"What are we going to do now?" Qin Wu asked.

All the damned enemies have been killed, and the eight treasures on Melemele Island, Samson, have almost been looted by the Stars and Stripes and Gaul.

Of course, these things have now become the White Bear Kingdom.

So for a while it seemed like I didn't know what to do.

"The four of you should improve your strength first, especially Abomasnow. During this period of time, you have a chance to become a quasi-champion," Jiang Qing said flatly.

"What about you?" Xia Fei asked.

"Of course I'm looking for treasure"

Jiang Qing said as a matter of course.

Although there are many treasures in the Stars and Stripes and Gaul, Jiang Qing doesn't like them, but they can still find so many treasures without the Dowsing Machine, which is really remarkable.

And there are five Attribute beads in it.

There must still be many precious and powerful treasures hidden in this Melemele Island.

At least the treasure of this island should still be there.

Jiang Qing's main goal is naturally this treasure. 18

After continuing to talk to the four of them, Jiang Qing rode Moltres away.

"This guy definitely despises us for being weak," Qin Wu said indignantly.

"It's really incomparable with this pervert." Xia Fei nodded approvingly.

Listening to the chatter of the two, Yue Peng said: "Okay, let's hurry up and improve our strength. If Jiang Qing hadn't been in the secret realm this time, the four of us might have overturned on the island, let alone leaving Poni Island." "

After hearing the words, the three fell silent.

Thinking about it carefully, this is indeed the case. In this secret realm, if Jiang Qing was not there, they might have died, and raising Qingji helped them a lot.

They are all at the level of Tianjiao. Although I am very grateful to Jiang Qing in my heart, the unwillingness still exists in my heart.

"Strive for half a month to let Abomasnow break through the quasi-championship"

Xiang Wutong patted himself on the cheek, Abomasnow is currently at the peak of Elite, the reason why he used the ice-type treasure Ice Soul, becoming a quasi-champion is a matter of covering himself.

Ten days later, Jiang Qing happily looked at the size of the baby's arm in his hand. The overall appearance was a kind of light gray, exuding the luster of jade, but it felt like jelly to the touch.

Tai Sui: Absorb the essence of the sun and moon for thousands of years, after taking it, you can prolong your life by 200 (both people and Pokémon can use it, only once)

Because with the appearance of Pokémon and various technologies found in the ruins, the average lifespan of human beings has broken through to 120.

But if this lifespan is compared with Pokémon, it can only be better than Bug Type. Most Pokémon only need to break through to the elite level, and their lifespan will be more than 100.

If it is the Ghost series, it will start in the hundreds of years.

If the Pokémon breaks through to the Elite level, even the Bug Type Pokémon can live for two hundred years, and if it is replaced by the Dragon type, it will start at the millennium.

Compared with these Pokémon, the lifespan of human beings is too short.

In the past, when humans raised dogs, they often said that it is just a passer-by in your life, and you are the whole of its life.

And now the human Breeder Pokémon, the roles have been exchanged directly, and you have become a passer-by in your own Pokémon's life.

Even a domesticated Blastoise can send you off for seven or eight generations.

It has truly been achieved, and the tortoise is still there.

It can be said that it is everyone's dream to live longer.

Up to the ancient emperors alchemy and longevity, down to the common people praying to gods and worshiping Buddha.

Living longer and longer is almost everyone's pursuit.

Especially for rich and powerful people, the more they enjoy themselves, the more they fear death.

Treasures that increase human lifespan have been discovered in this world, but the increase is very small, the most is ten years, and those who get it will never sell it.

Ten years of life, if it is given to the rulers of the big clan or the rulers of the country, how much captivate will it bring.

Now the Tai Sui in Jiang Qing's hands can directly increase his lifespan by two hundred years.

If you eat this, plus the average life expectancy, you can live at least three hundred and twenty years.

Jiang Qing is only 20 years old now. According to the average life expectancy, he still has 100 years to live. However, he estimates that he has a Pallet Town body constitution and a high-level psychic. His body and spirit are far beyond ordinary people, so he should be able to live longer than normal people longer.

But of course he wouldn't think he lived too long.

He also wants to be like Celebi in Versailles, he opened his mouth a hundred years ago and closed his mouth a hundred years ago.

I took a bite of Tai Sui - um, it has a slightly sweet taste and a normal taste.

He never thought about feeding his own Pokémon. Each of his Pokémon can live for more than a thousand years, and there are still two hundred years left.

After eating more than half a Tai Sui, Jiang Qing felt that his body seemed to be a lot lighter, and the most intuitive thing was that his waveguide became stronger.

Although it is still in the range of advanced waveguides, it seems to be only one line away from the power of top-level waveguides.

I feel that if I continue to eat, it will not increase my life span, and there is still a small half of it left in front of my eyes.

Put it into the system space, and share some with grandpa, parents, uncles and aunts at that time, um-a little more for grandpa.

Not to mention that he can live as long as him, but it is still possible to live an extra 20 or 30 years on the basis.

After all, if he can find the first Tai Sui root, then he can find the second root, or other treasures that increase human life span, allowing family members to live longer.

Jiang Qing found Tai Sui in the system store, but with the above price, he still thinks that Metagross is more reliable as a first-level god.

In the ten days, apart from this Tai Sui treasure, Jiang Qing also found other treasures, so I won't explain them one by one.

Anyway, the treasures he found are definitely much better than the garbage in Stars and Stripes 207 before.

Although the quantity cannot be compared with them, the quality can beat them by several streets.

At night, Courtney was up, and the other day was cooking dinner for love.

And Jiang Qing is playing car speed games online with Gengar.

Fatty Xiaobai's hands are extremely flexible, controlling the speeding car to drift all the way and injecting nitrogen gas.

Arcanine stared from the sidelines.

He said that he could do it too, but was rejected by Jiang Qing.

You don't even have hands, what do you use to play with, claws.

"woof woof"

Arcanine: Claws are also playable.

Jiang Qing couldn't resist Arcanine, so he could only give it the game console, but the guy stepped down with his claws and crushed the game console.

Arcanine: So fragile?

Just a plastic shell, how hard can it go.

Jiang Qing slapped the troublemaker away, and took out a new game console, but just as he took it out, Arcanine snatched it away.

Arcanine: I can't play, and neither can you.

"Metagross stop the dog for me"

Metagross has no bird Jiang Qing.

Arcanine stopped, and gave Jiang a look of why didn't you catch up.

This shit is in Taunt.

Jiang Qing: (¯烧¯).

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