Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

716 Group Destroyed Aluminum Steel Dragon

"four minutes"

Aggron looked at Jiang Qing nervously, and was relieved when he heard that he had finished in four minutes. Today's food was considered safe.

But why does my Trainer look a little ugly? Didn't I complete the task within the specified time?

Jiang Qing used the Psychic to levitate herself into the air, and looked at Aggron. Such a huge guy subconsciously turned his head, feeling a little guilty for some reason.

"My expectation in my heart was actually three minutes, but it took you four minutes." Jiang Qing patted Aggron's head lightly with the palm of his hand.

I didn't dare to use too much force. After all, if I use force, I will be the one who hurts.

"Anyway, you are a quasi-champion. It took you four minutes to deal with this group of aluminum-steel dragons." Jiang Ran stared at Aggron in disbelief.


Aggron looked at Jiang Qing aggrieved.

Didn't you say five minutes?

If you say three minutes, I can do it too.

"Dare to talk back?" Jiang Qing glared again.

Aggron stopped talking, showing a pitiful look, looking like a young daughter-in-law who has been pissed off by 27.

As for the fifty-five aluminum-steel dragons, they were all lying on the ground at the moment. Although there were a lot of them, they were not enough to look at an Oreburgh monster like Aggron.

The opponent's perverted defense power cannot be broken by their attacks at all. Even the aluminum steel dragon in the middle stage of Elite, its attack on Aggron's body is almost like a Tickle itch.

Even the defense can't be broken, and Aggron is invincible.

Subdue all the aluminum steel dragons one by one, but the leader Jiang Qing didn't subdue it, but waited for it to wake up.

Aggron also knew that this guy was very likely to be his future partner, so he acted with discretion. Coupled with the physique of the steel-type Pokémon, the aluminum-steel dragon woke up in about five or six minutes.

Wake up and take a look.

Well, my own people are gone.

And in front of that human being, there were a lot of Poké Balls, no more, no less, exactly fifty-four.

I wanted to resist at first, but I felt that I was shrouded in a shadow, I looked up, okay, that monster is right in front of me,

OK, I give up.

Jiang Qing looked at the aluminum steel dragon sitting on the ground, as if you could do whatever you like.

Walking up to the other party: "There are other groups of aluminum-steel dragons in this ruins?"

Aluminum Steel Dragon is a new species of Pokémon, and it is currently found in this ruins. It may be found in new secret places and ruins in the future, but it is only here.

Of course, Jiang Qing wanted to subdue all the Al-Steel Dragons in this ruins, so that the Jiang family could monopolize the Al-Steel Dragon, a powerful dual-line Pokémon of steel dragons.

With such a large relic, there shouldn't be only one Aluminum Steel Dragon.

Aluminum Steel Dragon: I won't say it.

Very backbone.

Its words also prove that there are other aluminum-steel dragon groups in this ruins.

Jiang Qing smiled, then pointed to the fifty-four Poké Balls beside her and said, "You don't want your clansmen to have trouble, do you?"

Aluminum Steel Dragon: (艹盘)

It stood up directly from the ground, but in the next second, Aggron's palm was pressed on its shoulder, and with a little force, it sat on the ground again.

Aluminum steel dragon: 00||

Seeing that Aluminum Steel Dragon is still silent, Jiang Qing: "Kartana"

The Poké Ball opens and Kartana appears.

Look at Aluminum Steel Dragon: You want me to chop off its head.

Aluminum steel dragon: (QAQ)

It's so cruel, it will cut off my head as soon as it comes out, and this guy is so small.

But the sharp aura emanating from Kartana's body made Aluminum Steel Dragon dare not underestimate it at all. The other party seemed to have the ability to cut off his own head

Aluminum Steel Dragon: There are three more, located in the east, west and south of the city.

I'm not a traitor, I'm just thinking of my own people.

Aluminum Steel Dragon thought so.

Jiang Qing glanced at Kartana, and the attendants moved away the Sacred Sword placed on Jin Ganglong's neck with some disappointment.

Aluminum Steel Dragon heaved a sigh of relief.

Jiang Qing's current location is in the north of the city, which means that there are aluminum and steel dragons in the four directions of the city's east, west, north, and south.

He took out the Poké Ball and subdued the aluminum steel dragon, and the guy didn't resist.

Next, Jiang Qing went to the east, west and south respectively, and took a while to find the three aluminum-steel dragons.

There are 30 aluminum-steel dragons in the east, and the leader is the mid-term Elite, and Lucario has solved all of them in three and a half minutes.

There are fifty-six aluminum-steel dragons in the south, and the leader is the late Elite, which Kartana can solve in four minutes.

Now that Jiang Qing has come to the north, there are only 20 aluminum-steel dragon groups here, but its leader turned out to be a Pokémon at the peak of Elite, and Jiang Qing found a different-color aluminum-steel dragon in his group.

The normal color of the aluminum steel dragon is generally white, and the palm and abdomen are purple black, while its main part is light blue, and the palm and abdomen are lavender.

The strength is the early stage of Elite, and the qualification is still blue.

The number of this aluminum-steel dragon group is small, but the quality is much higher than the other three.


Jiang Qing dispatched Dragonite.

Pokémon: Dragonite (Dragon Flying)


Qualification: Purple

Ability: mental power

Props: Dragon Fang

Gender: male

Moves: Hurricane, Wing Attack, Roost, Leer, Dragon Tail, Twister, Thunder Wave, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Safeguard, Slam, Rain Dance

Skill discs: Protect, Thunderbolt, Hyper Beam, Icy Wind, Hydro Pump,457 Flamethrower, Substitute, Iron Tail Breaking Swipe

Genetic Abilities: Extrreme Speed, Dragon Stars, Dragon Dance, Outrage

Note: Soaking in the dragon pond will increase the power of dragon moves by 25%.

Elite's hypertrophy in the late stage has no pressure against the prospective champion.

Seven minutes later, the twenty aluminum-steel dragons were blown to the ground.

After subduing them all, Jiang Qing pinned the Poké Ball of a different-colored aluminum-steel dragon to his waist.

Although this guy is only in the early stage of Elite, his level cannot be compared with the leader of the four aluminum steel dragons, but he is a different color, and his qualification is blue.

The level can be raised slowly, but such things as different colors are innate, you are born with it, you have it, and if you don't, you don't have it.

Jiang Qing managed to subdue one hundred and sixty-one aluminum steel dragons, and he used the same method to ask the leaders of the other three aluminum steel dragons, asking them if they had other groups of Jingang dragons.

They all mentioned the other three branches except their own.

Now the leaders of these four aluminum steel dragons are very guilty, thinking that because of their own reasons, the other three were captured by Jiang Qing.

In other words, there should be no aluminum-steel dragon group in this ruin due to the probability.

Aluminum steel dragons are active in groups, and there are almost no single aluminum steel dragons.

Jiang Qing wiped out all the aluminum-steel dragons in this ruins. .

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