Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

532 Moltres=Little Phoenix

According to Tapu·diedie, there were twenty-five trainers in Alaka Island at the beginning, ten of them died, and now three more died in Baga, which means that there are still twelve trainers.

Now there are four in front of me, and counting myself, there are seven more on the island.

Jiang Qing asked the four people in front of them about their knowledge of the island, and whether they had encountered Trainers from other countries.

The four of them didn't know much about the island. Even though they had been on the island for nearly two months, they didn't explore the entire island due to their strength.

Instead, they encountered Trainers from other countries, but neither side did anything, and they evacuated peacefully.

"My lord of Xia Kingdom, that's all we know."

The Trainer from A Xiaoguo looked at Jiang Qing tremblingly. At first he felt that Jiang Qing was from Xiaguo, so he felt relieved a lot, but later he saw two corpses lying not far away.

There are also several Pokémon corpses.

The Flygon whose head was beheaded by 26 was facing them, looking at him with unrepentant eyes and feeling terrified.

So he changed his view of Jiang Qing. If he didn't cooperate, the other party might kill him.

The other three also found the body of the Trainer and the body of the Pokémon.

Even Ba Guo's little brother was a little worried that his big brother would kill them.

The frightened Boguo of the four people was clearly captured by Jiang Qing, and based on their gazes, he could probably guess what the four were thinking.

"Okay, let's go, these corpses will be given to you"

Jiang Qing waved his hand and pointed at the corpses of the Pokémon.

"Really, thank you Master Xiang Guo"

The Trainer from Country B was surprised.

And the two trainers in Baguo also looked at Jiang Qing gratefully, thinking that the big brother was still good to him as always, but he was taken advantage of by these two bastards.

Jiang Qing doesn't like the corpse of an Elite Pokémon, but it can be sold for a high price if placed outside.

The flesh, bones, internal organs, etc. of Elite Pokémon can be used to make medicines. At the same time, if some parts of the corpse are eaten by the same Attribute, some abilities of the opponent can be improved.

For example, the poison sac of Pokémon of the Poison type, the Pokémon of the Poison type can eat the same poison sac to enhance the power of the Pokémon.

Dragon Pokémon can absorb the blood of the same kind to purify their own blood.

These Pokémon corpses are treasures to the four of them.

On the way to take away the corpses, the four saw who the two Trainer corpses were.

It turned out to be a Trainer from Baga Country, oh, then it’s all right.

Pakistan's Trainer also went up and gave two kicks.

Baga Kingdom's international prestige is of the kind that stinks.

Relying on the fact that he has a powerful godfather, and his own strength is stronger than many countries, so the countries he has bullied are not easy.

The four left with the body.

But Jiang Qing dispatched Moltres and jumped on its back.

Forget about the wobbly Dragonite Poké Ball.

Dragonite: The position of the first mount can't be kept.

In terms of pulling style, must it be Moltres pulling style? After all, it has the name of the legendary Pokémon, and it is full of flames and full of special effects.

Moltres returned chicken feet ▼o? Work? 0 in the outside world.

Metagross followed behind Jiang Qing, looking at Jiang Qing quietly.

After flying for a while, Jiang Qing couldn't take it anymore, turned his head and looked at Metagross angrily: "Why do you keep looking at me?"

That look was like a glow on his back, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Metagross: Only the new bird laughs, but the old dragon does not cry.

The Dragonite Poké Ball on his waist shook wildly, expressing his agreement that he was the old dragon.

"Moltres is new here, so I'll leave it to him to do the hard work like me," Jiang Qing explained.

Sitting in Moltres is not only cool, but also cultivates feelings.

To be honest, subduing Moltres was completely unexpected.

He chose the dragon type for the second attribute, so there is a high probability that he will only subdue the steel type and the dragon type.

But Moltres, the quasi-champion, will be automatically delivered to the door. Let alone himself, grandpa Jiang Oreburgh, or the Rams will not refuse.

Just ask which Trainer can reject a legendary Pokémon.

If you refuse, that idiot is talking about you.

Jiang Qing made Moltres fly to the water pool, which was the water pool where Bruxish was before.

The environment of this place is very good, and there are enough things to do today, so he plans to set up camp here directly.

The Bruxish leader originally thought that Jiang Qing had left, so this territory was his own again.

As a result, he only left for a few days and came back again.

What's more, he came back on a Moltres. The power of the quasi-champion directly scared it to hide in the water with all the younger brothers.

Can't afford to provoke.

Moltres has seen it before. After all, Moltres likes to wander around the island when he has nothing to do. It's just that he didn't expect this guy to be comfortable with this human being.

If it knew that Moltres was completely upside down, it would probably be so shocked that its jaw would drop.

Back to Tanbian, there are still traces of his previous camping around, even the tent he left here before is still there.

But this tent has become tattered, it must have been broken by some Pokémon.

Moltres walked around with his slender feet, and when he saw the waterfall, he suddenly realized that it was this place.

It is always flying in the sky, 853 rarely comes down, so it is not very familiar with the scenery on the ground.

Jiang Qing took out a bottle of iced cola and drank it. From just now until now, he hasn't taken a sip of water.

Daidai: So why don't you drink water.

Seeing Moltres looking at his cola curiously, Jiang Qing said: "Birds can't drink this stuff, and you don't need to drink water either."

Moltres actually need to drink water, but this demand is very small, and basically they don’t need to drink for several years or even ten years.

After drinking, Jiang Qing threw the jar on the ground and crushed it by the way.

After drinking canned Coke, crush the can and throw it away. Isn't this the basic respect for Coke?

Moltres, just like the curious Erha, walked up to the flat Coke can.

For a Pokémon that grew up in a secret environment like this, the things in the human world are very fresh to it.

Jiang Qing was no longer surprised.

Like Steelix at the beginning, Gible, who just came to the outside world from the secret place, was a curious baby in the first few days.

Gible almost buried his head in the toilet, ready to drink the water in it, but fortunately, Jiang Qing found it in time, otherwise this guy would have been unclean.

And this incident has become the biggest stain in the current sharp tooth shark's life.

If it weren't for Jiang Qing being his own Trainer, it would have killed people. .

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