Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

591 I Want To Be The Owner Of The Museum?

During this period of time, Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Lan were very busy, receiving many aristocratic families who came to ask for cooperation every day.

Because the fact that Jiang Qing brought back the top secret realm has already spread among the great families.

This kind of thing can't be hidden.

The Jiang family has already confirmed the cooperation with the military, and the cooperation with the aristocratic family naturally has to pick and choose the aristocratic family that is not strong enough to even step into the door of cooperation.

Only big families like the Xia family and the Qin family are qualified to cooperate with the Jiang family.

Qin Wu and the four of them also told their parents about the resources of this top secret realm, the most important of which is the Attribute beads, which can upgrade the cyan aptitude to the blue aptitude.

This alone is enough to drive the great families crazy.

However, most of the beads in the secret realm had already been taken away by Jiang Qing, and he didn't take away the remaining few. After all, he ate meat and had to give people some soup.

Otherwise, if those cooperating families couldn't even find a single Attribute bead, they might think it was the Jiang family's fault.

A few days later, after Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Lan finalized several aristocratic families for cooperation, the matter was finally over.

Jiang Oreburgh returned to the imperial capital. As the 26th champion, he has a lot of things to deal with every day.

"I'm going back to school in a while"

"Why did my little girlfriend call?"

Seeing Jiang Qing hang up the phone, Jiang Lan joked on the side.

"Women are too much trouble"

Jiang Qing shook his head. It was Gongyang Nan who called. Knowing that he had come out of the secret realm, he asked him when he would return to school.

"You boy"

With Jiang Qing's old-fashioned look, Jiang Lan suddenly got a little angry and said, "I heard that Gongyang Nan is very good, you have to hurry up!"

Jiang Qing originally wanted to say, women will only slow down my pace of becoming a champion, but seeing Tian Rou approaching now, he changed his words: "No hurry"

For women, Jiang Qing has always been in no rush. After all, with his identity and strength, he really has no shortage of women.

Of course, this refers to the Common woman.

Grandpa like Gongyang Nan is a champion, and she is also very excellent. She has no shortage of men to pursue her.

"After a while, the assessment personnel of the association will come. As long as you defeat him, you will be the owner of the steel gymnasium." Jiang Lan took out an apple on the table, and flexibly peeled it with a knife

He is now the current Steel Element Elite, and at the same time the owner of the National Steel Element Gymnasium. He has two jobs, and his working hours have been extended, so he has no extra time to go fishing.

Now that his son has become a quasi-champion, it is time to share the burden for himself, so he plans to make Jiang Qing the owner of the steel gym.

Jiang Lan had this plan after becoming a steel elite.

I just didn't expect Jiang Qing to grow up so fast, to become a quasi-champion after going to the secret realm, and even though Metagross is in the late stage of Elite, he can also display the strength of a quasi-champion.

As a father, his son Excellent is certainly something to be proud of, but if he is too Excellent, there will be pressure.

The speed of Jiang Qing's growth made Jiang Lan feel a sense of crisis.

To put it bluntly, he is now in the same rank as Jiang Qing, and everyone is a quasi-champion. Of course, in terms of overall strength, Jiang Qing is definitely not as good as Jiang Lan.

At least Jiang Lan already has six Pokémon who are quasi-champions, and strictly speaking, Jiang Qing only has one Pokémon, Moltres.

This is the same as the king, one is the ten stars of the king, but the other is the hundred stars of the king.

The gap is still quite large.


Jiang Qing nodded helplessly, he never thought that he would inherit the family's gymnasium at such a young age, he is still just a student.

As for the assessment personnel of the association that Jiang Lan talked about, they were used to assess Jiang Qing to see if he had the strength to become the head of a national gymnasium.

All Jiang Qing has to do is to defeat him and obtain the qualification to become a stranger.

Once you become the owner of the museum, things will inevitably increase. Jiang Qing, who has a mentality of salted fish, is actually somewhat unhappy.

But there is no way, he will inherit this steel gym sooner or later, unless he is a waste material and can't even become an Elite, then Jiang Lan probably wants to have a second child.

Now that you have a second child, Zhenguo will reward you with 2,000 yuan!!!

"By the way, about the secret realm No. 20, how much do you know about those two sleeping first-level gods?" Jiang Lan's expression was a little serious.

The No. 20 secret realm is Jiang Qing's top-level secret realm, and now Xia Guo officially named it the No. 20 secret realm, which is also in order.

Counting this, Xia Guo already has 20 top-level secret realms, ranking second in number.

The second most is that the Stars and Stripes has 17 top secret realms.

Regarding everything in the top secret territory of No. 20, especially the two sleeping first-level gods, Xia Guo's high-level officials attach great importance to it.

Any country must pay attention to a first-level god. The destructive power of a first-level god is enough to destroy a small country.

"I don't know much, I only know that one is called Solgaleo and the other is called Lunala. The former represents the sun and the latter represents the moon"

This is indeed the only thing Jiang Qing knows about this aspect.

"The reason why they fell asleep should be that they fought against an amazing existence and protected the No. 20 secret realm, but they also fell asleep because of exhaustion."

"My opinion, of course, is not to bother them"

Sleeping means that they are recovering their strength. You go to wake them up. If they don't give you a big pussy, it's considered a good temper.

573 And the existence of a first-level god, if you can not provoke it, then don't provoke it.

Even if you approach with good intentions, the other party may not necessarily think so.

"Well, the higher-ups think so too." Jiang Lan nodded.

More than ten years ago, a sleeping first-level god was found in the top-level secret territory newly appeared in the Stars and Stripes, and the Stars and Stripes woke him up.

After the first-level god ran out, it destroyed several cities in the Stars and Stripes, causing the death of tens of millions of people. The Stars and Stripes lost a champion and dozens of Elites.

In the end, it was the level one god who left on his own.

And the name of the first-level god is Giratina.

As for where the other party is now, it doesn't matter. It's still in the Pyramid Kingdom since the last time it appeared.

The example of the Stars and Stripes is the first one. Of course, Xia Guo dare not disturb the sleeping first-level god, and there are still two of them. If this is messed up, Xia Guo might become a big country from a mega country.

So it's better not to die, otherwise you can't bear the seriousness of the consequences.

Now this No. 20 secret realm has been placed east of Lancang City by Jiang Qing, and a large number of troops have been stationed nearby to prevent the Pokémon from the secret realm from escaping.

If a large number of Pokémon come out, Jiang Qing can choose to close the secret realm.

If there is a small amount, it is natural to rely on the army to solve it. .

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