The forest below was lush and verdant, and under the overlapping canopy, it was impossible to see what was going on below, but above the canopy, there was a group of Aipom shouting at Jiang Qing and the others.

AipomA: Get out of here quickly.

AipomB: The one above, I have a bad temper, I'm afraid I can't help it if I don't leave.

AipomC: What does that little guy look at, I can make you cry with one punch.

AipomD: Fatty, with such a big belly and such small wings "How did you fly.


More than a hundred Aipoms greeted Jiang Qing and the others, and some of them raised their middle fingers. No need to think about it, they must have learned from some bad anthropologist.

Celebi: You little bastards, you really made me laugh to death.

In terms of bickering, Celebi is as good as anyone in "Zero Zero Seven", but unfortunately there are too many opponents, and there is also a trash talker among them, who is full of asterisks throughout the process.

"shut them up"

More than a hundred monkeys are spraying you in front of you, but Jiang Qing has a relatively cold personality, and he is a little bit overwhelmed at the moment, and his brain is about to be blown.


Dragonite took a deep breath, and then roared out from the depths of its throat with bursts of dragon power [the breath of the unmaintained level was undisguisedly released, which also contained dragon power.

These Aipom levels are not very high, being so frightened, the fear from the depths of the soul made them stiffen, and each of them fell down like dumplings

However, the range of Dragonite's roar is not so small. Within a radius of ten kilometers, all Pokémon whose level is lower than Elite are leaving quickly.

Half a minute later, the whole world fell silent, Jiang Qing didn't want to be like this at all, who told me that these Aipoms are not very capable, but they are very noisy.

As the Dragonite landed on the ground full of rotting leaves, the sunlight was also blocked by the huge tree canopy. There were shrubs, vines, and weeds everywhere, but there were several trails, which were walked out by the nearby Pokémon.

There are no roads in this world. If Pokémon travels a lot, there will naturally be roads.

In the wild forest, many seemingly man-made paths are actually stepped on by the little spirits.

Therefore, some experienced people, at this time, will not choose these road strengths, but open up a road by themselves, so as to avoid unnecessary risks.

Because you don't know the strength of the Pokémon who opened up this road.

It is always right to be careful in the wild, but a single negligence or a fluke may kill you.

Of course, if you have the strength, then you don't need to care about all the above.

Because of Dragonite's voice just now, there were no Pokémon around, but some Pokémon fainted out of fear.

For example, the Oddish and the magic mushroom in front of me are all foaming at the mouth.

Originally, they are notoriously timid, so it is understandable to be scared like this.

Dowsing Machine shows that the treasure is more than 300 meters away from him.

Under the urging of Celebi, Jiang Qing walked slowly forward. There happened to be a path stepped by Pokémon in this direction, which saved the trouble of deliberately opening the way.

Celebi: Na na na, what kind of treasure do you think it will be.

Jiang Qing: It's not for you anyway, why are you so excited.

Celebi: Why can't you give it to me, whoever sees it has a share.

Celebi crossed his hips and looked at Jiang Qing angrily.

Jiang Qing: Just don't give it to you, you bite me.

Swipe your fingers against it, Taunt is full of flavor.

next second.

"Ah, you really bite, you belong to Arcanine"

Celebi: - Bite

During the fight, he had already arrived at the place where the treasure was, and when he took a closer look, he didn't see anything except a small piece of grass.

Celebi: Treasure, treasure, where is the treasure.

Celebi wandered around for several times but couldn't find the so-called treasure. There is nothing but grass here, not even a living Pokémon.

So it turned its head to look at Jiang Qing, and said angrily: Did you hide the treasure.

Jiang Qing: Brain is a good thing, but it's a pity you don't have one.

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to pinch the head of Celebi who flew towards him and bumped into him. While he was struggling, Jiang Qing walked in front of several small grasses.

"This is a treasure"

At the same time, let go of Celebi, who looked at him with a look like you think I'm a fool.

Jiang Qing patted his forehead and said speechlessly: "Aren't you the guardian of the forest? Why don't you even know Revival Herb?"

"I'm afraid you are not a temporary worker"

Celebi: Of course I know Revival Herb, but it’s not like this......

Jiang Qing: "Still saying that you are not the guardian of temporary workers, this is an immature Revival Herb"

Revival Herb looks like a weed, but its leaves will emit a little crystal light, and after touching it with your fingers, there will be a bitter taste on your fingers.

This bitter taste, bitter melon is the younger brother in front of it.

A mature Revival Herb has at least five leaves, and one leaf represents a decade. The more leaves, the greater the age of the Revival Herb, and the higher the efficacy of the medicine.

As the name suggests, the biggest function of Revival Herb is healing. Although it cannot be resurrected from the dead, as long as you take a breath, your body will quickly return to its peak after taking Revival Herb.

Moreover, both Revival Herb Pokémon and humans can use it. Even if humans use it, the efficacy of the drug will be discounted, but the effect is better than most drugs.

If this thing was placed in the past, it would be at the millennium ginseng level.

However, after taking Pokémon, it will reduce the intimacy with Trainer, because this thing is too bitter, and any Pokémon who have eaten this will say that even if they die in the future, they will not eat this again.

It is possible to add some other auxiliary drugs to reduce the bitterness, but it is limited, after all, adding too much will affect the potency of the medicine.

There are five Revival Herb plants in front of Jiang Qing. The largest plant has only grown four leaves. Although the fifth leaf has come out, it is much smaller than the normal one.

The efficacy of immature Revival Herb is very weak, even if it is only a year away from 1.2, its efficacy is still much worse than that of 50-year-old Revival Herb.

Revival Herb cannot be artificially propagated at present, and can only be found in secret areas or some forbidden areas. Because of its amazing efficacy, few people sell it on the market.

This thing is like a life-saving medicine for Pokémon or humans, and no one will sell this unless it is a last resort.


Jiang Qing shook his head.

Celebi: Didn't dig it out.

"I'm still underage, I can't do it"

He has Revival Herb, which was given to him by his family, but it has been useless.

Celebi: Wait until it grows up.

Jiang Qing: "I know you can sleep for ten years"

Celebi: Twenty years is also possible.

Jiang Qing: Get lost.

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