Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

421 Hanhan Stewardess

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Qing was already on the plane from the mountain city to Lancang City, and it was estimated that it would take three hours to reach Lancang City.

I have told my family before boarding the plane that I will go home to stay at night.

Mother Tian Rou said that she would pick her up at the airport, but Jiang Qing said no, and went home on Dragonite.

But my mother still wanted to pick me up at the airport, so I naturally agreed.

He also knew what his mother was thinking, she just wanted to see him sooner.

In the first-class cabin, I took the coffee handed over by the stewardess with a small note, looked at the contact information on it, and the blink of an eye before the stewardess left.

The content of the expression is self-evident.

As Jiang Qing became more and more famous, not to mention the aristocratic family, many ordinary people wanted to have a relationship with Jiang Qing.

As for the private messages on Douyin, countless girls sent sexy photos to Jiang Qing, trying to use this method to "three twenty" to change their own destiny.

It is easier for women to change their destiny than men, especially for beautiful women.

In fact, a large part of the motivation for men to change their destiny is also for women.

Putting the note into his pocket, Jiang Qing drank his coffee as if nothing had happened.

The taste of the coffee in the first class is actually quite good, but there is still a big gap compared to the coffee made in a daze.

The plane is not very big, so there are only ten seats in the first class, but it is already full.

Several passengers are holding petite and cute Pokémon on their laps. This is one of the benefits of the first-class cabin. Pokémon can be released with a height of no more than one meter and a level of no more than ten.

Once these two limits are exceeded, they are not allowed to be released.

The reason is naturally for safety. After all, Pokémon with a level of more than ten can already pose a considerable threat to the aircraft.

Once a high-altitude aircraft has an accident, the number of casualties must be relatively large.

And all passengers boarding the plane, their Poké Ball must be locked with Contest Condition, just to prevent Pokémon from suddenly coming out by itself.

And on this basis, the security personnel of the aircraft will add another safety device to the locked Poké Ball. With this safety device, even if the Trainer wants to open the Poké Ball, he cannot open it.

Only after getting off the plane, this safety device will be released.

These procedures are all for safety, otherwise who would dare to fly.

Without these procedures, world-weary people and terrorist organizations can destroy the plane for you in minutes, and hundreds of people will be buried with it, which is worth it.

Compared with the spacious and luxurious first-class cabin, the economy class is naturally much more crowded.

Most passengers in economy class are either resting or reading magazines.

A stewardess was pushing a trolley through the aisle, asking passengers on both sides if they wanted drinks and snacks. When she got to the front row, she asked, "Do you need drinks and snacks?"

"No need," replied one.

This is a double-row seat, and there is a passenger next to it, and the other person is not in Rest, so I opened the space and asked again: "Do you need this passenger?"

"He doesn't need either"

It was still the person who spoke just now, but his tone seemed a little impatient.

Or maybe because of the bad tone, the new stewardess ignored her and continued to ask: "Do you need drinks and snacks, passenger?"

"I said he didn't need it"

The passenger's voice couldn't help getting louder, and it was obviously angry.

And now the stewardess was also angry, because of her appearance, all the men, whether at school or outside, were polite to her.

Now a man is angry with her, even if he is a passenger, her eldest lady still can't bear her temper.

"This passenger, I didn't ask you, I asked him," the stewardess replied.

"Where are the flight attendants, call me your flight attendants."

The man became even angrier when he heard this.

The voices of the two of them were relatively loud, and they quickly attracted the purser.

After seeing the man, the flight attendant immediately apologized: "I'm sorry for the passengers, she just joined the job and did not do well in some areas."

When the flight attendant heard that he wanted to refute, he suddenly saw the right hand of this man and the left hand of another man, where the place covered by the clothes showed a section of silver white.

It looked like handcuffs.

Seemingly remembering something, the flight attendant didn't say anything, and left with the purser.

In the flight attendant's lounge, the flight attendant shouted sullenly: "Did you tell all of you before boarding the plane that there will be personnel from the inspection bureau to escort the prisoner, don't you remember the seat number?"

"I forgot"

The flight attendant said extremely aggrieved: "But his attitude is too bad"

"If I were him, my attitude would be even worse"

Seeing the other party's expression that he was right, the purser's face became even worse...

"Why don't you let me go first class"

"You still want to go to the first class, whether you can pass this internship period is a problem"

The purser was annoyed by the other party, thinking how could this be so stupid, the body and face are really good, but this brain is a little hard to use.

At this moment, the plane began to vibrate. The vibration was not very large, so most of the passengers were not worried.

But as time went by, the shaking became bigger and bigger, and even the lights began to flicker, and a little panic began to spread among the passengers.

At this time, the voice of the captain sounded on the radio: "Passengers, the plane entered the turbulence area and caused the plane to experience turbulence. It is expected to leave this area in ten minutes."

People who fly frequently must have encountered the situation of turbulence causing turbulence on the plane.

The flight attendants are also calming the emotions of the passengers.

At this time, the criminal suddenly stood up and shouted: "I don't want to die, the plane has a problem, it has a problem"

The officers of the inspection bureau on the side stopped it immediately, but many passengers saw the handcuffs.

"Everyone, I am a member of the inspection bureau, and he is a criminal. Don't worry, everyone," the inspection bureau employee explained.

At this time, the two security personnel on the plane also rushed over and worked together to subdue the criminal.

But at this time, the accident happened again. I don't know if the turbulence suddenly increased. The plane bumped 4.2 times suddenly. Several security personnel, including people from the inspection bureau and criminals, all flew out and slammed into a door heavily.

The passengers were fine because they were wearing seat belts.

The last security guard fainted directly under the violent Tackle, his belt was also loosened in the Tackle, and several Poké Balls rolled out.

The people in the inspection bureau only felt dizzy. Although they didn't faint, they couldn't stand up for a while.

On the contrary, it was the criminal, because there were people from the inspection bureau and a second security guard acting as meat shields behind him, so nothing happened.

I saw a security guard who passed out, and the inspector who was not very good at Contest Condition, the second security guard, and the three Poké Balls not far from my feet.

A bold idea emerged. .

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