Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

727 Ruins Were Discovered

Nine months later, Jiang Qing stood on a tall building overlooking the city below. This is the tallest building in this technological relic.

Metagross was right in front of him.

"Is there anything missing?" Jiang Qing asked.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross nodded.

This technological relic, all about space backpack technology, magnetic levitation technology, and the tenth generation solar technology, these three technologies were all copied by Metagross into the Mega computer in the body.

The tenth generation of solar energy technology is the key to the energy source of this technological relic until now.

All the three kinds of information in this technological relic were destroyed by Metagross, so now these three kinds of information are only available in Metagross.

As for other technologies, Jiang Qing just copied them all, and did not destroy them.

After all, things cannot be done absolutely. Sooner or later, the Xia Kingdom officials will discover this relic. When they come in, they will definitely be very happy to find that it is a technological relic.

As a result, after careful exploration, damn, all the technical information has been destroyed.

Obviously someone came in first.

Later, the Jiang Group developed technologies such as space backpacks and magnetic levitation, which are easily associated with this technological relic.

So Jiang Qing had to give soup to the official people, after all he was considered a patriotic young man.

Most of the technologies in this technological relic are higher than Xia Guo's existing ones. Even if Jiang Qing took away the three most critical ones, the remaining technologies are enough for Xia Guo to study.

Moreover, Jiang Qing is from the Xia Kingdom, he gave the technology to his own group, as long as he does not betray the country, the technology actually belongs to the Xia Kingdom, and it is the same reason.

In eight months, besides copying these three technologies, Jiang Qing also explored the entire technological relic.

This technological relic is divided into three parts, one is where Jiang Qing is now, a high-tech city, the second is an ancient giant tree, and the third is a huge lake

The ancient giant tree met Mew, who gave him a lot of treasures, and because of the protection of the three gods, Jiang Qing couldn't explore, so he gave up.

For the rest of the lake, its strongest Pokémon is the peak champion, a Milotic. After being defeated by Metagross, Jiang Qing easily subdued it.

After all, this is Milotic, reputed to be the most beautiful Pokémon.

And in terms of rarity, they are all younger brothers in front of it.

Milotic Jiang Qing doesn't plan to use it in exchange for benefits, so I keep it in the pool, which is very eye-catching when you look at it normally.

Jiang Qing was the only one who could use a Milotic, a quasi-champion peak, as an ornamental fish.

In addition to this Milotic, such a big lake of love naturally found a treasure of water.

Star Grass: Pokémon's defense is doubled (only used by water-type Pokémon)

Jiang Qing naturally gave this item to the big housekeeper, Daidai. He only has one water-type Pokémon, so as long as it is a water-type treasure, it is exclusive to Daidai.

In addition, other treasures were also obtained in this lake, so I won't talk about it.

"The exploration is almost done, let's leave this ruin tomorrow〃||"

Jiang Qing stretched her waist and stayed in this ruins for nine months, that is more than half a year, now it is time to go out.

I haven't contacted my family members for nine months, and it has always been a lost contact Contest Condition. Fortunately, Jiang Qing is strong, and my family members feel at ease about him.

If it was someone else, if he hadn't come out after nine months in the ruins, his family would probably have canceled his account a long time ago.

Maybe my wife has remarried.

According to the official regulations of the Xia Kingdom, if one enters a ruin or a secret place and does not come out for more than two years, and no body is found, it is defined as death.

Go back in time by one month.

It has been eight months since Jiang Qing entered the ruins in the Imperial Capital of Xia, and Jiang Oreburgh has not received any information from Jiang Qing.

He wasn't too worried about Jiang Qing's safety.

"Boom boom"

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in"

The person who opened the door was Ginger Oreburgh's private secretary, a middle-aged man with a serious face.

"Champion Jiang, news has just come from Hala City that they have detected fluctuations in the ruins in the Hala Desert, and the location is in the Cave of Banjilas"

Because the relics and secret places appear irregularly, many of them appear in the deep mountains and old forests, so it is difficult to find them.

So every once in a while, people from the inspection agency will inspect the country of Xia to see if there are new secret places and ruins.

When Jiang Qing entered that relic, Jiang Oreburgh knew that this new relic would be discovered in the next inspection.

"What will the elders say?" Jiang Oreburgh said lightly.

"The Presbyterian Church means that I hope you, Champion Jiang, will send some people to explore."

My good grandson had already sneaked in ahead of time, and I didn't report it to the superiors, after all, people have their own selfish motives.

Let yourself get an exploration team to go in, they go in, it's no wonder they can find good things.

Jiang Oreburgh: What other good things can there be? With the ability of my good grandson, 80% of the good things in the ruins have already been taken away.

Although Jiang Qing hides well, Jiang Oreburgh more or less knows how Jiang Qing can find treasures in the secret realm or ruins.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain that Jiang Qing can find treasures every time she enters a secret realm or ruins.

The meat Ganoderma lucidum last time is the best proof.

He wanted to go to the Hala desert to look for it, but Jiang Qing refused to let him go, saying that he had a way to find it, and he did.

"`. Why do you ask me for this kind of thing? Let the elders decide on their own." Jiang Oreburgh said

The secretary nodded.

Jiang Oreburgh is now a champion and a strategic weapon for the country. If he is still a quasi-champion, then he must be the candidate to lead the team this time.

But after becoming a champion, even if he wanted to explore the ruins and secret realms, the Zhenguo Presbyterian Council would not agree.

(Qian Nuo's) After all, for any new ruins or high-level secret realms, although the first exploration is very rewarding, it is also very dangerous.

Most of the first batch of explorers will die, and some dangers cannot be overcome by your strength.

All countries have their own champions who feel that they are strong, so they choose to explore new ruins or secret realms above advanced levels, and finally die in them.

As the champion of a country, there are a lot of unknown ruins, so don’t even think about exploring it for the first time, but it’s okay for the second time.

The elders were a little surprised to learn that Jiang Oreburgh asked them to arrange people themselves.

Although the first exploration is very dangerous, but there are many opportunities. They let Jiang Oreburgh arrange people, in fact, they are giving Jiang Oreburgh some advantages.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Oreburgh would arrange some people from his own faction to explore the ruins.

As a result, Ginger Oreburgh refused. .

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