Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

614 The Reason For The Incident

The four Pokémon fought for more than half an hour before they stopped, and there was no winner, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Metagross had a considerable advantage.

Dragonite and the others didn't fight with all their strength. After all, if they really fought with all their strength, the protective cover would definitely collapse, and the aftermath of the battle would destroy everything around them.

Even the entire Gardevoir Hotel will be affected, resulting in casualties, and the consequences will be more serious.

Of course, Metagross didn't use all his strength, otherwise Dragonite, Moltres, and Yujian would have fallen at least one or two in half an hour.

The field has been completely turned into ruins under the battle of four Pokémon.

As the four Pokémon returned to Jiang Qing, there were still traces of battle on their bodies.

Gao Qiang subconsciously took a few steps back, but Gao Qiang was still standing beside Jiang Qing, a little behind Jiang Qing.

Metagross could not help but glance at Gao Qiang, and then withdrew his gaze.

Instead, Kartana flew directly in front of Gao Qiang: Human~ Do you want to have a game with me?

Watched by Kartana, Gao Qiang's hairs instantly stood on end. If he hadn't forcibly suppressed his body's instincts, he would have retreated and released Pokémon by now.

He knew that without Jiang Qing's order, Kartana would not-will hurt himself.

Looking at Jiang Qing, he seemed to be asking what Kartana was talking about.

Jiang Qing said with a smile: "It said it wanted to fight with you, it seems that you have some skills, and you can be spotted by Kartana."

With Kartana's arrogance, she doesn't like to bully the weak at all, but she wants to fight against the strong, which shows that the opponent has something recognized by Kartana.

"Jiang Shao is too famous, I dare not fight your Pokémon"

Gao Qiang said hastily.

Although he came from a reckless background, he is now a mid-Elite trainer, and his vision is also very vicious.

With his own strength, he can defeat Normal's Elite mid-stage, but against any Elite mid-stage of Jiang Qing, he will definitely be bloody.

He witnessed the battle of the four Pokémon just now, with that kind of destructive power, whoever enters will die.

Seeing Jiang Qing's strength up close, Gao Qiang is completely at ease about the next thing, if such strength is not enough, then Gao Qiang will retire from the world.

Put all the Pokémon around into the Poké Ball.

"Stay dumb, go back to your room first"

Instead of putting Daidai back into the Poké Ball, let it go back to the room, because Celebi is in the room, so if he is not there, this guy runs out, so it is better to let Daidai stare at it.

"Yah dong"

He nodded blankly.

Then he took out two packs of walnuts from the small backpack behind him and handed them to Gao Qiang and Gao Sachs brothers.

I didn't bring walnuts with me yesterday, so I didn't send them. I bought some on Qigu Street at night.

Famous scene: Daidai gives walnuts.

The two brothers took over the walnuts from Daidai, and they are still a little unclear, but this doesn't seem to be a bad thing. I think Jiang Shao's Pokémon likes him, otherwise why would he give him walnuts to eat.

After delivering the walnuts, Daidai also left.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the room, I saw the takeaway staff put the food at the door yesterday, and I knew without thinking that Celebi must have ordered it.

At the entrance of the hotel, Jiang Qing had already boarded the Gao brothers' car.

"Tell me about the specific things, but my second uncle just gave me a general idea," Jiang Qing said.

The Tian family is a rich family, and some of Jiang Qing's cousins ​​are very excellent. Even they can't solve it, so the circle has a little interest.

"The No. 60 Intermediate secret realm managed by our Gao family has expired this year. According to the regulations among the Haijing City families, after the secret realm expires, the next round of secret realm control rights will be obtained through Pokémon battles. Foreign aid can be invited, but the age Must not be over thirty years old"

"In the past, for the sake of the Tian family, we were in charge of Secret Realm No. 60"

"But the Zhang family has relied on the Xiang family this year, and it seems that he is the heir of the Xiang family. This person has already defeated Master Tian Hao in private."

Tian Hao is the son of Uncle Jiang Qing, I haven't seen him for a while, and Jiang Qing doesn't know the specific strength of this cousin.

But when he heard about the heir of the Xiang family, his face was a little weird and funny.

If it was Xiang Wutong who made the move, then the younger generation of the Tian family is really not his rival, and even the older generation may not be able to win against him.

No wonder the second uncle let himself do it.

Secret Realm No. 60 is an Intermediate secret realm. The biggest feature of this secret realm is that there are many grass-type Pokémon, so there are naturally more types of fruits and herbs in the secret realm.

As for Gao's Pokémon Breeder Company, it is thanks to Secret Realm No. 60 that it can be so good.

Without the control of this secret realm, the benefits of the Pokémon Breeder Company will definitely be greatly reduced.

0...... Ask for flowers......

The Zhang family was listed on the Xiang family, and the Xiang family is a big Apex family, so the Zhang family is naturally not afraid of the Tian family, so they competed with the Gao family brothers for the control of these 60 strings of secret realms.

As for how they invited Dongxiang Wutong, the heir of the Xiang family, it is unknown.

Jiang Qing took out his mobile phone and opened Xiang Wutong's chat interface: Are you in Haijing City?

It didn't take long for Xiang Wutong to reply: Yes, how do you know.

Jiang Qing: It is calculated by pinching fingers.

Xiang Wutong: Fart, play tricks.

Xiang Wutong is drinking coffee at the location of the Zhang family in Haijing City.

The coffee was made by Zhang's daughter-in-law, and she is standing next to Xiang Wutong, with a reserved expression, she looks like a maid.

"How does Xiang Shao taste?"


With Jiang Qing's message back in his hand, he casually said.

I have drank coffee that is brewed dully, and other people's coffee is not comparable at all.

The daughter of the Zhang family didn't seem to understand Xiang Wutong's perfunctory, and said with a happy expression: "Then I will continue to soak for Xiang Shao tomorrow."

"No, too much coffee is bad for your health"

Xiang Wutong shook his head, then silently put down the barely touched coffee.

Looking at the phone, continue typing.

He muttered in his mouth: "Is this guy also in Haijing City?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the Zhang family walking in, and said respectfully: "Young Master, it seems that the Gao family has also invited foreign aid. We are still investigating who it is, but it will definitely not be your Rival." "


Xiang Wutong nodded nonchalantly. He is now a quasi-champion trainer. After leaving the secret realm, Abomasnow successfully became a quasi-champion with the help of the ice-type treasure, Ice Soul.

And his position as the heir of the Xiang family is completely secured.

It is absolutely rare to become a quasi-champion at this age, if Jiang Qingzhuyu hadn't been in front, then he would definitely be the number one among Xia Guo's younger generation.

"Shao Shao, my daughter is also an ice trainer, and she adores you very much, do you have time to give some pointers tonight?"

The daughter of the Zhang family looked at Xiang Wutong shyly.

Xiang Wutong: "Yes"

He is not Jiang Qing, he will never refuse a woman who comes to his door. .

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