Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

531 Big Brother And Little Brother

531 Big Brother and Little Brother

Jiang Qing is a little tired, this dog has learned a lot, and it is getting harder and harder to fool around.

Usually, when it comes to going to the dog park, it has already agreed, so it doesn't seem like it will bargain with itself now.

After getting Jiang Qing's consent, or Arcanine's consent, Moltres ate the flint.

After eating, Moltres gave Arcanine a smug look, as if to say, so what if you come first, I haven't heard of Rookie replacing the old, and I like the new and hate the old.

But Arcanine didn't look at it at all, and now its mind is full of the scene of going to the dog park by itself after leaving the secret place.

"Try the power of Flamethrower"

Jiang Qing pointed to the Ground in front and told Moltres to use the Flamethrower.

The Flamethrower doubles the power of the Flamethrower.

The extremely hot flames glowed crimson, and the heat wave "Nine Eighty Zero" almost cooked Jiang Qing. Fortunately, Metagross used Psychic to block the heat in time

When Jiang Qing fought with Moltres before, the other party's Flamethrower definitely didn't have such power.

The heat wave that broke out, not to mention Flamethrower, even Burn Up may not be able to do it.

As the Flamethrower hit the Ground Jiang Qing was referring to, the Ground instantly dissolved and turned into fiery red and boiling magma.

Moltres itself often stays in the Volcano lava to absorb the heat of the lava, so its flame temperature is higher than most fire-type Pokémon.

If Arcanine hadn't eaten the most precious fire spar of the fire department, she would definitely not be able to compare with Moltres in terms of flame temperature.

Now Moltres has eaten the Lighting Stone. Although this treasure only increases the power of the Flamethrower, it greatly increases the strength of Moltres.

The power of this Flamethrower is almost the same as that of Burn Up,

If Flamethrower is flat A, then Burn Up is the big move.

And using Burn Up has side effects, Flamethrower does not.

However, because the power of the Flamethrower has increased, the physical strength of using the Flamethrower has also increased.

Fortunately, the power of Flamethrower Moltres can be adjusted, the lower limit is still the previous Flamethrower, and the upper limit is the Flamethrower with twice the power.

Looking at the ground that turned into lava, Moltres showed a surprised expression.

Unexpectedly, the power of this treasure is more powerful than what I imagined.

On the other side, Gengar listened to Jiang Qing's order to stop the Trainer who came to see him fighting Aso and Eguchi.

A total of four trainers came, two of them are from Pakistan, and the other two are from different small countries, so there is only one quota for their country.

Four people and three countries are not together, but come from three directions.

But none of them dared to approach.

Because the aftermath of the battle was too great, even if they were separated by a long distance and there were trees in front, the power of the gun could reach them in this situation.

What is the strength of the fighting Pokémon?

It is very likely that it is no longer an Elite, but a quasi-champion or even a champion.

After all, the aftermath of an Elite Pokémon battle cannot cause such a big commotion.

Curiosity and thoughts of picking up leaks were shared by all four of them, but in the end the concept of life-saving prevailed, so they all stopped.

Then as the battle ended, there was no movement for a long time, and the four of them started to move again.

But as soon as they moved, they were hypnotized by Gengar with Hypnosis, and brought the four people in a coma to Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing first used the Dowsing Machine to check whether there were any good treasures on the four people, and it turned out that there were only six red dots on the four people, and they were all relatively small.

In an instant, Jiang Qing was no longer interested in Snatch, such a small red dot, the treasure must be worthless, and he might not pick it up even if it was thrown on the ground.

Wake all four up with Psychic.

The two trainers from Ba Guo and the trainer from Xiaoguo A and Xiaoguo B woke up faintly.

When the four of them opened their eyes, what they saw was a pale grimace.

The four rolled their eyelids and were about to faint again.

The voice in their ears, as well as the tingling in their minds, shocked them mentally.

"Gengar stop messing around"

As Jiang Qing said, he moved Gengar's head away and walked in front of the four of them.

Just now his voice brought some spiritual energy, allowing the four of them to force Smelling Salts, which is equivalent to pouring cold water on a sleeping person.

As soon as he walked in front of the four of them, Arcanine walked over curiously and pushed Jiang Qing away.

The dog head looked at the four of them curiously.

Jiang Qing: one by one - hey

Life is not easy, Jiang Qing sighed.

The newly joined Moltres is very good at playing, and he pushed Arcanine away.

And then Arcanine quit, this mistress just joined and wanted to win the position......

To Moltres is a wild spray.

Moltres is not to be outdone, before you were a dog with Trainer, I was afraid of you, but now your Trainer is also my Trainer, I am still cowardly, I am not Moltres.

Spray Arcanine with birdsong.

Jiang Qing: I'm tired and I don't want to worry about it anymore.

He walked up to the four of them.

But these four people seem to be a little lost.

This can be numb, first frightened by the white Gengar, then came a dog head, and then Moltres appeared.

The four of them determined that it wasn't that they had hallucinations, and that the Pokémon who was confronting Arcanine in front of them was Moltres.

“Good - no quality”

A female Trainer in Pakistan is an intermediate Psychic user, so she understood what Moltres and Arcanine were talking about.

This Nima's three views collapsed in an instant.

The dignified and legendary Pokémon opened his mouth full of fragrance.

Jiang Qing felt the psychic fluctuations in the opponent's body, and knew that the opponent must understand.

Covering his face, this embarrassment was thrown in front of the little brother country.

The Poké Ball was taken out, and the two Pokémon were taken back directly.

The four of them came back to their senses.

And then shocked again, Moltres was subdued.

"You are Xia Guo Trainer"

The Trainer from Xiaoguo A recognized Jiang Qing, and felt a little relieved when he carried it.

After all, Xia Guo has a very good reputation in the world, unlike Baga and Kimchi, who bully the weak and fear the hard, if he falls on the trainers of these two countries in 3.2, it will basically be miserable.

"Big Brother Xia"

The most surprising thing is of course the two trainers in Pakistan.

When I met Big Brother, my waist straightened instantly.

This big brother is notoriously good to his little brother.

In the past, the big brother accidentally dropped a mushroom bomb, but he picked it up by himself, and wanted to return it to the big brother, but the big brother insisted on not wanting it, saying that he would give it to the little brother.

So the big brother really has nothing to say to the younger brother.

The trainers from country A and country B looked enviously at the two trainers from country Ba, how lucky they were to meet Big Brother in the secret realm.

One must know that Xia Guo is notoriously good to his younger brother.

Of course, if you want to be Xia Guo's younger brother, you also need to be capable. You can't do double-handedness. .

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