Jiang Qing has always given people the feeling that she is withdrawn and does not like to communicate with others, unless it is a social cow like Lin Xiu or a thick-skinned like Wu Fan.

Otherwise, there will be absolutely nothing to talk about when a Normal person chats with Jiang Qing.

Although Jiang Qing's personality is not likable, but no one hates him, but thinks that Mei Qing is a very good person.

They have already been hailed as the first person of the younger generation in Xia Kingdom, but they are still the same as before, without giving people a sense of pride at all.

And as the heir of the Jiang family, he doesn't have the dandyism of the children of the aristocratic family.

But now the scene where Jiang Qing treats Han Fei and Blaziken has refreshed the perception of him by the people around him.

That ruthless look is very scary to watch.

The reason why Alakazam was shot instead of Metagross is naturally because Metagross can't subdue Blaziken in one go, but Alakazam can.

The surrounding environment is not suitable for fighting, so Blaziken must be subdued instantly.

After disabling Blaziken, Jiang walked up to Fei again.

"Don't, don't come here"

Han Fei was terrified. Blaziken's tragic situation made him realize his identity. Jiang Qing didn't have any scruples at all, and his biggest support was gone.

If Jiang Qing really wanted to kill him, he would have no resistance at all.

"Jiang please stop"

At this moment, the patrol team from Imperial University finally arrived. 603 Some trainers are very angry. In order to prevent them from fighting in the street and hurting innocent people, the presence of patrol teams is necessary.

The members of the patrol team are all junior students.

"Help me save me"

Han Fei, who hated the patrols at first, felt like seeing his parents when he saw them now, with snot and tears streaming down his face.

There are a total of ten patrols, of course this is a group.

There are ten groups of patrols in the entire imperial university.

"Jiang Qing, you are too ruthless"

A girl in the patrol team saw that Han Fei's arm bones were protruding, blood was flowing continuously, and at the same time there was a Blaziken on the ground whose life or death was unknown.

Immediately, he looked at Jiang Qing with an angry face.

"Do you know the cause of the matter?" Jiang Qing asked flatly.

The woman was taken aback, she really didn't know, but Han Fei's tragic situation had aroused her sympathy, she frowned and said: "No matter what the reason, you can't do such a heavy hand."

Jiang Qing looked at the humanity who stopped him at the beginning: "This is your team member. They say they have big breasts and no brains. How did she manage to have both?"


The girl got angry immediately.

However, he was stopped by his captain.

Sun Yu looked at Jiang Qing with some embarrassment: "Tell me what happened first."

Sun Yu and Jiang Qing belonged to the same school team, and he was naturally familiar with Jiang Qing, knowing that he was not a person who took the initiative to cause trouble.

Now that he beat Han Fei so badly, it was definitely because the other party did something that made Jiang Qing extremely angry.

So Jiang Qing explained what happened.

"They also saw that it was Han Fei who was going to kill me first with the dagger, and the Blaziken behind him shot directly at me."

"Everyone around has seen this scene."

Jiang Qing pointed to the people around, and then pointed to Han Fei's younger brothers: "They are close and can see the most clearly."

"You guys come and talk to Sun Yu, remember not to lie, or you will know the consequences" Jiang Qing said to those younger brothers.

The younger brothers have long been frightened by Jiang Qing, so how dare they lie.

Without waiting for Sun Yu to ask, he told what happened.

There is not much difference with what Jiang Qing said.

"Now that you don't have both, are you convinced?" Jiang Qing looked at the girl and said.

The girl gritted her teeth and looked at Jiang Qing, but did not refute.

"I'll leave the matter to you. I'll leave first. I haven't eaten yet."

After speaking, Jiang Qing turned and left.

Although the two Taillows were not healed, they were able to fly. They were standing on Jiang Qing's left and right shoulders, gently pecking Yang Qing's earlobes with their mouths.

It seems to be thanking Jiang Qing.

"What's the air?"

Seeing Jiang Qing leave, the girls were very dissatisfied and hostile.

Sun Yu heard the words and said angrily: "Zhang Ying, if you do this again next time, there will be no place for you in the patrol team."

"As far as the two things he (cgej) did just now, Jiang Qing can kill him directly"

Regardless of whether he took out a dagger or attacked Jiang Qing with Blaziken, in this case, if Jiang Qing really killed Han Fei, it would be considered self-defense.

"Take him to treatment first, otherwise he will really die"

At this time, Han Fei had already fallen into a semi-comatose due to excessive blood loss. Contest Condition.

Several patrol members rushed him to the hospital immediately.

On the other side, Jiang Qing, who was walking towards the villa, stopped and said softly: "Go, do it cleanly."


Zhu Zhu

The feud with Han Fei has already been forged, and Jiang Qing doesn't know if the other party will revenge in the future, but there is only a thousand days to be a thief, and there is no reason to defend against a thief every day.

The easiest way is to kill the opponent directly.

At that time, when the opponent stabbed him with a dagger, he should have killed him directly. This was self-defense, but at that time he didn't want to kill in public.

The next day, news came from the Imperial University Affiliated Hospital that Han Fei had died due to cardiac arrhythmia.

Han Fei's family didn't believe it at all. It was obviously a broken arm bone and after treatment last night, Han Fei's Contest Condition has improved a lot.

Why the next day when Nurse inspected the ward, she saw Han Fei died on the hospital bed, and died of cardiac arrhythmia.

Severe arrhythmia will indeed cause death, but the probability of death is as low as that of a cold.

The doctors found that Han Fei died of cardiac arrhythmia, and there was no trace of man-made or Pokémon committing the crime.

Han Fei's VIP ward was also equipped with a camera, and no trace was found from the camera, except that Han Fei's complexion suddenly turned ugly while sleeping, and he died not long after.

But many people still think that Han Fei's death has something to do with Jiang Qing.

After all, everything that happened last night has been exploded on the Imperial University forum today, and then Han Fei died suddenly the next day.

There are really such coincidences in this world.

"The captain couldn't really be Jiang Qing, did he?" the girl in the patrol lounge asked nervously.

"how could I know"

"Captain, do you think he will trouble me?"

The girl was crying. Han Fei's death made her a little panicked, for fear that she would be missed by Jiang.

"you think too much"

Seeing the terrified look of the female team members, Sun Yu softened his heart and comforted him: "Don't worry, Jiang Qing didn't do what happened to Han Fei, and he won't look for you either."

"The inspection bureau said that Han Fei died of cardiac arrhythmia, and it was just a coincidence that the video was released."

Hearing what the captain said, the female players felt a little more at ease.

I really regretted why I didn't ask clearly at the time, so I directly ranted against Jiang Qing.

Now it's all right, it's me who suffers.

Although Sun Yu said that, he knew in his heart that Han Fei's death must have something to do with Jiang Qing. .

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