Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

545 Great Dian Country And Kimchi Country

In the place where the smoke is curling up, there are indeed people lighting a fire and cooking, and there are eight people, five from the Dadian Kingdom and three from the Kimchi Kingdom.

The Great Dian Kingdom is an ally of the Stars and Stripes. The overall strength of the trainers in the Great Dian Kingdom has been declining in recent years, so they are about to change from an ally to a younger brother.

Kimchi Nation is the son of Stars and Stripes.

An ally and a godson, they met together, and they were united by natural selection.

And on the third day of going to the island, the Great Dian Country and the Kimchi Country met, and the next unlucky ones were the other countries on the island.

Facing their eight-person combination, the Trainers from other countries on the island have no resistance at all.

Now more than two months have passed, and the eight of them have eliminated twelve Trainers, representing exactly twelve countries.

The treasures obtained are naturally the big heads of the Ding Kingdom, and the small heads of the Kimchi Country.

A month ago, the eight of them had already searched the island where they were located. Except for their two countries, until now, they had not found any figures of Stars and Stripes, Xia, White Bear, and Gaul.

If you want to come to these four countries, you should be on other islands.

This made the Trainer of Great Ding Kingdom breathe a sigh of relief. People from these countries are not on this island, so the island itself is invincible.

Naturally, the resources on the island also belong to them.

If it weren't for the Kimchi Kingdom being the son of the Stars and Stripes. Dadian Kingdom has already attacked them, so how can they allow them to follow him to pick up the bargain.

The five Trainers of Dadian Country look down on Kimchi Country from the bottom of their hearts.

In their minds, Kimchi Kingdom is just a dog raised by Xingstripe Kingdom next to Xia Kingdom to disgust Xia Kingdom, and its strength is not as strong as Baga Kingdom, which is a dog.

The Kimchi Kingdom also despises the Dadian Kingdom.

Said to be an ally of the Stars and Stripes, the current strength of the Great Dian Kingdom is only worthy of being the younger brother of the Stars and Stripes.

After all, I am also the son of the Stars and Stripes, so it is not as good as me to call you a little brother.

If it weren't for the large number of you, you couldn't beat them, and you would take away all the good things, so I would take some of what you don't want.

In the spirit of being a good man, don't suffer immediate losses, otherwise we would have started fighting with you long ago.

Eight people eat one pot of rice, but they have eight thoughts, not one heart at all.

“I’m out of kimchi, I don’t feel like eating these dishes”

Kimchi Country A Trainer was holding the rice in his hands, looking unhappy.

His words won the agreement of the other two kimchi countries.

Kimchi is the soul of the country of Kimchi, they think it is the world's number one delicacy.

They don't even know that the raw materials for making kimchi in their country are all imported from Xia Guo.

Without Xia Guo, they wouldn't even be able to eat kimchi.

The Dadian country eats military rations, but it is not from their country. Their country’s military rations have been eaten long ago [these military rations were taken from other Trainers.

"Kimchi, this kind of junk food, can only be treasured by your Kimchi country"

When A Trainer of Dadian Kingdom heard the words of the three of them, he immediately mocked. This pickle is not as delicious as their snails.

"What do you mean"

Kimchi Country A Trainer stood up and looked at the other side with a bad expression.

"Why do you want to tear your face off with us, you trash?"

Big Ding Guo B Trainer sneered.

At this moment, the other three trainers of Great Dianguo also looked at Kimchi Kingdom unkindly, with a cold gleam in their eyes.

On this island, the two countries no longer have any rivals, and they have found a lot of treasures. They don't like the treasures of the Kimchi country.

But their Pokémon are very good, at least all Pokémon are Elite.

It doesn't matter whether you use it yourself or take it outside and exchange it for resources.

Before joining forces with the Kimchi Nation, firstly, it was because of the Stars and Stripes Nation, and secondly, because they had just entered the secret realm, and the danger was unknown, so naturally there were more people and more strength.

But now the situation is completely different from when I first came in.

If they want to leave the island, they have to defeat the patron saint in the late stage of the quasi-champion, and the Trainer who wants to come to the other three islands is the same.

In their view, it is almost impossible to defeat the patron saints on the island one-on-one.

Therefore, the Trainers of the other three islands have no chance to come to their island at all.

Now their island has been rid of all threats.

The threat is gone, so the significance of the Alliance still exists.

The next step is most likely to tear up the Alliance and eat everything the opponent has.

So half a month ago, Dadian Kingdom's gaze towards Kimchi Kingdom changed a little.

From looking at allies to looking at fat.

0…ask for flowers………

As for whether the Great Dian Kingdom is afraid that the Stars and Stripes Kingdom will know about this matter, of course it is not afraid at all.

After all, there is no proof of death, as long as no one is alive, who knows what they did.

And in terms of international status, isn't their Great Dian Country not as good as the Kimchi Country?

Kimchi Kingdom also knew what Dadian Kingdom was thinking in his heart, and he was extremely worried, but he didn't dare to express anything.

After all, whether it is personal strength or overall strength, Great Dian Kingdom definitely has the strength to crush them.

So they didn't dare to tear their skins apart.

If they want to separate, Da Dian Kingdom will not let them.

Moreover, Dadian Kingdom's behavior during this period of time has gone too far, completely forgetting to force them to resist.

And they also knew that once they resisted, perhaps showing hostility to the Great Dian Kingdom, they would fall into their trap, and the other party would fire them without hesitation.

At the same time, conversely speaking, Kimchi Kingdom also wants to kill Da Dian Kingdom, after all, they are all driven to a dead end by them. If they kill them, then they and others will really be fattened, but they can't take it by force. Can outsmart.

The minds of the two sides are different.

"Why don't you talk, three trash"

Seeing the three people in Kimchi Kingdom showing Rage but not daring to speak, the ridicule and complacency on Trainer B's face intensified.

"Don't you just want to kill us and take our Pokémon?"

Kimchi Country C Trainer said coldly.

The five people in Dadian Kingdom were stunned. Although their thoughts have not been hidden, but if you say it so bluntly, it would be a shame.

But that's fine.

Big Dian Guo C Trainer laughed and said: "It's good to know, now I will give you three people a chance to survive, and give us the main Pokémon, so that we can not kill you

If the three of them fight to the death, even if there are five of them, Pokémon is very likely to die.

"Do you think the three of us will believe it?" Kimchi Country B Trainer sneered.

If the main force Pokémon is not given to them, they still have the power to fight, but if they are given, the Dian Kingdom will turn their backs, and the three of them will have no possibility of surviving.

And they will definitely turn their backs, such nonsense can only deceive kindergarten children, even elementary school students will not believe it. .

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