The criminal knows very well that the crimes he has committed do not need to be judged, and he is definitely sentenced to death. He does not want to die, and now it seems that he has been given hope of living.

The three Poké Balls not far from his feet are his hope.

Because this Poké Ball belongs to the security personnel, although it is locked Contest Condition, but it is not like the Poké Ball of passengers, there is a layer of protection on it.

The criminal walked towards the three Poké Balls, and when he was about to touch the three Poké Balls, he found that his ankle was grabbed.

Turning around, he saw that the people from the inspection bureau were holding on to his feet, and his other hand was touching his waist.

There's a gun in there.

Seeing this, the criminal kicked the inspector's head on the head, kicked him unconscious, and then took out the pistol from his waist.

As the muzzle flash came out, it was accompanied by the screams of the passengers.

The second security guard, who was about to stand up, was shot in the chest.


The scene in front of him and the sound of gunfire made the entire economy cabin 06 into chaos.

"Shut up, or I'll kill him"

The ear-piercing sound made the criminal look hideous, pointing the gun at the passenger, while groping for the inspector with the other hand, and soon he found the key.

The passengers subconsciously covered their mouths and looked at the criminal in horror.

The criminal opened the handcuffs and picked up the three Pokémon on the ground.

There were a total of four security officers on the plane, two in economy class and two in first class.

But what happened in the economy class was too fast. By the time the flight attendant realized it, the criminal had already uncuffed the handcuffs and got three Poké Balls from the security personnel.

The stewardess who reacted immediately notified the captain and two other security personnel.

But it's too late.

By the time the other two security guards arrived, the criminal had already opened the Poké Ball.

What appears is a Golem.

Golem saw that the criminal was not his Trainer, so of course he would not obey his orders, but the next second the criminal pointed a gun at the head of the unconscious security guard.

"If you don't want your Trainer to die, just obey me obediently," the criminal sneered.

Then he looked at the other two security guards who rushed over: "You two don't move, or I will let Golem Self Destruct, and everyone will die."

"You don't want to die either"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the passenger in front of him: "If you don't want to die, then watch over these two people for me, and tell them not to act rashly."

Seeing that his Trainer was in his hand, Golem didn't dare to make any moves, and even listened to the other party's orders.

The passengers were even more terrified, the criminals were desperadoes, they were not, they had family and friends, under the threat of death, most of the passengers set their sights on the other two security personnel.

In the cockpit, the captain has lifted the restrictions on the Poké Ball, and the Poké Ball of the passengers can be opened. If there is an accident, maybe some passengers can survive.

However, because he was afraid of angering the criminals, he did not broadcast it.

"Give me the Flying Pokémon that can carry people," the criminal said to the two security personnel.

The security personnel on the plane must have Flying-type Pokémon on them, and their level is not low.

The security guard hesitated.

The criminal fired, one shot in the thigh of one of the hapless passengers.

"Give it to me, or I won't hit this place next time," the criminal roared.

"Okay, don't be impulsive"

Hearing the screams of the passengers, the security personnel immediately nodded, took out a Poké Ball from his waist and threw it out, saying, "This is Bi Diao."

The sound insulation in the first-class cabin is very good, Jiang Qing didn't hear the gunshots at first, until he felt a lot of terrified and frightened figures constantly appearing from the economy class.

And the expression of the flight attendants in the first-class cabin also became extremely abnormal. Instead of winking at him, they showed a very nervous expression.

"Go and see the economy class," Jiang Qing said flatly.


In the economy class, the criminal was about to take the Poké Ball thrown by the security personnel, when a white Gengar suddenly appeared in front of him.

process for progress


Gengar looked at him with a grin.

A powerful hypnotic wave made the criminal unable to resist at all. As soon as he closed his eyes, he immediately fell asleep.



After solving the criminal, Gengar disappeared directly in place.

Appearing and disappearing in less than five seconds, as if it did not appear.

If the criminal was already lying on the ground, the security staff and passengers even felt that they were hallucinating.

The flight attendants have all received emergency medical training, and there are commonly used medicines on the plane, and the wounded passenger's thigh stopped quickly.

The security personnel who were hit in the chest were luckier and did not hit the vital point. After some treatment, the bleeding stopped.

The criminals were also completely brought under control.

The crisis was resolved, and all the passengers finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the plane just flew out of the turbulence, and the turbulent fuselage finally stabilized.

"Whose Pokémon was that white Gengar just now?"

"As far as I know, only Qingdi in Xia Kingdom has white Gengar"

"You said Emperor Qing is on this plane"

"Qingdi's home is in Lancang City, and this plane is headed for Lancang City, there is a high possibility"

Passengers speculated as to whose Pokémon the white Gengar was, and many already did.

The captain had informed the airport of what happened on the plane, so when the plane landed at Lancang Airport, many medical staff and inspection bureau personnel came.

"Jiang Shaozhen 073 is very grateful to you. Without you, the lives of hundreds of passengers and our entire crew may be in danger."

When getting off the plane, Airport held Jiang Qing's hand, with a look of gratitude and gratitude.

"Easy to do," Jiang Qing said.

Declining the arrangement of the Airport personnel, Jiang Qing left quickly because he saw many Reporters running towards him.

At the airport pick-up gate, Tian Rou and Ai Guan waited half an hour in advance, and soon she saw a familiar figure, and hurriedly waved: "Here is my son"

"Mom, love to take care of the waiter"

Jiang Qing waved to the two of them.

The driver in the car, Machoke, was driving the car, Ai Guan waited in the co-pilot, and Jiang Qing and Tian Rou sat in the back.

"Fortunately, I have you, otherwise this time the love will be over."

Tian Rou already knew what happened on the plane, and she couldn't help but be proud. Her son was the one who saved the whole plane.

Jiang Qing didn't think so, and always felt that such an incident on the plane seemed to be related to him.

Could it be that the African Chieftain Attribute is already so powerful that it can affect a whole plane of people?

"What's the matter, your face is a little ugly?" Tian Rou asked.


Jiang Qing shook his head to shake out all the messy thoughts in his mind.

What the hell are you thinking, how can I have such bad luck, there must be a chief on the plane, that's why this happened. .

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