Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

577 Metagrossvs Tapu-Mingming

A few days later, Jiang Qing joined Yue Peng and the other four people again.

Looking at the main force of the four, Pokémon, the strength of the training and the investment of resources during this period has indeed improved significantly.

Xiang Wutong's Abomasnow qualification has turned blue, and has broken through the quasi-championship.

This made Xiang Wutong very embarrassed, he is only 27 years old now, becoming a quasi-champion in this grade is rare in the entire history of Xia Kingdom.

As long as one becomes a quasi-champion before the age of 50, there is a possibility of becoming a champion in the future.

The younger the age of becoming a quasi-champion, the greater the possibility of this.

Of course, Xiang Wutong can't compare with Jiang Qing, he is a quasi-champion at the age of 20.

Knowing that Jiang Qing is a pervert, the target of comparison with Xiang Wutong and others is never Jiang Qing, but the people around him.

For example, Xia Fei who is only at the peak of Elite, and Qin Wu and Yue Peng who are also at the peak of Elite.

The five came to the beach on the east side of Melemele Island.

On the beach side, there is a bird with a height of about 1.8 meters and a golden bird head. The Saffron-colored moganzi hairstyle on this bird's head is very eye-catching.

I didn't expect to see such a fashionable guy in the top secret realm.

"Tapu-Woo, it seems that you already know my purpose"

Jiang Qing looked at the patron saint of the island, he just wanted to challenge the other party today, but he didn't expect the other party to know in advance and was already waiting for it on the beach.

Pokémon: Tapu-音铃(Electric/Fairy)

Grade: 90

Qualification: blue

Ability: Electrical Manufacturer

props: none

Gender: None

Moves: Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Withdraw, Fairy Wind, False Swipe, Spark, Shock Wave, Charge, Agility, Screech, Discharge, Mean Look, Nature's Madness, Wild Charge, Brave Bird, Power Swipe, Aura Field

Skill Disc: None

Genetic Skills: None

The pinnacle of the quasi-champion at level 90, as expected, this guy is the strongest among the four island patron saints.

At that time, if it had broken through to the championship with the power of the Assist island, instead of Tapu-moo, then even if Jiang Qing had all the members, he would be the one who lost.

"Will Jiang Qing win?" Qin Wu asked worriedly.

The aura emanating from Tapu-wuwu was too strong, and she was a little out of breath just because of this aura.

Even if he had confidence in Jiang Qing, his confidence was a little shaken at this moment.

"He can, this guy's strength is not measured by grades"

Xia Fei is unexpectedly full of confidence in Jiang Qing.

Xiang Wutong beside him nodded approvingly.

As for why the two of them behaved like this, in fact, the night before yesterday, the two of them, whose strength had grown so much, wanted to wrestle with Jiang Qing.

But they were afraid that they would lose, so these two guys deliberately brought Jiang Qing to a place where Yue and Qin Mei were not there to challenge.

In the two-on-one situation, the Pokémon of the two only lasted less than five minutes in the hands of Metagross, and Metagross did not even have Mega Evolution.

Yue Peng felt that these two were a bit weird.

"woo woo"

Tapu-mingming, the militant, wanted to fight Jiang Qing long after he knew that Jiang Qing had already defeated the three patron saints.

At this time, the three patron saints Tapu-fin, Tapu-diedie and Tapu-moo suddenly appeared beside Tapu-wuwu.

Tapu-Fin: I'm here for the show.

Tapu-diedie: Me too.

Tapu-moomoo: I'm here to beat up Tapu-diedie, the dog thief will take my life.

This guy exchanged the Totem-level Pupitar on his island for the Elite-level Pokémon in Jiang Qing's hand. Damn it, this is something that the patron saint can open.

Looking at Tapu-Moo who was chasing and killing Tapu-Diedie, Jiang Qing secretly thought that he deserved it.

Tapu-Mingming: Come on, fight with me, you will have an unexpected surprise if you win.


If you say that, I won't be sleepy.


Metagross floated 100 meters away from Tapu-Mingming.

Pokémon: Metagross (Steel/Super)

Grade: 79

Qualification: Purple

Ability: Light metal

Props: Metal Coat

Gender: no gender

Moves: Tackle, Steel Beam, Confusion, Metal Claw, Bullet Punch, Nongguang Cannon, Electromagnetic Levitation, Strong Mind, Scary Face, Teleport

Disc skills: Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Iron Defense, Protect, Light Screen, Psycho Cut, Shadow Ball, Gyro Ball, Psyshock

Note: Use the heart of Arceus to improve all Attributes and improve qualifications

Note: After using the black light spar, Pokémon absorbs the sun's rays all the time to restore its physical strength (only steel series, Rock)


Just entering the secret realm, Metagross is level 78, and now it has been more than half a year since entering the secret realm, and Metagross has finally increased by one level.

You must know that after reaching the Elite level, the resources, experience and time required for each level of Pokémon are more than before.

For some ordinary Elite trainers, after the Pokémon level reaches level 75, it may take two to three years or even longer for each level to be upgraded.

Only trainers with strong family background and excellent talents are qualified to shorten this time.

Upgrading Metagross to one level in more than half a year is already very terrifying, and Metagross itself has a strong background, and the experience and resources needed to upgrade are many times higher than most Pokémon.

In the late Elite stage, there is only one step away from the peak of King Li Tian. Even without Mega Evolution, the current Metagross can beat Normal's quasi-champion mid-to-late stage.

But Tapu-wuwu is the patron saint, and his own strength is the kind that surpasses his own level.


.|| Metagross Mega Evolution”

As the colorful light falls, Mega Metagross appears in the next second.

The level has been temporarily raised from 79 to 82.

Metagross' breath became stronger and his appearance changed, which made Ka-mingming's eyes light up slightly.

To be honest, it really looked down on Metagross in the later stage of Elite just now, but now Mega Metagross, with the fighting spirit in his heart, is constantly expressing that this guy is worthy of a Rival.

Looking at (Li Haozhao) Tapu-Mingming with strong fighting intent in his eyes, Jiang Qing thinks that this guy is a bit like Kartana.

Thinking about it, if it is not the patron saint of the island, and its strength is still the strongest in this secret realm, it will not be able to find Rival. If its strength is weaker, and it is a free body, it is likely to be the same as Kartana, looking for Pokémon to fight everywhere.

Tapu-鸣 Rosa Mega Metagross No one took the lead, the momentum of the two sides was in a fierce confrontation, and under the stirring of the invisible momentum, the sand below was like boiling water, bubbling continuously.

The surrounding space has also become a lot heavier.

Jiang Qing was not affected, but Qin Wu and the others had already left this place, the feeling of depression was too uncomfortable.

Tapu-Moo also stopped chasing and killing Tapu-Diedie, looking at Jiang Qing and Metagross with scorching eyes.

For the strength that this human being has, it should be the deepest understanding.

But the power of Tapu-wuwu is beyond doubt. .

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