Those who participated in the awards ceremony were basically the contestants of this year. Although the protagonists are the top three in the individual competition, as long as they are in the top twenty in the individual competition, they will get some Pokémon props or monetary rewards, and they will also get rewards in the college entrance examination. Corresponding bonus points.

Most of the top 20 in the individual competition will be admitted in advance by various first-class universities.

Of course, there are some contestants who were not admitted by their favorite universities, and they might choose the college entrance examination, and use this method to get into their favorite universities.

The top three are the targets of the top five, and the championship must be the top priority.

After 8:30, most of the individual contestants came.

There are still some lucky spectators here, and they got the places for the awards ceremony through lottery.

"Have you heard that the guests at this awards ceremony do not want to accept the report?"

"A few years ago, it was President Zhang. Has it changed this year?"

"No, I heard that President Zhang has something to do temporarily, so I replaced him."

"But the organizer of the conference did not announce who this person is, it's quite mysterious"

"Would it be Jiang Lan Elite?"

"It seems possible"

There are always some well-informed people in this world who can know things you don't know in advance, and the authenticity of this news is quite high.

The audience speaks.

The entries are selected in twos and threes together.

The time soon came to nine o'clock, and as 130 Host took the stage, the lights on the scene also turned on.

Host is the new female star of TV Station in Yinbai Province this year, and his sweet appearance is very popular with most viewers.

Her appearance attracted the attention of most men, even male students couldn't help but look at each other.

Host's partner is a cute and playful Clefable.

"The Yinbai Provincial High School League, which lasted for half a month, is finally over"

First of all, there is no nutritious opening remarks. At this time, it shows the importance of female hosts. If you change to a middle-aged man to talk about it.

Basically no one listens.

The first announcement is the list of 4 to 20.

Then came the main event, the award ceremony for the top three in the individual competition.

"Congratulations to Zhang Chao from No. 1 Middle School of Tonghua City for winning the third place in the individual competition of the Yinbai Provincial High School League"

Immediately there was applause, and many people and students looked at Zhang Chao enviously.

The third runner-up is already out of reach for them.

Zhang Chao stood on the podium, a little shy.

The host asked: "Student Zhang Chao, what do you want to say now?"

This is also the process, let the winners say their acceptance speeches.

Zhang Chao: "I want to thank you here"

No novel acceptance speeches, just average.

After Zhang Chao finished speaking, the Host smiled and said, "The guest of honor was the president Zhang of the Trainer Association of Lancang City, but he has something to do and can't come."

Hearing this, many people showed disappointed expressions.

President Zhang is an Elite trainer.

If he came to be the award presenter, then they could have a close contact with the Elite trainer. If this is said, it will be a proud thing.

"However, although President Zhang can't come, there is a character you all like."

Host looked at the expressions of the students and the audience below and continued: "I'm not going to be a joke anymore, now I invite the award presenters Qingdi, Jiang Qing, Jiang Elite"

Jiang Qing is now an Elite, so calling him Jiang Elite is actually correct.

When everyone heard that the award presenter was Jiang Qing, they immediately showed surprise expressions.

For Lancang City, Jiang Oreburgh, Jiang Lan, and Jiang Qing are all their pride. Now Jiang Oreburgh is the champion, Jiang Lan is the steel elite, and Jiang Qing is the number one member of Xia Guo's younger generation.

In the three generations of the Jiang family, there is not a single mediocre person.

Moreover, Jiang Qing's current potential is even better than that of Jiang Lan and Quan Oreburgh.

Behind the scenes, Jiang Qing walked out slowly with Metagross.

"Really Qingdi, so handsome"

"It's worth the trip"

"Isn't Jiang Qing more fragrant than President Zhang?"

"Fortunately, Chairman Zhang has something to do temporarily"

President Zhang: Are you polite?

Many people are thankful that President Zhang is temporarily busy, otherwise Jiang Qing would not be the guest of honor.

Compared with President Zhang of the older generation, they of the younger generation naturally liked Jiang Qing more. (agai)

After receiving the trophy and Medal from the hostess, Jiang said: "Keep working hard in the future"

"Well, I will"

Zhang Chao nodded excitedly.

Jiang Qing is only one year older than him, and the current achievements of the other party are completely invisible to him even when he looks up.

"Now I invite the runner-up, Lin Qiu, to come on stage."

As Lin Qiu stepped forward, the expressions of Jiang Qing and Host became slightly weird.

Because the clothes he wears are all LOOG, maybe it's just a personal preference.

"Student Lin Qiu, how do you feel about winning the runner-up?"

The host handed the microphone to the other party. After Lin Qiu took the microphone, he didn't speak immediately, but took a deep breath, looking a little nervous.

"Drink Red Tiger when tired and sleepy"

"Afraid of getting angry and drinking Jinlaoji"

"I feel like my body is overdrawn, Huiren Kidney Tablets"

"One cell of Beifu battery is stronger than seven cells"

"Beibei dot reader, mother no longer has to worry about my study"

The awards ceremony was broadcast live, originally the number of viewers was only over 10 million, but with the appearance of the award presenter Jiang Qing, the number of viewers has already exceeded 50 million.

Now the runner-up is blatantly advertising in front of 50 million viewers.

Jiang Qing: What a fucking talent.

Host's sweet smile has become very far-fetched, and the director's voice came from the headset asking her to interrupt quickly.

This motherfucker is going to have a live broadcast accident.

Just when the host was about to interrupt Lin Qiu, the latter stopped suddenly, and then said: "The merchants above, remember to pay the remaining balance."

The host's face turned black when he heard this, it's a damn good plan.

Didn't pay a penny, played nearly an advertisement.

Now she knows why the opponent has these logos printed on her body.

Naturally, the live barrage was blown up because of Lin Qiu.

"The same people, you Hexiu"

"Host's face is stiff"

"Qingdi's admiring face, I love it"

"It's Fletchinder who pecked the ass of female Tauros and fucked it"

"Obviously the runner-up, I feel like I stole the limelight from the champion"

"The king of prostitutes is born"

When Jiang Qing hung the Medal around Lin Qiu's neck, he asked gently: "The school hasn't decided yet, if not, come to Imperial University"

"If you are interested, you can come to me after the end"

Such a talent is no better than Lu Chen's love brain.

Although Lin Qiu was the runner-up, if Lu Chen got into Mizuki and got together with his girlfriend, he would probably be abolished, and Lin Qiu could catch up later.

Jiang Qing, who loves talent, feels that a talent like Lin Qiu is very suitable for Imperial University.

With Lin Qiuzhuyu in front, the champion Lu Chen's speech is no longer so important. .

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