Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

518 Tapu-Butterfly Appears

As far as the legendary Pokémon are concerned, the three god birds should have the largest number, so some trainers have also successfully won the favor of the three god birds, thus subduing it.

The most difficult thing is not to defeat them, but how to get their favor, this is the most difficult thing.

Defeating them is actually not that difficult.

Why are all the legendary Pokémon and phantom Pokémon not recognized by them, even if the Trainer defeats them, they cannot be subdued.

The main reason is that they all have the power of rules, which is the biggest reason why they are different from ordinary Pokémon.

Otherwise, in terms of Species Strength alone, the quasi-god surpasses the three god birds, but the quasi-god is still only within the category of ordinary Pokémon.

The power of rules on them can be said to be bestowed by heaven and earth, so they also bear certain responsibilities.

If it is not recognized by them, even if you subdue it, the power of rules on it will destroy the Poké Ball, except for the Master Ball, any other Poké Ball will be destroyed.

However, if the Poké Ball is more advanced, it can prolong the time of being destroyed by it. If you only use the most common red and white Poké Ball to subdue it.

Basically, within a day or two, the Poké Ball was destroyed by the power of rules on it.

Jiang Qing took out a Luxury Ball, which is currently the best Poké Ball on the market, and the price of just one is one million.

The cheapest red and white Poké Ball is 10,000.

Anyway, it is a quasi-champion and it is also a legendary Pokémon. After conquering it, it can be exchanged for very considerable resources by taking it outside.

As for why I don't use it, because Blaziken is completely useless to Jiang Qing.

The Attribute does not match his main Attribute Steel, nor is it the Second Attribute Dragon, the only thing worthy of praise is its strength and its identity.

But Jiang Qing didn't care at all.

He has both legendary Pokémon and Eudemons.

So after Moltres was subdued, he was taken outside to exchange for resources.

Moltres: I don't want to lose face.

Just when Jiang Qing was about to throw a Poké Ball at it, a pink Pokémon suddenly appeared in front of him.

"butterfly" `butterfly"

Tapu-蝶蝶: You can't subdue it.

Watching the island patron saint of Karla Island appear, and it was for Moltres, Jiang Qing showed a little surprise.

I thought the other party only appeared when I was about to leave the island, but I didn't expect to come out now.

"Reason" Jiang Qing said flatly.

If you don't give him a suitable reason, even if you are the patron saint of the island, it is useless.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross stared straight at it, it just happened that he didn't play well just now, you'd better show yourself a little bit, so that your own Trainer can beat you up.

Tapu-Butterfly already knew from Tapu-Fin that Jiang Qing had defeated the opponent, and at that time it even laughed at Tapu-Fin.

Just now Jiang Qing defeated four Elite-level Pokémon, and later defeated the quasi-champion Moltres, but he saw the whole process.

That relaxed look, even if it came, I couldn't do it.

Tapu-Diedie: This Volcano needs Moltres. If Moltres does not absorb Volcano's energy for a long time, once it erupts, Karla Island will be destroyed.

It turned out that this was a tool bird.

But it makes sense this way.

When he came to Karla Island before, he saw this huge Volcano, billowing black smoke, obviously it was a living Volcano.

At that time, I wondered if the island would be destroyed after the eruption of Volcano, and then be reborn again in about a hundred years.

After all, after the eruption of Volcano, the cooling of the magma will expand the area of ​​the island. A hundred years later, plants and plants have already appeared, and Pokémon will naturally come from other places, so they are reborn.

It's just that I didn't expect that the Volcano didn't erupt at all. It's strange that it can erupt because the energy of the lava has been absorbed by Moltres for a long time.

Ah Karla Volcano: I'm always a little short of an eruption.

Jiang Qing: I suspect you are driving, but I have no proof.

I didn't doubt what Tapu-Diedie said.

"I don't need to subdue it, but what benefits can you give me?" Jiang Qing said.

No benefit Jiang Qing obviously would not agree, as the eruption of the Moltres Volcano would cause the death of the Great Emperor's Pokémon.

But it's up to him when it's clearly the duty of the island's patron saint, Tapu-Diedie.

If the island is destroyed by the eruption of Volcano, it is not capable enough.

Tapu-Diedie pointed to Volcano and said, "I think you came here for the treasure in Volcano."

Jiang Qing looked at it unexpectedly and nodded: "One of the reasons for subduing Moltres is to let it go down to find treasures for me."

"How did you know there was treasure in the Volcano"

Tapu-Diedie said proudly: "There is nothing on this island that my patron saint doesn't know."

You're still pissed off.

The patron saint is great, but it's not asking me.

Tapu-diedie continued: ". "The treasure is at the bottom of the Volcano. With the ability of Moltres, it is currently impossible to get it, otherwise the treasure would have been eaten by it."

"The temperature of the lava below is so high!" Jiang Qing was quite surprised.

He felt that the reason why the treasure was still in the lava and was not eaten by Moltres was because the energy of the treasure was restrained, so Moltres could not feel the treasure in the lava.

It doesn't seem to be the case now, Moltres feels it, but because he is not strong enough to go deep into the bottom of the lava, this treasure has always existed.

Jiang Qing actually underestimated this Karla Volcano. As expected of the Volcano that occupies a quarter of the entire Karla Island, the temperature of the lava at the bottom is so high that even Moltres can't bear it.

"So I let Moltres go, can you help me get that treasure" Jiang Qing tried to ask.

Karp-Diedie nodded: "If you agree"

This treasure was conceived by Ah Karla Volcano, and exchanging it for Moltres is actually about the same in terms of value, but Jiang Qing feels that he (Wang Haohao) has made a profit.

After all, subduing Moltres was originally intended to be exchanged for resources outside, so it is not a transaction with whom to trade.

Now it is definitely the best to trade the treasure with the patron saint Tapu-Diedie. Originally, his goal was that treasure.

"Yes" Jiang Qing nodded.

Tapu-Diedie: Wait for me, I'll get you that thing.

After speaking, it plunged into the magma, and then a strange scene appeared, the magma moved away automatically as if it had life.

In this way, Tapu-diedie does not need to bear the heat of the magma, and it is obviously a breeze to get the treasure at the bottom.

This island patron saint seems to have more control over the island than Jiang Qing imagined.

You can also directly control the magma string.

Metagross can also do this with Psychic, but the pressure increases as you go down, and it is not guaranteed to reach the bottom, not as easy as Tapu-diedie. .

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