Don't look at Dragonite's simple appearance, it looks like a good old dragon, of course it is a good old dragon, going out from time to time to help wild Pokémon in distress.

The strength of the old good dragon is very good. Under the dragon god's dive, the Grassy Terrain was directly defeated by the strong dragon energy.

At the same time, the ground below is also shattered under the dragon energy as the Dragonite continues to advance.

"Ba na"

The target of Dragon God's dive is Venusaur. The latter sensed the crisis and released Earth Power. With the ground trembling, a huge Rock appeared in front of Dragon God's dive.


Rock was directly defeated like a piece of tofu in front of Dragon God's dive.

But in the next second, Mengge Cactus' Bullet Seed and Venusaur's Seed Bomb attacked one after another, and the moves of the two sides continuously weakened the energy of Dragon God's dive.

With the combined force of the two Pokémon, Dragonite's Dragon God dive finally stopped at a distance of more than 30 meters from Venusaur.

"Mengge cactus be careful"

Elder Lin's slightly anxious voice came into the ears of Meng Ge Cactus, and then the latter felt an extremely sharp breath appearing above his head.

Kartana: Sacred Sword.

Milky White's Sacred Sword slashed at the top of Meng Ge's cactus head. The latter's reaction speed was also extremely fast. After getting the trainer's prompt, he didn't even instinctively raise his head, and directly used protection.

The Sacred Sword fell, protection formed.

There was a tearing sound, as if the cloth strips were being cut.

Under Mengge Cactus' surprised eyes, the protection was sliced ​​open by the Sacred Sword, and then a white light flashed in front of his eyes, and then its body was sent flying by the Sacred Sword

Venusaur quickly used Vine Whip to catch the Mengge cactus, the latter had a painful expression on his face, if the protection had not offset part of the power of the Sacred Sword, it might have fallen by now.

Kartana turned into a ray of light and headed towards Mengge's cactus again. He was somewhat unwilling to deal with it with a single blow.

Venusaur tried to block Kartana with Vine Whip, but the opponent's small body was extremely flexible, and fifty or sixty Vine Whip were about to form a net." Kartana still failed.

Fury Cutter!

Kartana's limbs turned into extremely sharp swords, streams of light continuously slashed at Mengge's cactus body, the latter had no power to resist at this moment.


Venusaur Vine Whip hit Kartana again, because Kartana is now attached to Mengge's cactus, if Venusaur wants to use other moves, it is very likely that Kartana missed, but hit Mengge's cactus instead.

Vine Whip flew through the air, but was firmly grasped by a hand.

Dragonite looked at Venusaur, then pulled his arm back forcefully, and Venusaur's huge body was pulled directly.

Fire Punch.


Facing the Venusaur Dragonite that flew past, he punched out, and with the explosion of flames, huge power poured into Venusaur's body, and at the same time released the Vine Whip [Venusaur's body flew out backwards with a sound.

Kartana, who was using the Fury Cutter, felt movement behind her, and her lithe body moved above.

In the next second, Venusaur's huge body hit Mengge cactus heavily, and then the two Pokémon hit the protective cover together.

Mr. Lin took out the Poké Balls and took them back.

But in the face of absolute strength, no matter how well they cooperate, it is useless.

Does Dragonite cooperate with Kartana? There is indeed some cooperation, but not a lot. Compared with Venusaur and Mengge cactus, their cooperation is equivalent to no.

The reason why they won is that their own strength is much higher than that of Venusaur and Mengge Cactus. This is why they won the game without a high degree of cooperation.

Jiang Qing also took back the two Pokémon.

At the same time, Elder Lin has sent a single-player Pokémon.

Pokémon: Shaymin (Grass)

Grade: 87

Qualification: blue

Ability: Natural Recovery

Props: Miracle Seed

Gender: None

Moves: Growth, Magical Leaf, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Sweet Breath, Healing Wish, Worry Seed, Aromatherapy, Energy Ball, Sweet Kiss

Skill Disc: Protection, Sunny Day, Bullet Seed, Solar Beam, Double Team, Grass Knot, Psychic, Rest, Flash

Genetic Skills: None

Looking at the Pokémon that looked like a hedgehog on the field, Jiang Qing was slightly taken aback.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Shaymin, the magical Pokémon of the grass type.

Mr. Lin owns Shaymin, and many upper-level trainers know about it, but Jiang Qing has never investigated him, so he was a little surprised.

And this Shaymin is still a Pokémon in the late stage of a quasi-champion, and its real combat power can definitely reach the peak of a quasi-champion.

As expected of the oldest national gymnasium owner, his strength and heritage cannot be underestimated.

Don't look at Jiang Qing owning several Legendary Pokémon and Fantasy Pokémon, that is because he is lucky enough, but most Trainers may never meet one in their lifetime, let alone subdue it.

Since it's a Phantom Pokémon, let's send it.

Jiang Qing throws the Poké Ball.


With a loud cry, Moltres of Fire Red spread his wings and took to the air.

Originally, Celebi was actually a better choice, but this guy has been abandoned by Jiang Qing, and he looks fat Doduo, if he really sent it out, he would be the one who would be ashamed.

And he has no plans to expose Celebi at the moment.

Although Celebi really wants Jiang Qing to expose itself, so that it can go out with Jiang Qing in a fair manner, go shopping and eat together, the latter may be more important.

Pokémon: Moltres (Fire/Flying)

Grade: 84

Qualification: blue

Ability: Sense of oppression

Props: Hard Charcoal

Gender: None

Moves: Gust, Leer, Ember, Safeguard, Wing Attack, Agility, Ancient Power, (Wang Zhaohao) Burn Up, Air Slash, Roost, Heat Wave, Sunny Day, Hurricane, Endure, Overheat, Bird Slam

Skill discs: Protection, Take Down, Flame Charge, Flame Vortex, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter, Endure, Fly, Will-O-Wisp, Fire Blast, Hurricane, Flare Blitz, Solar Beam

Genetic Skills: None

Note: With the use of light flint, the power of Flamethrower is doubled

Moltres, hovering in mid-air, looked down at his own Rival. It sensed an aura similar to itself from it.

Jiang Qing patted Metagross' Poké Ball on his waist, who was expressing his dissatisfaction. He thought Jiang Qing would send it out, but instead he sent Moltres.

This is disgusting that my grade is not as high as Moltres.

Arcanine's Poké Ball is also shaking, as if to express, such a little hedgehog, I can kill it with one bite.

Shaymin stared at Moltres, with a small body, without the slightest fear, but with fighting spirit in his eyes. .

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