Yinbai Province, Lancang City, home.

Jiang Qing was lying on the sofa, and Celebi was sitting on Jiang Qing's stomach, holding their mobile phones together.

Against the road, your emperor is back"

Celebi: As soon as you come back, grab my confrontation road.

"In the past six months, you have not gained much weight, which really surprised me a little bit."

Jiang Qing controlled Aggron and pressed the opposing laner under the tower. As a result, the opponent's middle laner Mage Alakazam came to support, and cooperated with the opponent's opposing laner Steelix, sending Jiang Qing back to the spring.

During the resurrection, Jiang Qing looked at Celebi who was sitting on his belly, still fat and Doduo, but left with him.

For more than half a year, I didn't take care of myself and Daidai, shouldn't this guy fry chicken and coke every day.

When he got home, he was thinking that this guy Celebi has grown into a ball from time to time, and has completely become a "seven six zero" pig.

The result - some Crisna hope.

When did this guy have self-control?

Hearing this, Celebi immediately showed a proud expression: I tell you that I am a Constitution who can't get fat by eating. Now this weight is my limit. How to eat later, I won't gain weight.

"What, what are you doing, Alakazam has come to arrest me three times, it's fine if you don't come, the other party didn't drop a bit of the tower."

Jiang Qing wanted to continue to hate Celebi, but he was killed by Alakazam again, so he was a little angry now.

My mother hasn't played Pokémon Glory for more than half a year, and once I play, just give me this.


Jiang Qing immediately began to ask for help. With Celebi as a cheater, he couldn't even try to win. He needed Tongtian, who was Daidai.

But it was Ai Guan Si and Magearna who came over.

Magearna had some sweets in hand.

During Jiang Qing's absence, Magearna learned a lot from Ai Guanshi, most of which were life skills, and dessert was naturally one of them.

Because his hands were empty, Jiang Qing opened his mouth, and Magearna took a macaron and wanted to feed it to Jiang Qing.

Aiguanshi: Are you sure you want to do this!!

Jiang Qing immediately put down the phone, took the macaron from Magearna, stuffed it into his mouth, and under the expectant eyes of the other party, Jiang Qing praised: "The taste is very good, Magearna seems that you have worked hard all this time Well"

Magearna narrowed her eyes happily when she heard the words, and Jiang Qing's appreciation made it feel that the hard work during this period was instantly rewarded.

Then it gave Celebi another piece.

Jiang Qing and Celebi finished the eight macarons made by Magearna soon.

And this game is over, looking at the opponent's exploding crystal, and his own record of 1 bar 8, Jiang Qing - give praise to the five opponents.

Celebi complained to the five people on the opposite side, and the reason was to give away their heads.

After the two finished all this, the two quit the game together.

This win is completely a fluke, if you continue to fight, you will lose 80% of the time.

Sure enough, we still have to wait and stay together.

Putting down the phone, Jiang Qing asked: "I like to take care of the waiter, are you dumb?"

Aiguanshi: I went out to buy ingredients for dinner.

"Ai Guan waits for me to go to the backyard to have a look"

After speaking, Jiang Qing got up from the sofa and brought Celebi to the backyard by the way.

When he got home, he put all his Pokémon in the backyard.

As soon as he reached the backyard, a blue shadow rushed towards him. When he was seven or eight meters away from him, he jumped and fell heavily into Jiang Qing's arms.

"Don't do anything to other people in the future, or that person will get hurt"

Jiang Qing stroked Bagon's head, and said helplessly and dotingly.

The injuries are considered minor, just because of the force of Bagon's bump, if not, it will be over.

Thanks to him having Mega Pallet Town's Constitution.

Looking at Bagon who kept rubbing against his chest, Jiang Qing suspected that the other party didn't listen at all, so he couldn't help but smile.

Pokémon: Bagon (Dragon)

Grade: 17

Qualification: blue

Ability: Hard head

props: none

Gender: male

Moves: Leer, Ember, Bite, Dragon Breath

Skill Disc: None

Genetic Abilities: Thrash, Dragon Dive, Dragon Pulse, Outrage, Claw

Before going to the secret realm, Bagon was at level ten, and half a year later it was level seventeen. Of course, this upgrade speed must be considered slow.

But Jiang Qing doesn't care, his Pokémon is enough, he doesn't need Bagon to grow up so fast, and for dragon Pokémon, the accumulation of background is the first.

A Bagon can only evolve into a Shelgon at level 30, and a Salamence at level 50.

Caressing the Bagon, Doublade flew in front of Jiang Qing, the waveguide exuding a little resentment, as if looking at a heartbroken man......

Nima went out for more than half a year, and brought another sword when she came back, so this is why you didn't take me there.

The key point is that this sword is still very powerful, and I can't beat it at all, otherwise it would have let it know who is the boss.

Kartana: Something like rubbish, how can it compare to me.

Jiang Qing was a little embarrassed by Doublade's look, and couldn't help touching his nose: "Kartana was an accident"

After speaking, he immediately looked around, um, Kartana is not around, so there is no problem with what he said.

When Doublade heard this, he immediately came to Spirit: Wait, can you say this again in front of Kartana.

It wants to let that bitch know who is the first sword in Jiang Qing's hand.

Jiang Qing: "This and that are not impossible-but you know-this kind of thing is difficult to find something to do-of course I didn't say no-"

Xia Guo government official: This official accent is even more slippery than myself.

Take a look at the Pokémon in the backyard.

"Where did Moltres and Kartana go"

Not seeing these two guys, Jiang Qing was slightly taken aback.


Lucario: The two of them went out with Salamence, and Salamence said to take them for a walk.

As the native Pokémon in the secret territory, they are very curious about everything in the outside world. During this time, they often go out to play with Jiang Lan's Salamence.

Jiang Qing nodded, showing 4.4 that he understood.

I didn't worry about their danger either. One quasi-champion and two Elites, if this kind of combination goes out, if someone makes a decision, "the unlucky one is also the one who made the decision.

Moreover, this is Lancang City, the Jiang family's stronghold, and there is only one Salamence in the entire Lancang City, so with Salamence carrying it, no one dares to think about them.

And the fact that Jiang Qing owns Moltres has spread as he left the secret realm and killed an Elite from Baga Country.

Ordinary people may not know about it yet, but many of the aristocratic families already know about it, and each of them expressed strong envy.

The other Pupitar also wanted to go out, but unfortunately it had no other choice due to its size, so it could only vent its depression by eating.

I have eaten several meals of ore during this time. .

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