Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

408 Jiang Qing's Hotness

In fact, it doesn't matter whether this Dragonite is Jiang Qing or not, the important thing is that the Trainer who owns Dragonite is definitely not an ordinary person.

Han Fei himself didn't expect that he only injured two Taillows, and even provoked Dragonite.

Because there is a girl by his side, he can't be cowardly.

And Dragonite has now wounded three of his Pokémon, and the beam has been closed.

"It shouldn't be Jiang Qing's, he doesn't have a Bagon," said a certain boy.

"What's the difference, two quasi-gods?" Another younger brother was crying.

Han Fei's face darkened as well, and he had two trainers of the dragon-type quasi-god, and they were probably members of the Xia family in Imperial University.

"Young Master Han, let's forget about this matter."

The girl next to him is not a person with big breasts and no brains. If things become serious, it will have the greatest impact on her.

And with Han Fei's identity, Dragonite's Trainer should not do anything to him.


Han Fei also borrowed the donkey to go downhill and nodded.

Seeing that Han Fei was about to leave, the students who were watching the bustle around felt a little disappointed in Crisna.

"Want to leave, have you asked me?"

Just when the few people were about to leave, a voice with a bit of Rage came.

When Han Fei got angry, he turned around and wanted to greet the other party, to see who would dare to talk to him like that without eyes.

What catches the eye is the silver-white body of Metagross, and the words can't come out of his mouth.

There are quite a few trainers with Dragonite in this world, but there are only a few people with silver metagross, and in Imperial University, the trainer with silver metagross is that.

"Jiang Qing!"

Han Fei looked at Jiang Qing standing beside Metagross with an ugly expression.

Little did he know that Dragonite was really his Pokémon.

When Bagon saw his trainer coming, he immediately ran over with an aggrieved face.

Jiang Qing picked him up, and Bagon kept talking in Jiang Qing's ear, probably saying how Han Fei bullied Taillow, and then attacked Dragonite.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for Taillow and you||"

Jiang Qing patted Bagon on the head, took out some Potion and handed it to Bagon: "Go and heal Taillow first."

The Taillows were not seriously injured, after all, Han Fei's deadly attack was stopped by Dragonite.

The Bagon with the Potion trotted in the direction of the Taillows.

At this time, Jiang Qing had already arrived in front of Han Fei.

Jiang Qing, who was around 1.8 meters tall, looked down at Han Fei, who was only over 1.7 meters tall. Before he could speak, Jiang Qing slapped him on the face with a slap.

It was so powerful that it directly slapped Han Fei to the ground.

Han Fei was stunned by this slap in an instant. He didn't expect Jiang Qing to do it directly, and he didn't care about his identity as the Han family.

The woman and the younger brothers Hideki didn't dare to gnaw, and hurriedly helped Han Fei up.

"Jiang Qing, how dare you hit me"

His mouth was broken by Jiang Qing, and there were so many people watching, Han Fei rushed towards Yang Qing with bloodshot eyes.

As a result, Jiang Qing kicked him into the air and rolled seven or eight meters on the ground before stopping.

This was the result of Jiang Qing's retraction, otherwise Han Fei's head could have been blown away by that slap just now.

Mega Pallet Town's physique is no joke in terms of strength, he can lift even Aggron.

Hitting Han Fei's head was completely trivial.

"It was you who hit me, dare to bully me," Jiang Qing snorted coldly.

Although the two Taillows are not his Pokémon, they live in the backyard of their own house, and even if they leave in the future, they are still their own.

In terms of protecting the calf, Jiang Qing is the same as Jiang Oreburgh. It doesn't matter whether you are reasonable or not, as long as you bully someone I care about, I will bully you.

Under one foot, Han Fei was so painful that he couldn't stand upright, and could only curl up on the ground.

Jiang Qing walked over step by step. Seeing that Jiang Qing was so fierce, the younger brothers didn't dare to stop him at all, but the woman seemed to be frightened and stood there motionless.

Just when he came in front of Han Fei, the other party suddenly jumped up, holding a dagger in his hand.

Under Rage, Han Fei has completely lost his mind, and now he only wants to kill Jiang Qing.

Sen Bai's dagger went towards Jiang Qing's heart.

"Die to me," Han Fei said with a grim expression.

The people around suddenly let out an exclamation.


Jiang Qing sneered, and easily grabbed the opponent's arm holding the dagger.

There was a "click" sound.

This is the sound of bones breaking, the sound is very crisp, and many people around have heard it.

Then came Han Fei's voice like killing a pig.


The arm was directly broken by Jiang Qing, and the bone pierced the flesh.

Looking at Han Fei writhing in pain on the ground, Jiang Qing's eyes flickered coldly. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, this guy would already be dead.

As if sensing Jiang Qing's murderous aura, a Poké Ball on Han Fei's waist suddenly opened.

In the next second, a Blaziken appeared in front of Jiang Qing.

Blaziken in the late Elite period, this is Han Fei's bodyguard Pokémon.

Seeing Han Fei's miserable appearance, Blaziken immediately punched Jiang Qing.


But Metagross was faster, Teleport, blocking Blaziken's fist with his own body.

"It's not my fault"

Jiang Qing's eyes were shining with a cold light.

He didn't use Pokémon to deal with Han Fei, and he never thought of killing him.

But Han Fei first took out the dagger, and then even the bodyguard Pokémon appeared, and also shot at Jiang Qing, and this is not the Fight Area, but the campus.


Jiang Qing gave a soft drink.

Alakazam, the instant champion, appeared in front of Jiang Qing.

Originally, Alakazam was at the pinnacle of Elite, but Jiang Qing Helped him to break through his aptitude, from cyan to the current blue, so Alakazam's strength smoothly broke through to the quasi-championship.

Although Alakazam is Grandpa's Pokémon, it has always guarded itself, and Jiang Qing will not be stingy about it.

Under Alakazam's powerful Psychic, Blaziken's body in the late Elite was instantly unable to move, and the strength gap between the two was there.

"Abolish it," Jiang Qing said coldly.

Blaziken dared to attack him as a Trainer, and it was in public, which already broke the rules of the Trainer Association.

During Blaziken's tragic Growl, Alakazam tortured him inhumanely, and the original power in his body was scattered by Alakazam.

Blaziken wasn't dead, but completely crippled. Revival Herb could heal its injuries, but its lost origin couldn't be restored.

Its strength has also dropped from the late Elite stage to the early stage of Quasi-Elite, and its aptitude has also changed from cyan to green.

If there is no adventure in this life, it will never recover.

Jiang Qing's ruthless side made Hideki the people around him dare not show bitterness. .

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