Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

707 Go To The Ruins

Now that the family members have left the manor, Jiang Qing is the only one left in the whole manor. He releases Dragonite and jumps on its back.

"Go back to school," Jiang Qing said.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross: Really back to school?

What do you mean, do I go back to school falsely?

Jiang Qing looked at Metagross with a puzzled expression, as if he had nothing else to deal with in Shanghai.

Seeing that Jiang Qing really forgot, Metagross said helplessly: Why don't you go to the ruins in the Hala Desert.

Hearing this, Jiang Qing suddenly realized, and slapped his forehead: "If you don't tell me, I will really forget about it."

Where I found meat Ganoderma lucidum before. Steelix discovered a relic door, but Jiang Qing didn't explore it because her grandma was in a hurry.

Thinking of waiting for grandma to detoxify and come back by herself.

In the end, I forgot. If it wasn't for Metagross' reminder, Jiang Qing would really go back to school.

As for when to remember, that is an unknown.

"Then I won't go back to school, I'll buy a plane ticket first"

Due to the perennial sandstorm, Hala city does not have an airport, so you can only buy airports in nearby cities.

This time, I don't need to be as anxious as last time. I let Dragonite gallop for three days and three nights. I didn't feel well, and Dragonite was also tired.

"Booked, flight ticket at 3:00 pm"

Jiang Qing told his grandfather Jiang Oreburgh on the phone again that he found the place where Ganoderma lucidum was found and found a new relic, and he wanted to explore it.

In fact, he didn't have to say anything at all, maybe he tricked Jiang Oreburgh into going to the secret realm by himself, so don't worry if he can't be contacted.

The reason why I said it was because if I was trapped in the ruins, Oreburgh could come in and save me.

If you don't say it, you are really trapped in the ruins, who knows where he is.

Once discovered, secret realms and relics above the high level are strictly prohibited from entering and exploring by private individuals, and must be organized by the official team.

One is that for the sake of safety, the authorities will prevent the gods and beasts sleeping in the secret realm and the ruins, and the explorers will cause trouble, anger it, and cause it to come out and destroy the city.

This kind of thing happens in every country.

The second is that private exploration focuses on personal interests, and self-interest is very heavy, and it is very likely to conduct destructive excavations on secret places or ruins.

The third is that although the first batch of explorers are dangerous, they often gain the greatest benefits. Of course, Naogata wants to hold this benefit in his hands.

Jiang Oreburgh looked at the information and was speechless for a long time. All the undiscovered relics were found by his grandson, and they were in the place where Banjilas lived.

Didn't that place be inspected? Could it be that because of the level ten sandstorm, not only the meat Ganoderma lucidum appeared, but also the ruins appeared.

Before, Jiang Qing felt that the authorities hadn't found a relic under the place where Banjilas lived [because the energy emanating from the relic was concealed by the aura emanating from Banjilas.

Actually not.

The loopholes he can think of, of course, the official can also think of.

This relic reappeared together with the Ganoderma lucidum after the tenth-level sandstorm.

So the officials haven't found out yet, which makes Jiang Qing cheaper.

"Pay attention to safety"

Jiang Oreburgh sent these four words to Jiang Qing.

He really wanted to enter the ruins with Jiang Qing, but it was obvious that his grandson didn't want to go with him by himself, otherwise, he should have told him and his father about this matter in the manor, instead of talking to himself alone .

He didn't even think about Jiang Qing eating alone. The biggest possibility he could think of was that if he went with him, the secret of his grandson might be exposed.

"It's a good thing grandpa didn't say we want to go together"

Looking at the message, Jiang Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

in a few days.

Hala Desert, the hill where the champion-level late-stage Bangeras is located.

Jiang Qing and Metagross hid their aura.


The Poké Ball is turned on, and Bandiers appears on the field.

"Bangiras, it's time to show your masculine charm, hook him up" Jiang Qing pointed to the hills in the distance.

That banjilas is a female.

However, Jiang Qing, a Benjilas, didn't seem to understand what he meant by [looking at Yang Qing with a confused face.

"Just release your breath," Jiang Qing said helplessly.

I understand now.

Could it be that the charm of a male is to let me release my breath.


Bandieras released his aura unscrupulously - the aura of the peak of the elite.

And in a certain cave on the hill, Banjilas, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes.

Banjilas: Man - No, it's a male Banjilas with a weak breath

In the Hala Desert, there is no Banjilas family. It came here from other places when it was Larvitars hundreds of years ago.

So it has not seen its own kind for more than a hundred years, and the other party is still male.

Banjilas walked out of the cave quickly, heading towards where Jiang Qing's Banjilas was.

Jiang Qing's Banjilas here seemed to have sensed the existence of the same kind, and looked ahead suspiciously.

々Bangiras continue, wait until I let the Zhuang Jin monster come and pick you up"

After speaking, Metagross used Teleport to take Jiang Qing away from the spot, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the Cave where Bangeras was.

"Steelix dig down and find the gate of the ruins"

Steelix said that I am familiar with this, and I have dug it this time.

As Steelix entered the ground, Jiang Qing handed Banjilas' Poké Ball to Metagross and said: "It's time to take Banjilas back"

"That guy is too strong, even a Totem-level Pokémon of Banjilas probably can't stand it"

Metagross: I suspect you're driving.

Bandieras, who was in the late stage of the championship here, finally saw his own kind.

A very tall species of its kind, estimated at seven meters.

The height of most Banjilas is about two meters, and because it has become a champion Pokémon, its body has developed again, so it is three meters tall, which is considered to be more than most Banjilas.

But Jiang Qing's Banjilas is a Totem-level Pokémon, with a height of seven meters alone, twice as tall as it. (Li Nuo's)

Champion-level late-stage Benjilas: From now on, you will be my face-to-face.

The fate of Bangeras was directly announced.

Although this male Benjiras is of a low level, his aptitude is very good, and the children he gives birth to will not be much worse than himself in the future.

Jiang Qing's Banderas: Mian Shou? What is this.

Seeing the same kind walking towards him step by step, Jiang Qing's Bandieras suddenly tightened his heart, always feeling that there was something else in the other's eyes looking at him.


Benjilas subconsciously took a step back, and hurriedly looked at himself, only to remember that his Trainer had just left.

"Kang Jin"

At this time Metagross appeared.

Bangeras: Boss, help me.

It was about to cry.

Metagross took out the Poké Ball and took it back, then used the Teleport to disappear in place.

Champion Class Bangeras: The face of my mother!! Bar!.

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