, even the Pokémon in the early stages of the championship can fight for a while.

The remaining 44 are composed of Pokémon scholars, geologists, botanists and other experts covering more than a dozen aspects.

A group of people have been in this ruins for a month. Like Jiang Qing, after entering the ruins, they immediately found out that it is a technological ruins. The experts and scholars inside are not to mention how happy they are.

According to past experience, science has played the greatest role in helping China.

They also saw a car without wheels in the ruins, and a building with a power supply in the ruins, all of which indicated that the technology in this technological ruins was higher than that of the world they were in, at least a hundred years advanced.

This discovery surprised the expert team.

The team is worthy of being a team, each one is an elite, under their methodical exploration, it took ten to explore nearly half of the city in the technological relics.

They have not let go of every building, even some residential buildings.

I also encountered some dangers in the middle of 777, but they were all solved by the super power system Elite.

There is also a lot of scientific and technological information found.

"Porygon said that some of the information here showed signs of being compromised, and during our stay here, we did find that some servers and hosts were compromised"

After a ten-day break at noon, the members of the exploration team were staying in a building, and the speaker was an expert in electronic information.

Metagross' method of invading the server was very rough, and naturally left traces.

These servers have not been broken by Metagross because there are no space backpack technology, tenth generation solar technology and magnetic levitation technology.

And all the servers destroyed by it have these three technologies.

"You mean someone has been here"

The one who spoke was Mr. Zhang, the leader of the research team. He is one of the giants in Xiaguo's science and technology and has great authority in these aspects.

It is the existence that can directly talk to the elders' house.

And this is not the first time he has explored the ruins, the Poké Ball teleportation technology was brought out by him from a certain ruins.

Then it took eight years to develop the Poké Ball teleportation technology.

"Yes, the cars here obviously use maglev technology, but we didn't find any information about maglev technology"

"Moreover, some relevant literature records space backpacks, but we have not found them, and the same is true for energy sources."

"Some servers were destroyed, and there must be relevant information recorded in it, so that person came in."

"Old Zhang, Xu Elite, someone must have entered this ruins first and carried out destructive development." The man clenched his fists.

When the ruins were discovered by the Inspection Bureau, Xia Guo officials immediately formed an exploration team, but before the ruins were discovered, it was still unknown whether anyone would enter.

"This relic is located in the cave of Banjilas in the late stage of the champion. If someone really enters one step ahead, the strength should be at least the champion level," Xu Fu said quietly.

They were able to come in because Ginger Oreburgh lured away the late-champion Bandieras and they came in.

But now someone came in first, if it is a team, then the strength may not have reached the champion, after all, if there are too many people, they can use the method of distracting Bandieras.

But if there is only one person, maybe it is really the champion.

"No, our champion didn't come in. It's impossible for champions from other countries to sneak into Xia Kingdom without us knowing."

Shaking his head, there are only six champions in Xia Kingdom, and there is no so-called hidden champion, so it can be ruled out that it is the champion who entered this technological relic.

"As long as he is not a champion, Xu Elite can definitely deal with him"

Xu Fu nodded. (abbd) If you really want a champion trainer, they may not be able to win a group fight. There is also a premise that the opponent is only an early champion, and Song has ten Song champion Pokémon.

"Xiao Nan, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that his youngest student, Gongyang Nan, seemed to be in a daze, Mr. Zhang couldn't help asking curiously.

In this team, Gongyang Nan is also among them, and his own teacher has five places, so Gongyang Nan signed up.

As for whether there will be danger in the ruins, she doesn't care.

"Nothing." Gongyang Nan shook his head.

Before Jiang Qing went to the ruins, she told her that she went to explore the ruins.

At that time, Gongyang Nan thought that Jiang Qing was going to the ruins that had already been discovered.

But now she felt that what Meiqing was exploring was this new ruin.

Because this relic is located in the Cave of Bangiras in the Hala Desert.

And this is where Jiang Qing found the Ganoderma lucidum, and it is very likely that Jiang Qing discovered this new relic by the way when he found the Ganoderma lucidum.

Jiang Qing told Gongyang Nan where he found the Ganoderma lucidum.

Combined with Porygon saying that the server was invaded violently, isn't this a masterpiece of Metagross.

So Gongyang Nan suspected that the person who entered the ruins before them was Jiang Qing.

But she didn't say it out, after all, this is Jiang Qing.

"Xiao Nan is not feeling well, is it?"

The student who spoke was also an elder, two years older than Gongyang Nan, and now he was looking at him with concern.

Gongyang Nan is so beautiful and has a very good figure, which is liked by all men.

Even though she has made it clear that Jiang Qing is her boyfriend, there are still many people who like her, and this is one of them.

During this time, Gongyang Nan has been attending classes and doing research at Imperial University, because he is Gongyang Nan's senior, and he usually contacts more people than Normal.

Naturally, it was discovered that Jiang Qing never came to find Gongyang Nan at all, and he also asked Gongyang Nan from the side, but Gongyang Nan only said that Jiang Qing had something to do.

He felt that there was a relationship problem between the two of them. Even if there was no problem, since Jiang Qing was a trainer, it would take at least half a year to go to the secret realm, and directly hold a video meeting for half a year.

Therefore, the other half of Trainer has the highest cheating rate.

The second highest is the other half of Pokémon scholars. After all, once Pokémon scholars start research, they will not go home for ten days and a half months.

Without this, he had the idea of ​​prying Jiang Qing's corner.

"I'm fine." Gongyang Nan shook his head.

She naturally understands what the other party is thinking, but even if she doesn't have Jiang Qing, she still doesn't like the other party.

"That's fine, if you need anything"

The man nodded, but he didn't lick excessively, he was quite scrutinizing, and he really was a dog licking with a high IQ. .

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