Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

708 Unown's Abnormality

Here, Steelix has dug the gate of the relic again, and Metagross has returned with a Poké Ball containing Benjiras.


Jiang Qing took back the Steelix and asked Metagross to take him to the ground. When he came down, he buried the hole again and sprayed it with deodorant, so that Bandieras would not find that other people had been in his cave when he came back.

Looking at the gate of the ruins in front of him, Jiang Qing took Metagross and plunged in.

In the next second, Jiang Qing and Metagross were at the gate of the ruins.

"I go"

Looking at everything inside the ruins, his eyes widened a bit.

What catches the eye is a series of high-rise buildings, which are located in an orderly manner, and none of them are lower than 100 meters.

Below is a wide road, and there are even cars parked on the road, but these cars seem to have no wheels.

If Jiang Qing was not sure that he had entered the ruins, he would have thought he was still in the capital or the capital.

Apart from the fact that there are no people in this ruins, as far as I can see now, it is completely a metropolis, and looking at the cars without wheels, the technology is even higher than them.

"Is this a technology-based relic?" Jiang Qing's eyes suddenly lit up.

Ruins can be roughly divided into two categories, one is based on 233 technology, and the other is based on Pokémon.

These two categories can also be subdivided into several types, which will not be discussed here.

Currently, Pokémon Healing Pods, Poké Ball Transmission Devices, Poké Ball Production Technology, Pokémon Potions and other things in the human world are all obtained from technological relics.

It is precisely because of these technologies that human beings have made great progress in technology, and technology can be understood by analogy.

For example, the Pokémon treatment chamber, this thing can be used on human beings by changing it. Although the effect is not as good as that used on Pokémon, it can also treat many diseases.

The Pokémon-based ruins are easy to understand. There is no technology in them, and Pokémon is the main one. These Pokémon are often rare and powerful, and there are even level-1 gods.

The three god pillars, the three god birds, and the three holy beasts were all discovered from Pokémon-type ruins at the beginning.

Except that the second of the three holy beasts has not been found so far, the other two are not unique.

As far as human beings are concerned, technological relics are obviously better than Pokémon-based relics, and they are the most helpful to human beings themselves.

Looking at the high-rise buildings in front of me, many of them look like office buildings, high-end shopping malls, restaurants and the like.


Jiang Qing suddenly showed an uncomfortable expression, and covered her chest.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross: What's wrong.

Metagross looked at Jiang Qing nervously, and at the same time looked around, thinking that Jiang Qing was attacked by a Pokémon it couldn't detect.

Although this is a technology-based relic, there are still Pokémon in it, but the number of Pokémon is relatively small.

But they are all awesome.

Celebi ran out from the Poké Ball and asked worriedly: Are you going to die?

Jiang Qing: (crap dish crap)

"I can't die, let you down, if you can't talk in the future, don't talk," Jiang Qing said through gritted teeth.

The pain in the chest has been relieved, but it is getting hot. Putting your hand on it, you can obviously feel that the temperature is higher than other places.

And Jiang Qing could clearly feel something in his chest.

Those two Unown.

They were the cause of the pain just now and the fever now.

east side

This is Unown's message to Jiang Qing.

Something to the east attracted them.

to go or not to go

Unown has always been a mystery to him, and apart from raising his Psychic to an advanced level, the other party has not shown any magic since then.

If Jiang Qing could not feel that they were still in his body, he would have thought that the other party had left.

But now after entering this ruins, the Unown, who hadn't moved for a long time, suddenly moved.

This had to make Jiang Qing cautious (cddg).

What is there in the east, danger, or opportunity?

Perhaps it was because Jiang Qing didn't move for a long time, and the burning sensation in his chest was increasing, but it was still within the tolerance range.

"Tell me whether the east side is dangerous or not, or I won't go." Jiang Qing gritted his teeth, and activated the power of the waveguide, trying to push Unown down.

No danger, no danger.

Message from Unown.

Regarding Unown's words, Jiang Qing didn't mean to disbelieve it, after all, after getting it, the other party never harmed her, and her body didn't have any problems.

Thinking of this, Jiang Qing released Dragonite, jumped from Metagross onto its back and said, "Fly to the east."

If you are riding on Metagross, if you encounter danger, Metagross will react and protect yourself at the same time, which will undoubtedly increase the difficulty.

The city was unexpectedly large, Dragonite flew with Jiang Qing for almost half an hour, and they still haven't flown out of the city.

Although Dragonite's current flying speed is not very fast, in half an hour, the flying distance is nearly 200 kilometers.

Flying all the way, I didn't meet any Pokémon on the way.

The destination has not yet arrived, because Unown is still feverish.

It flew for about ten minutes.

down, down!!!

It appears to be here.

"Under the Dragonite" Jiang Qing said.

Looking down, there is a tall building of more than 300 meters below, the outer wall is covered with blue glass, and the building is surrounded by relatively short buildings and buildings that look like factories.

Looking at the layout, it may be an industrial park of a certain company.


go in, go in!!

It's about letting yourself into the building.

The gate of the building was closed. Jiang Qing had just taken a few steps forward, thinking about whether to let Metagross violently destroy it, when the gate suddenly moved to the left and right.

This is the sensor door.

"Is there still energy?"

Jiang Qing showed an incredulous expression.

I don’t know how many years this technological relic has existed, and why it still has electricity.

Even though it just appeared in Xia Kingdom, it was formed very early, it just didn't appear before.

Looking at the camera-like device on the door, this thing is a sensing device, as long as someone passes by, it senses, and the door will automatically open.

After looking at Metagross, the other party said that there is no Pokémon breath in it.

When you walk into the gate, you will see the turnstile, and you have to swipe your card to open the turnstile.

Jiang Qing is not an employee of this building, so where did he get the card, so he chose to use the simplest method.

Just jump over.

A dashing hurdle.

"How to go in the back"

Ten floors underground! Ten floors underground.

Unown's voice came from my mind. .

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