When Tapu-Diedie went down to fetch the treasure, the comatose Moltres woke up.

It was injured itself, and Metagross didn't show mercy when he hit it. It only took five minutes to wake up, and it took a long time for ordinary Pokémon to wake up at all.

That's one of the scary things about legendary Pokémon.

"Yo, wake up"

Moltres was still in a daze, when he heard Frillish's voice in his ear, his expression became tense in an instant.

But the next second it found that its body could not move at all.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross psychically binds Moltres.

This guy is now waiting to exchange treasure goods with Tapu-diedie, and he can't let it run away.

"Stay obediently, when the ransom arrives, I will let you go," Jiang said.

Moltres: Ransom?

I don't know what was sold and how.

Moltres hasn't figured out what happened yet, the only thing he knows is that he was defeated by this guy.

But now the other party does not subdue him, nor let him go, but wants a ransom.

Ransom? Who will pay me the ransom.

With such doubts, but soon Moltres knew.

As Tapu-diedie flew out of the lava, Jiang Qing, Metagross, and Moltres all looked at it immediately, but then their eyes were attracted by the light golden lotus-like flame beside Tapu-diedie .


Moltres was excited when he saw this pale 740 golden flame.

This expression is like a man who has been in prison for ten years and suddenly sees a peerless beauty.

Huge Struggle power, almost didn't beat Metagross' Psychic.

The Poké Ball with Arcanine opens.


Arcanine: Master, I want this.

With a deep Covet in the eye, this Covet even surpasses the Covet on brand new furniture.

Moltres: The dog thing is mine.

Moltres was angry. He had been greedy for this treasure for many years, and he couldn't get it because it was hidden too deep.

"Who are you talking about? I don't know that scolding a dog depends on the owner."

Jiang Qing wore heat-insulating gloves and directly gave Moltres a big pussy pocket.

My dog ​​can only be scolded by me———Quotes from Jiang Qing, the overbearing president.

Looking at the pale golden flame beside Tapu-diedie, Arcanine felt that all the cells in her body were trembling, and she was constantly delivering that ultimate Covet.

Saliva started to flow.

Jiang Qing: Gouzi embarrass me again, but I'm used to it.

He took a look at the pale golden flame with his probing eyes.

Fire of Life: Pokémon can be reborn with Nirvana after death. After rebirth, the level will return to zero, and the aptitude will be upgraded to gold. (Limited to fire Pokémon, qualification blue and above)

Seeing this introduction, Jiang Qing's face was pleasantly surprised but also strange.

"This is the resurrection coin, the resurrection armor?" Jiang Qing muttered.

Nirvana rebirth means that you can be resurrected immediately after death. This effect is the same as the resurrection coin.

But the key point is that the level will return to zero after resurrection, which is also understandable, that is, you have to start leveling again.

Then came the most important thing, after Nirvana was reborn, his aptitude was upgraded to golden.

You have to know what kind of Pokémon has the golden aptitude, they are all first-level gods, and currently the highest aptitude of ordinary Pokémon is only purple.

Even if Metagross eats the heart of Arceus, now one-third of the purple aptitude turns into gold.

But this should already be the limit of the Heart of Arceus, which has already been absorbed by Metagross.

In order to turn the remaining two-thirds of Metagross' aptitude into gold in the later stage, the resources Jiang Qing needs to invest must at least be close to the top treasure of the Supreme Treasure.

And now eat this fire of life, as long as the Pokémon dies once, you can get the golden aptitude.

Although there are limitations, Arcanine has reached them.

How should I put it, this fire of life can indeed be regarded as a top-level treasure, but if you want to play the role of this thing, you must let Pokémon die once.

If you don't die, even if you eat this thing, it will be useless at all.


Jiang Qing never thought that his Pokémon would die.

"Eat it," Jiang Qing said to Arcanine.

It's good to have one more life, I hope I won't need it in this life. (bicc)

Moltres: Ball with multiple sacks.

Moltres was in a hurry, how could this thing be given to this silly dog.

It looked at Jiang Qing: As long as you give me this treasure, I can be your Pokémon.

Changqing shook his head, "You deserve it"

I'm afraid you don't know that you are a tool bird, you can't be subdued by Karp-Diedie.

And in terms of closeness, he will also give Arcanine.

For the first time, Moltres knew himself as a legendary Pokémon, and it turned out that the cards were so small.

Especially when it saw Arcanine's smug look.

Arcanine: I am the master's favorite, which onion are you?

The joyful wagging of the tail is almost gone.

Under the desperate gaze of Moltres, Arcanine ate the fire of life in one gulp.

I licked my mouth after eating.

Moltres: What does it taste like.

Arcanine: I ate too fast, I didn't feel it.

The fire of life penetrated into its body in a blink of an eye, it would be strange to feel it.

But in the next second a breath burst out from Arcanine's body.

Metagross immediately stood in front of Jiang Qing.

This breath appeared quickly and disappeared quickly.

After the breath disappeared, Arcanine grinned to the corner of her mouth.

Become an Elite yourself.

Then snap.

Its head was slapped by Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing said angrily: "Why can't you bear to sell it so quickly?"

Arcanine was not angry at all, and licked Jiang Qing's face, expressing joy.

Arcanine: Master, I can't bear it anymore. After eating this thing, I broke through directly.

Jiang Qing opens the Attribute panel of Arcanine.

Pokémon: Arcanine (Fire)

Level: 75

Qualification: blue

Ability: Flash Fire

Props: Hard Charcoal

Gender: male

Moves: Leer, Ember, Howl, Bite, Flame Wheel, Help, Agility, Extrreme Speed, Burn Up, Flamethrower, Flare Blitz, Fire Fang, Roar, Retaliate

Skill Discs: Protection, Flame Vortex, Hyper Beam, Dig, Sunny Day, Giga Impact, Heat Wave, Wild Charge, Psychic Fangs

Genetic Skills: Flare Blitz, Flare Blitz, Overheat, Double Edge, Outrage

Note: Fire moves are increased by 20%, Nirvana is reborn once

Level 75 is okay, mid-Elite stage, Jiang Shu's original purpose is to let Arcanine break through, which is the late-Elite stage.

Unexpectedly, the fire of life made it break through ahead of time.

There is also one more note below than before.

Counting Arcanine who just broke through, Jiang already has four Elite Pokémon on him.

In this secret realm, except for the two sleeping first-level gods, as long as the ship does not capsize in the gutter, Jiang Qing can basically walk sideways. .

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