Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

715 Aluminum Steel Dragon Group

The help of flame crystals to Arcanine is actually not very great, and it is estimated that it can only increase the power of fire-type moves by about 2%.

It's not good without this thing, the value of this thing is second only to the fire element treasure.

It's because Arcanine has eaten two fire-type treasures, plus other fire-type treasures, and her background is very terrifying.

Therefore, this flame crystallization can't send carbon in a timely manner, it can only add to the cake.

Moltres: This silly dog ​​has something good to eat, but I don't, so I'm not as good as this silly dog.

Moltres' Poké Ball is expressing displeasure, obviously jealous.

And it found that Arcanine was looking at him with smug eyes, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

Arcanine: Silly bird, as long as I am here, you will always be the mistress.


Jiang Qing patted Arcanine helplessly, did not see that Moltres' Pokémon "810" ball was about to shake into a sieve, you are so proud, "It will come out and peck you to death.

In a real fight, Arcanine is naturally not the Rival of the quasi-championship level Moltres. ,

When he first subdued Moltres, he could fight a dozen, but as Moltres followed Jiang Qing and was fed good things by Jiang Qing, his background gradually became deeper. Coupled with the advantage of level, Arcanine is no longer the Rival of Moltres up.

To prevent this Erha from continuing to slander, Jiang Zhi took it back to the Poké Ball.

"Next time I have something good for you." Jiang Qing patted Moltres' Poké Ball.

Among this pile of things, the best thing is the flame crystallization. Of course, there are many fire treasures, but Moltres just doesn't like it.

If Jiang Qing really gave Moltres these fire treasures, he would definitely be angry.

Moltres: What the hell, I eat worse than that silly dog, the new bird still can't beat the old dog after all.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross: I also found a group of Pokémon that I had never seen before.

Metagross's Mega computer records all Pokémon that have been discovered so far. It says it has not seen it now, that is, it is a variety that has not been discovered so far.

"Oh, what's the Attribute?" Jiang Qing became interested.

A new breed of Pokémon is also a great opportunity, if the new breed of Pokémon is still a rare and powerful "discovery", it will definitely lead to the pinnacle of life.

Metagross: There is a high probability of Steel type.

"New breed of Steel type Pokémon!!"

Now Jiang Qing's interest is even greater. After all, he is a steel-type trainer, the steel-type is the main attribute, and the second attribute is the dragon-type.

"Have you marked it?" Jiang Qing asked.

Metagross nodded, it left its own spiritual imprint on the leading Pokémon, and it could sense it as long as it was within a certain range.

"Take me to see"

Daidai has packed up everything here, Jiang Qing took it back into the Poké Ball, and Metagross took Jiang Qing and Celebi out of the hotel room using Teleport.

The place where it reappears is a place full of Rocks, and there are many factories around it, which should be all factories for processing Rocks.

At the same time, Jiang Qing also saw the new breed of Pokémon that Metagross was talking about.

Standing on two feet, the whole body seems to be made of aluminum metal, the head and body are clearly connected, and the structure of the whole body is relatively clear.

The tail-like part at the back of the body is a whole piece of bulge. It has some curved stripes on its body, and the palms, lower abdomen and feet are composed of metal substances of different colors.

They are all eating the Rocks piled on the ground.

The number is about fifty.

The leader is the middle stage of Elite, twenty quasi-Elite, five or six of them are at the peak of quasi-Elite, and the rest are at the elite level

Jiang Qing aimed his probing eyes at the mid-Elite Pokémon.

Pokémon: Aluminum Steel Dragon (Steel/Dragon)

Level: 75

Qualification: green

Ability: Light metal

props: none

Gender: male

Moves: Metal Claw, Leer, Rock Smash, Hone Claws, Metal Sound, Breaking Swipe, Dragon Tail, Iron Defense, Laser Focus, Dragon Claw, Flash Cannon, Metal Burst, Hyper Beam

Skill Disc: None

Genetic Abilities: Slash, Night Slash, Mirror Coat, Dragon Pulse

Steel series and Longshuang Attribute.

This Attribute and Jiang Qing really match unexpectedly. Jiang Qing's first Attribute is steel, and the second Attribute is dragon. Zinc steel dragon just happens to be steel and dragon.

The other aluminum-steel dragon, Jiang Qing, also scanned with probing eyes.

The number is also accurate at fifty-five.

In addition to the leader with cyan aptitude, there are three others with cyan aptitude, and these three are at the quasi-Elite peak.

I have to say that the qualifications of Pokémon in the ruins are indeed much higher than those in the secret realm, and the number of Pokémon is much smaller, but the danger has risen linearly......

Aluminum Steel Dragon and the others also found Jiang Qing as an uninvited guest at this moment, and stopped eating.

Its leader was watching Jiang Qing warily.

Intuition told it that there was something wrong with the way this guy looked at him, which was similar to the way he looked at his wife, with a kind of possessiveness.


Jiang Qing sent Aggron without any nonsense.

The seven-meter-tall Oreburgh monster appeared on the ground, covering the sunlight. Its hideous appearance and the horns on its head that seemed to pierce the sky caused riots among the aluminum-steel dragons.


The leader of the aluminum-steel dragon let out a roar, and the majesty of the leader calmed down the panicked group.

Pokémon: Totem Class Aggron (Steel/Rock)

Grade: 81

Qualification: blue

Ability: Heavy Metal

Props: Metal Coat

Gender: male

Moves: Roar, Tackle, Harden, Headbutt, Protect, Iron Head, Rock Close, Metal Claw, Take Down, Iron Defense, Autotomize

Skill discs: Earthquake, Sandstorm, Dig, Shock Wave, Rock Slide, Rock Smash, Water Pulse, Dragon Claw, Focus Punch, Iron Tail, Thunderbolt, Stone Edge

Genetic Abilities: Land of the Earth, Heavy Slam, Endeavor, Dragon Rush

Note: Use the soul of Totem to become a Totem Pokémon

Note: After using the black light spar, Pokémon absorbs the sun's rays at 5.1 moments to restore its physical strength (limited to steel system, Rock Factory)

Note: With the use of diamond cores, the power of Rock and Ground moves will increase by 20%.

The average height of the aluminum steel dragon is 1.8 meters, its leader is taller, about two meters, and the Aggron is seven meters.

The triple pressure of level, aura, and height made the leader of the aluminum steel dragon suddenly lack of confidence.

But it knew that if it didn't defeat the big man in front of it, it and its clansmen couldn't get away.

Here Jiang Qing said: "If you defeat it, I will let you go."

Then he looked at Aggron: "If you can't solve them in five minutes, you don't have to eat today"

"Metagross Chronograph"

"Kang Jin"

Aggron: That's the beginning, at least let's talk about the beginning. .

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