Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

430 I Still Have A Few Elite Peaks Here

The awards ceremony ended, and the contestants and audience left one after another. When Jiang Qing was about to leave, the host stopped him.

"Does Jiang Qing have plans for the evening?"


Jiang Qing said, then turned and left directly.

Leaving the host in a daze, she touched her face, and then took out the small mirror she carried with her to see if it was powdered.

In a coffee shop, Lin Qiu was already waiting there. Seeing Jiang Qing approaching, he said nervously: "-Qing Emperor"

"Just call me Jiang Qing"

Jiang Qing waved his hand. He really has no love for the title of Emperor Qing, and his current strength is a bit too pretending for this title.

Seeing Lin Qiu's nervous face, Jiang Qing smiled: "Why are you nervous, you advertised in front of tens of millions of viewers before."

Thinking of Lin Qiu's previous coquettish operation, Jiang was still a little surprised.

"Forced by life, forced by life," Lin Qiu said coyly.

Before coming here, Jiang Qing knew about Lin Qiu’s family. His parents were ordinary people. The family opened a Tory City, and spent two million to buy Lin Qiu a super power Pokémon Drowzee. City of Tory.

Now both parents are working for a relative.

He was born as a commoner, but he was able to go all the way from the individual competition to the final, becoming the runner-up, and still lost to the champion Lu Chen.

Lu Chen is a child of an aristocratic family, and in terms of resources, Lin Qiu, an ordinary person, cannot compare.

Cultivating Pokémon is a very expensive thing. After Lin Qiu's family bought Drowzee for him [basically, they are unable to purchase the items needed for Drowzee's later growth.

So when Lin Qiu was in school, he would often accept some tasks suitable for his level on the Trainer Association APP.

It is equivalent to cultivating Pokémon while working part-time. In this way, he can even win the runner-up.

A powerful Trainer must have talent and perseverance. Of course, if you add a little luck, it will be even better.

And Lin Qiu already possessed talent and perseverance.

"You haven't agreed to other schools yet?" Jiang Qing asked.

If he has already signed an enrollment contract with other schools, then he can only give up.

"No, I want to go home and discuss it with my parents, so I haven't made a decision," Lin Qiu said.

"That's good, can you tell me which schools have invited you?"

"Yinbai, Shudu, the first and second military academy" Lin Qiu said.

Mizuki didn't invite him, because they already had champion Lu Chen, but Di didn't invite him, so naturally they didn't want him as the second place.

If Jiang Qing hadn't been amazed by his showmanship on the podium, then Jiang Qing would not have invited him to the coffee shop.

"Now, on behalf of Imperial Capital University, I invite you to join the special recruitment class. If you agree, I can give you a scholarship of 10 million yuan, eight treasures of the super power department, and a green qualification Pokémon egg. Attribute is optional."

"However, there is a prerequisite for the cyan qualification Pokémon egg, that is, you must rank in the top 20 in the internal challenge competition of the special recruitment class."

"If you are the champion in the individual competition, there will be no such requirement"

Imperial University's special recruiting class does not admit non-championships, and all students who enter the special recruiting class have won championships in some important competitions.

But if you are good enough, you can make an exception.

Just like this time.

"Okay, I promise you." Lin Qiu nodded.

The top 20 should not be a big problem, there are a total of 30 people in the special recruitment class.

"Why don't you go home and discuss it with your parents?" Jiang Qing asked.

"There is no need to discuss, Imperial University is the school I most want to enter"

If Jiang Qing hadn't invited him, he would have entered Yinbai University, and Yinbai University might have promised him a cyan aptitude Pokémon, which was an unconditional one.

And he chose the Imperial City because Imperial University is the number one university in the country. Since there are better choices, why should he choose Yinbai University.

Even though Pokémon who wants to get the cyan qualification has certain conditions, he doesn't think he can't do it.

"very good"

Jiang Qing nodded, finally, the trip was not in vain, although he missed the championship, but one talent came.

"Let's sign it"

Take the contract out of your backpack.

After Lin Qiu looked at it, he quickly signed his name.

"Admission letter will be mailed in a week"

Putting the contract into the bag, Jiang Qing took a sip of coffee lightly.

"That Senior"

Lin Qiu looked at Jiang Qing with some embarrassment.


"When will this 10 million scholarship be given to me?"

"Of course after admission"

"You want to take it early?"

Seeing Lin Qiu's expression, Jiang Qing guessed what the other party was thinking.

"not bad"

With 10 million plus the advertisement he made before, he doesn't need to accept missions this summer, and he can focus on cultivating three Pokémon to further improve his strength.

0...seeking flowers...0

After all, the special recruitment class is full of geniuses. For a person like Lin Xiu from a relatively ordinary family, the pressure is not as great as normal.

"I will tell the school, please send me the card number"

Knowing Lin Qiu's difficulties, 10 million pairs can play a big role in this period of time for him.

After the two added their contact information to each other, Lin Qiu sent the card number to Jiang.

"Okay, then I'll go first"

Jiang Qing got up and left the coffee shop.

Seeing that Jiang Qing was gone, Lin Qiu was naturally ready to leave, but was stopped by the waiter.

"Sir, the money hasn't been paid yet"

Lin Qiu said in a daze: "That person didn't pay the money just now?"

He watched Jiang Qing walk towards the cashier, and then he did it.

"No, the gentleman took two boxes of coffee beans when he left, saying that you would pay for it"

Seeing Lin Qiu's mouth open in disbelief, the waiter suppressed a smile, she recognized Jiang Qing, and just watched the award live broadcast secretly, "Of course she also recognized Lin Qiu.

After paying 3,000 yuan, Lin Qiu walked out of the coffee shop with a depressed face.

Unexpectedly, one day, he would be shown off by someone else.

“Damn, I will Retaliate one day”

He has always prostituted others for free, but today he was prostituted for free, even if that person is Jiang Qing, it is unforgivable.

Meiqing in the sky was riding Dragonite, holding two packs of coffee beans in her hands, and she was in a particularly good mood.


The phone rang, and it was Grandpa calling.

"Hey grandpa"

"My dear grandson, your grandpa has already done it for you."

"Really, grandpa"

"Well, you can enter the ruins of the ancient kingdom at any time, but you must be careful. Although it has been explored many times, it is still very dangerous. There are also Pokémon of the quasi-champion level."

"Don't worry grandpa, I won't mess with it, and there is Alakazam here"

"How about Alakazam, it is the peak of Elite, how about I send you Metagross?"

"Grandpa Alakazam is now a quasi-champion"

Jiang Qing Help Alakazam broke through the aptitude, he didn't tell Jiang Oreburgh about this, after all, it doesn't matter to him.

Jiang Oreburgh: "My dear grandson, I still have a few Pokémon at the peak of Elite, let's see if you want it"

Jiang Qing: 00.

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