Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

621 Kartana, Dragonite

Venusaur, Mengge cactus, a meat tank, and a main attacker. From this aspect, two Pokémon are really suitable for doubles matches.

In the doubles match, Jiang Qing also played it when he participated in the Hundred Schools Exchange Tournament in his freshman year, and he also played it with his partners.

Of course, that is not considered doubles, after all, there is no coordination at all, they are all directly pushed horizontally with hard power.

Therefore, Jiang Qing does not have real doubles experience.

But does it matter, it doesn't matter.

While thinking, he threw two Poké Balls.

Pokémon: Dragonite (Dragon Flying)

Level: 75

Qualification: Purple

Ability: mental power

Props: Dragon Fang

Gender: male

Moves: Hurricane, Wing Attack, Roost, Leer, Dragon Tail, Twister, Thunder Wave, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Safeguard, Slam, Rain Dance

Skill discs: Protect, Thunderbolt, Hyper Beam, Icy Wind, Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, Substitute, Iron Tail, Breaking Swipe

Genetic Abilities: Extrreme Speed, Dragon Stars, Dragon Dance, Outrage

Note: soaking in the dragon pool, the power of the move will increase by 2511%

Pokémon: Kartana (Grass/Steel)

Grade: 74

Qualification: blue

Ability: Beast Boost

Props: Life Orb

Gender: None

Moves: Fury Cutter, Vacuum Wave, Razor Leaf, False Swipe, Cut, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Detect, Night Slash, Synthesis, Laser Focus, Fog Elimination, Leaf Blade, Sacred Sword, Sword Dance, Guillotine

Skill discs: Ultimate Strike, Protection, Solar Blade, Brick Break, Psycho Cut, Smart Strike, Sword Dance, Iron Defense, X-Scissor, Calm Mind, Sleep Talk, Iron Defense

Genetic Skills: None

Jiang Qing sent Dragonite and Kartana, which is actually not the best combination. If you want to win the game quickly, send Moltres and Metagross to be a good combination, or replace Kujin Monster with Arcanine.

But Jiang Qing didn't send any Fire Pokémon.

Dragonite spread its wings and flew in mid-air, looking at the two Pokémon below with innocent eyes.

Kartana raised his right arm: I'm going to hit two today, it's superfluous.

Obviously it doesn't want to share its own Rival with Dragonite, one hit two can show its strength.

“Really Excellent Pokémon”

Old Lin looked at Resisting the Sword, his old eyes were full of appreciation.

He has seen countless Pokémon in his life, but there are not many Pokémon that he truly considers Excellent, even his own Pokémon, not all of them are Excellent.

"Venusaur Grassy Terrain"

"Ba na"

With the glowing green light emitted from Venusaur's body, the whole venue was instantly covered with grass more than half a meter high.

The venue has also changed from the original general venue to the current Grassy Terrain.

Under the field skill Grassy Terrain, the power of grass will be improved, and it can also continue to recover its own physical strength.

The duration is related to the energy of the Grassy Terrain.

With the strength of the quasi-champion of Venusaur, if it uses Grassy Terrain with all its strength, it can cover the entire city.

Kartana is very unimpressed by the weeds in front of him. It is also a grass type. On this Grassy Terrain, it has not received any improvement. "After all, this thing is not created by humans.

With a wave of his right arm forward, Air Slash cut off the green grass in front of him with a sharp breath, and at the same time kept moving forward, aiming at Venusaur.

Given Venusaur's size, speed certainly has nothing to do with it.

Mengge Cactus raised his right arm, and Brick Break hit the Air Slash swiftly. With a bang, the Air Slash was directly defeated, and its body only took a few steps back.

After it was done, it looked towards Kartana, and the spikes on its body suddenly burst into countless light spots.

It was Pin Missile, nearly 100 Pin Missiles were fired, most of them went towards Kartana, and a few flew towards Dragonite in the air.

Kartana: Small tricks.

Just when Kartana was about to use the Fury Cutter to chop off the attacking Pin Missile, suddenly two arms-thick Vine Whip stretched out from the grass.

Vine Whip bound Kartana's arms instantly.

The sturdy Vine Whip is harder than steel bars and has great strength. With both arms stretched and restrained, Kartana is hard to move at once, and it is not a Pokémon known for its strength.

If you switch to Aggron, Lucario, Metagross, they will directly tear your Vine Whip off.

The relationship between Venusaur and Mengge Cactus is indeed very tacit.

Not all of the Pin Missiles of Mengge cactus hit Kartana, but a small part of them hit Dragonite, in order to prevent Dragonite from rescuing Kartana.

And Venusaur's Vine Whip, under the cover of the grass on the Grassy Terrain, approached Kartana without anyone knowing it.

Jiang Qing actually knew that Venusaur's Vine Whip was hidden outside the grass, and the reason why he didn't remind Kartana was to let this proud guy take back his contempt.

Don't always think that the boss of Trainer, your second child, Tian can only be the third child, where do you put the giant boss in the team.

Meng Ge's cactus and Venusaur's attacks were not over yet. A Vine Whip flew out of Venusaur again, and the Vine Whip headed towards Kartana with bursts of sound like rockets being fired.

The number of Venusaur Vine Whips is between 20 and 60. There is currently a Venusaur with 300 Vine Whips recorded in the world record.

Kartana, who wanted to resist the Pin Missile and settle accounts with them, saw Venusaur's Vine Whip attacking her, her face changed slightly.

Venusaur is the quasi-champion Pokémon, and the level of strength is there. If he is really hit by these Vine Whips, even if he is 140, he will not fall down. The injuries on his body will also greatly affect his performance.

Kartana felt a little regret for her carelessness.

But by this time, it has not asked Dragonite for help, or it has long forgotten Dragonite as a partner.

But Dragonite didn't, and bent down, standing in front of Kartana.

As for the Pin Missile used by Mengge Cactus to prevent it from rescuing, Dragonite sees it as a joke.

Dragonite, who stood in front of Kartana, clenched his right hand in the face of the incoming Pin Missile and Vine Whip.

A million punches.


The fist blasted out, and the surging power destroyed everything in front of him.

The Pin Missile was crushed, the Vine Whip was broken into pieces, and most of the surrounding green grass was emptied.

As Dragonite who followed Jiang Qing in the early days, its background is much higher than Kartana, and Dragonite is still a quasi-god.

A simple punch easily resolved Kartana's crisis. Dragonite looked at Kartana innocently, as if asking if she was injured.

Kartana: Even if you don't come, I can handle it.

Well, it's still the same, and it's hard to die.

Dragonite: I'll let you Retaliate.

Kartana: Actually, I can report it myself.

But after it finished speaking, Dragonite rushed towards Venusaur, turning into a ferocious dragon halfway.

Dragon God swoops down!!!.

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