Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

365 Lip Curling Is Respect

Because of the completion of evolution, these Pokémon began to leave slowly. They came from various places in the secret realm, and some even came from the other side of the secret realm.

Coming here can be said to be a trek through mountains and rivers, and some people with weak constitutions cannot come to such a far place at all.

The Shiftry that Jiang Qing took a fancy to also left towards the east along with the other Shiftries.

Jiang Qing didn't catch them immediately, but waited until these Pokémon were almost gone, and the entire army had already dispersed.

Only then did I prepare to do it, because I was afraid that these Pokémon would be too united to capture Shiftry by themselves, and Pokémon of other races would not be used to coming over to stop them.

Half an hour later, Dragonite came in front of nearly a thousand Shiftries. Under the eyes of these Shiftries, Jiang Qing jumped off Dragonite's back and pointed at one of them.

"This Shiftry is mine, you can go"

The action is Power Trip, and the expression is domineering. They are not polite at all. They don't pay attention to them at all, and they don't look at the number of Shiftries.

Just do it with Dragonite - Elite level Dragonite.

The Shiftries are a little fussed about Dragonite.

Metagross glared at the fat man, and that was it, stealing his limelight, these Shiftries didn't see themselves at all.

Dragonite scratched his head, not knowing why these Shiftries looked at him like that.

Shiftry looked at their leader and the strongest among them, Shiftry, who was only at the peak of Elite.

Shiftry, who took the lead, felt that he must not agree to Jiang Qing, otherwise they would lose face, but if they fought, they would not be able to beat him at all.

So I had to think of a way to save face.

Just as the leading Shiftry took a step forward, Jiang Qing's voice came to his ears.

"Fire Punch"

With a flash of Dragonite's body, he knocked down the strongest Shiftry with one punch.

Rest Shiftry: 000

Jiang Qing took a step forward: "Who else dares to oppose now"

Celebi: Opponents take a step forward

Celebi also followed the fox and pretended to be the tiger.

In an instant, all the Shiftries took a step back, and only one Shiftry seemed to be stunned and did not move.

And this Shiftry is the one with the cyan qualification.

"Yeah, kinda"

Jiang Qing looked at it with a little appreciation.

The Shiftry was about to cry in his heart, but because he was too nervous, his face remained expressionless.

In Jiang Qing's eyes, this expression was completely unconvinced, an expression of wanting to challenge himself.

"I won't bully you either"


Jiang Qing sent Honedge, some Pokémon with personality, knowing that Rival is much stronger than it, they will still choose to challenge.

Three seconds later, Honedge ended the fight.

It looked back at Jiang Qing: Such a thing is sure to become our partner.

Jiang Qing: "You are too strong, but it should not become our partner"

His second Attribute has already decided to be a dragon type, so even if the new Pokémon is conquered, it is basically a dragon type.

As for Honedge it was a complete accident.

Xia Guo didn't have the steel type, and you can buy it with money, and it's all like this, of course Quanqing will not let it go.

Put Shiftry's Poké Ball on your waist, and when you go out, you can exchange this guy for resources, and you can't keep it with you.

After all, if you stay by your side for a long time, you may develop feelings for it, and you will be reluctant to sell it at that time.

Like this Celebi.

Every catty of meat on its body is raised by Jiang Qing.

The appearance of this fat Doduo, those who know it can recognize Celebi, but those who don't know it still think it is a pig.

Celebi: I can beat it too.

Jiang Qing: "You are so powerful that you can defeat it"

He's only level 20, you're 75 or 76, you're 75 or 76, my level has increased by 1 level because of eating and drinking.

Celebi: Why do you speak in a weird way.

Jiang Qing said differently: "Yes, you heard it wrong, right?"

Celebi: Then why do you curl your lips when you speak.

Jiang Qing: "I curled my lips out of respect for you"

Between one person and one pet bickering, the group has already gone far.

The remaining Shiftry looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

The leader was knocked out, but the companion was still taken away, so they should continue to go home now, or wait for the leader to wake up before walking together.

Celebi: Did you just mock me just now?

On Dragonite's back, Shilazhu is pulling Jiang Qing's hair, looking swollen, although a little fatter, but also full of cuteness.

Jiang Qing: "I have told you that I am respecting you"

...... Ask for flowers.

Celebi: I don't believe it, Metagross just laughed.

Jiang Qing turned to look at Metagross: "You just laughed"

Metagross shakes his head: No.

"Then if you don't believe me, you have to believe in Feitian."

"Fatty, tell me, did I make a mistake in what I just said?"

Dragonite: It's too windy, I can't hear you well.

Kudos to myself for my wit.

"Okay, okay, you have to trust me, if you are hungry, eat some slices of bread"

Celebi: It seems that I am a little hungry.

Click click click.

Listening to Celebi's crisp potato chips, Dragonite expressed that he was also a little hungry.

Jiang Qing: "It's not time for meal yet, just bear with me when I'm hungry, and don't even look at how long my stomach is"


Fat is not barking, just this belly, Snorlax would call an expert when he saw it.

"There's a troop of Tropius ahead"

A dozen Tropius just entered Jiang Qing's field of vision, but the Dragonite did not stop, but the Tropius stopped.

Jiang Qing: "Suddenly want to eat bananas"

Metagross: Understood.

A few minutes later, Metagross returned with a dozen bunches of bananas.

The banana-like thing under Tropius's chin is not actually a banana, but just looks like a banana. It tastes sweet and soft.

It has rich nutritional value and high protein content.

If you eat this three times a day, not only will you not gain weight, but you will lose weight.

So this thing is one of the favorite foods of some fitness trainers.

The price is related to the level of Tropius itself. The nutritional value of bananas produced by ordinary-level Tropius is not very high, and the value will only increase when it reaches the elite level.

There are quite a few bananas, so Jiang Qing also gave Dragonite a few bunches.

Just enough to make it lose weight, and so is Celebi.

Metagross said he doesn't like to eat this.

Celebi: This red dot is about the same size as the previous Leaf Stone.

Celebi didn't forget to look at the red dot on the Dowsing Machine while eating bananas, and he always regretted that he didn't take the Leaf Stone away.

"In the forest down there"

Jiang Qing had already left the range of the grassland more than ten minutes ago, and came to a huge forest Sky. Looking at it from above, the edge of the forest could not be seen at all. .

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