Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

544 Ula’Ula Island

The third island Jiang Qing chose Ula Ula, located in the east of the sea, the biggest feature of the entire island is that there is a towering mountain on it.

The entire mountain occupies almost half of the area of ​​Ula'ula Island, which shows how big the mountain is.

How high it is is still unknown, because a large part is hidden in the clouds,

Such a huge and towering mountain peak is very rare in the outside world.

At Moltres' pace, Jiang Qing traveled from Poni Island to Ula'ula Island in less than twenty minutes.

The identity of Dragonite's first mount was completely replaced by Moltres.

Moltres' back is quite wide, and the heat released can dissipate the coldness in the air. Jiang Qing plans to customize a Flying seat for Moltres after he goes out, so that he can sit more safely.

When he came to Ula'ula Island, Jiang Qing was not in a hurry to explore that mountain, but explored other Regions first, and he always likes to save good things for the last.

And the other half of the Region may not have good treasures.

Ula'ula Island is much more dangerous than Poni Island and Araka Island, not because of the danger of wild Pokémon here.

Rather, this island may have 907 Trainers from Stars and Stripes, Great Din and Gaul.

If you are lucky, the trainers from these three countries may all be on this island.

If Jiang Qing encounters one of these countries, Jiang Qing still has a way to deal with them, but if there are more than two, then the total number of their Pokémon will definitely exceed 80, and most of them are Elite-level Pokémon.

In this case, no matter how strong Jiang Qing is, he can't beat him.

Too many ants can kill an elephant, not to mention they are not ants.

"Metagross, Lucario, pay more attention to your surroundings," Jiang Wei said.

For safety's sake, Jiang Qing also dispatched Lucario.

Metagross' Psychic, plus Lucario's waveguide power, unless the opponent has the same absolute invisibility as Gengar, it is absolutely impossible to escape the perception of these two Pokémon.

While preventing others from approaching secretly, it can also play a role in finding people.

"Kang Jin"


The two Pokémon nod.

Moltres also wanted to express it, but was taken back into the Poké Ball by Jiang Qing. This guy is too eye-catching, so let him stay in the Poké Ball when he is free. (adbg)

As soon as Moltres was retrieved, Kartana's Poké Ball started to shake.

"What's wrong"

Jiang Qing released Kartana.

Kartana: This is where I was born.

Kartana was born on Ula'ula Island and spent nearly 20 years here. After gaining certain strength, he started his journey of visiting other islands [cutting Pokémon around for fun].

Jiang Qing: "Excuse me, you are still the local favorite"

He had always thought that Kartana was born on Poni Island.

But think about it, with Kartana's personality, it would be strange if she didn't leave after gaining strength.

And like it, Elite-level Pokémon who don't like to build a territory, most of them like to wander around.

While Kartana was wandering around, she was also making troubles everywhere.

Hit all four islands in the secret place, because of me Kartana.

"Then is there any Rival here worth cutting?"

Kartana: Except for the Patronus of the Island, all other powerful Rivals have been cut down by me.

After speaking, Kartana showed a Dugu Qiu defeated expression.

Here Jiang Qing has already taken out the Dowsing Machine.

Different from the previous situation on Karla Island, on Karla Island, once the Dowsing Machine is taken out, there must be ten treasures within 50 kilometers, the difference is the size of the red dot.

On Ula'ula Island, the Dowsing Machine only showed three red dots, and the red dots were not very big.

Jiang Qing continued to walk for a while, but there were still less than ten red dots.

The only explanation is that this island has fewer treasures than Alaka.

As for why there are fewer, either it is inherently less, or there is a possibility that there are more Trainers on this island, and there are naturally fewer stronger treasures.

In the morning, Jiang Qing didn't go very far. He accidentally encountered an ice Ninetales, and he subdued it easily, and handed it over to the officials when he left the secret realm.

The noble appearance of Ninetales is very popular with some ladies and wealthy ladies.

On this basis, Bing Ninetales has a touch of arrogance.

And in terms of quantity, it is certainly not as rare as Ninetales.

It is foreseeable that ice Ninetales will become a hot pursuit of noble ladies and wealthy ladies as well as ice trainers in the future.

As long as it is an ice-type Trainer, no one should refuse a powerful and beautiful Pokémon like ice Ninetales.

I didn't see ice Ninetales in the snow-capped mountains of Poni Island before, but now I found it in Ula'ula Island.

It's a pity that the qualifications are not very high, not even green, just yellow.

If you want to become a professional trainer, the lowest Pokémon qualification is green, and the yellow qualification is only suitable for novice trainers with limited financial resources, or family Pokémon.

Even if this yellow-qualified Ninetales is placed in an auction house, it can be sold for at least tens of millions. It can be sold for this price entirely because of the rarity of ice Ninetales.

At present, only this top secret realm has it.

The number of Breeders passing by later will increase, but this requires a process and time.

In a certain period of time, the price of ice Vulpix, ice Ninetales must remain high.

"There are still people fighting here"

After continuing to walk for a while, Jiang Qing came to a place full of battle marks, and all the plants within a kilometer of Fang Yuan were smoothed out.

There are large and small pits everywhere on the ground.

"What is this skeleton Pokémon"

Look at a Pokémon skeleton on the Ground [with some rotting flesh on it.

This Pokémon skeleton has clearly broken legs and what appears to be a fist print.


Lucario: This guy has a lot of power.

As a Fighting expert, Lucario knows exactly how much force it takes to break a leg bone with a punch.

It has been at least half a month since this battle, the meat on this Pokémon has been eaten up, and some weeds have grown around the place where the battle was fought.

"Dig a hole and bury it."

Lucario nodded, dug a hole more than two meters deep, and buried the opponent in it.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross suddenly pointed to the distance.

Jiang Qing looked along and saw a stream of smoke slowly rising from the forest.

"You're so courageous, cooking on fire?" Jiang Qing muttered.

The smoke is not very large, so it can be ruled out that it is a forest fire or something. The biggest possibility is that someone is cooking.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross: Let's go and have a look.

"Gengar, go and have a look," Jiang Qing said.

He is so courageous, of course Jiang Qing has to cooperate, so he asked Gengar, the vanguard officer, to take a look. .

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