Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

615 Goodbye Xiang Wutong

Putting down the phone, Jiang Qing had confirmed that the person invited by the Zhang family was Xiang Wutong, and smiled slightly, wondering what expression this guy would have when he saw him.

But what did the Zhang family use to invite Xiang Wutong? Even if the Zhang family became a vassal of the Xiang family, it would not be necessary to send out their own heir for such a middle-level family.

This looks like the heir is a bit of a drop in price.

The two brothers of the Gao family were observing Jiang Qing's expression all the way, seeing the other party smiling, and felt that Mei Qing should be in a good mood now, so Gao Qiang said: "Young Master Jiang, after the matter is over,

Can we have dinner together?"

Which Trainer in Xia Kingdom is the most popular now, it is definitely Jiang Qing.

And the Jiang family is the Xia Guo Apex family. Although there are fewer people, their strength lies here.

Their Gao family is a vassal family of the Tian family, so they are covered by the Tian family, because some families will not deliberately provoke them. "Seven Seven"

Unless there are absolute interests, or the family itself has a background not weaker than that of the Tian family.

For example, the current Zhang family is like this.

And the backstage of their family is stronger than the Tian family. They are the Apex family, and their background and comprehensive strength are higher than that of the Tian family.

Otherwise, the Tian family would not let Jiang Qing, a non-family member, come over.

Gao Qiang naturally wanted to establish a good relationship with Jiang Qing while being a vassal of the Tian family.

He didn't think about leaving the Tian family and becoming a vassal of the Jiang family. If he did so, they would be destroyed by the Tian family, and the Jiang family would not help them at all.

Jiang Qing nodded. After all, he was also a vassal family of Grandpa's family, and he also admired Gao Qiang.

About an hour later, the car arrived at the location of the Zhang family.

The Zhang family is already waiting here.

As the two brothers got out of the car, Jiang Qing also got out of the car.

"Where is Patriarch Zhang?"

Gao Qiang saw that the Zhang family who picked him up in front of him were all the juniors of the Zhang family, not even an elder, let alone the head of the Zhang family.

This is to eat yourself.

Gao Qiang sneered in his heart.

Thinking about it, there is also the heir of the Xiang family to help them. Without Jiang Qing, they really have no hope of winning.

"The patriarch is in the house"

He was the son of the Zhang family's legitimate son, and his expression was flat with a little disdain.

"Patriarch Zhang is very arrogant. Although our brothers from the Gao family are indeed not worthy of him coming out to welcome him, isn't Young Master Jiang also qualified?"

Goldman Sachs looked at Zhang's son-in-law domineeringly, although he was a little pretentious, but Jiang Qing didn't care, and he came here to support the two brothers.

Although Jiang Qing was standing with them, but because he was wearing a mask, the Zhang family members in front of them didn't know that this person was Jiang.

I thought it was the subordinates of the Gao brothers or the juniors who had come to learn a lot.

But even if Goldman Sachs said Jiang Shao, these people didn't immediately think of who Jiang Shao was referring to.

"Young Master Jiang, what is Young Master Jiang, you can call yourself a young master now that you are an individual."

The Zhang family's son sneered, not paying attention to Jiang Qing at all.

Jiang Qing felt that this guy was quite brave, and it had been a long time since anyone dared to talk to him like that.

Before Jiang Qing could speak, Gao Qiang kicked Zhang's son-in-law hard in the stomach, kicking him four or five meters away.

Gao Qiang's actions of course angered the surrounding Zhang family.

Originally, they might still be wondering who Jiang Shao was, but now that Gao Qiang made such a move, the anger in their hearts immediately came, so they didn't care who Jiang Shao was.

In their Zhang family's territory, kicking their Zhang family's son-in-law is slapping them in the face.

They are all young people, so they are naturally very angry.

Fortunately, he was still a little sensible, and did not let Pokémon make a move, but surrounded Gao Qiang.

Goldman Sachs said to Jiang Qing: "Young Master Jiang, just wait a moment"

As he spoke, he immediately stood with big brother Gao Qiang.

Surrounded by five people, the two brothers did not panic at all, and were even eager to try.

These young people are really cooperative, and they are thinking about how to deepen their friendship with Jiang Qing, and now the opportunity has come.

They were reckless, and it was normal to fight since childhood, so even if there were many opponents, the two of them didn't think they would lose.

Jiang Qing said that he could actually come by himself. He has learned Bajiquan from Shen Yu and Mega re-suppressed the Constitution.

Not to mention the few in front of me, there are a hundred of them, as long as they are human, he is a child with one punch.

"Kill 'em to me"

The son of the Zhang family staggered up from the ground, his face was full of pain, and at the same time his expression was extremely ferocious, he pointed at the brothers of the Gao family and roared angrily.

Just when the people of the Zhang family were about to do something.

"Jiang Qing!"

Then the Zhang family saw Xiang Wutong, the most honored guest in the family during this time, running in front of Jiang Qing excitedly. …

"You really came to Haijing City"

Xiang Wutong looked at Jiang Qing.

I heard Xiang Wutong call the masked man in front of him Jiang Qing.

As a child of an aristocratic family, this name can be described as thunderous.

There was an instant bang in the head.

It turns out that Young Master Jiang in the mouth of the Gao family brothers is

Fuck, what the hell is this little brother, he's a raptor crossing the river.

Here Jiang Qing has already taken off his mask, and after seeing his face, the faces of the Zhang family changed drastically.

Secretly scolding Jiang Qing for being a bad person, what kind of mask does he wear properly? If you don't wear a mask, this incident will never happen.

And when they saw that their backer, Wutong, knew Jiang Qing, and they seemed to have a good relationship, their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.

If Xiang Wutong and Mei Qing didn't know each other and were still on their side, then Jiang Qing probably wouldn't say much for Xiang's family's sake.

And this matter itself is also a small matter.

"Why did these people offend you?"

Xiang Wutong sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and when he came out just now, he did see the Zhang family preparing to beat someone.

And these two people should have come with Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing looked at Zhang's son-in-law. The latter's complexion was very pale. He didn't know whether it was pain or fright, or both.

Here, Xiang Wutong's face also changed a little ugly.


A slap was thrown on the face of Zhang's son-in-law.

4.1 He and Jiang Qing are partners who have gone through life and death in the secret realm together, and he was able to break through to the quasi-champion thanks to Bing Po, which was found for him by Jiang Qing.

A mere Zhang family, even if the other party has what they need, they are naturally nothing compared to Jiang.

Zhang's son-in-law was in disbelief.

He didn't expect Xiang Wutong to stand on Jiang Qing's side so resolutely, not even giving himself a chance to explain.

"Apologize to Jiang Qing, or you will know the consequences"

Xiang Wutong looked at the Zhang family coldly.

At this moment, he changed from a member of the Zhang family to an enemy.


Here, the Zhang family's son-in-law was about to apologize, but he was slapped in the face again, and it looked like his father had slapped him.

"Nizi, quickly apologize to Young Master Jiang"

The head of the Zhang family looked angry. .

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