The first item to be auctioned was a cyan qualified Pokémon egg. Although I didn't get it myself, it aroused the interest of those who participated in the auction.

Even Jiang Qing became slightly interested, and when he saw the second lot coming up, he put his phone in his pocket.

"This second lot is the five-year ownership of five intermediate secret realms and twelve primary secret realms in Xinnan City. This is the information about these secret realms, everyone."

After speaking, the waiter delivered the information of the secret realm to every guest.

"Dear distinguished guests, please read the information first, and the auction will start in ten minutes," said the auctioneer.

There are a total of 17 secret realms in total. This information is general information. If it is detailed information, it will take more than ten minutes to read it all.

Xia Guo can privately control the intermediate and elementary secret realms, and only the secret realm officials above the advanced level will intervene in "four seven seven".

And mastering the junior and intermediate level secret realm is also one of the ways for a family to make a fortune. The premise is that this secret realm has not been discovered for many years.

Ten minutes later, the auction started.

The last seventeen secret realms were purchased by a certain family in Xinnan City for five years at a price of 50 billion.

As each lot continued to appear on the stage, the atmosphere of the auction gradually increased.

Quite a lot of people were fighting for a piece of auction with red faces, and some deliberately set too high a price to disgust the other party, and finally got rid of themselves.

Soon it will be the turn of the twelfth lot.

"This is No. 86 on the Elite list, Liu Elite's training notes about Bulbasaur to Ivysaur and Venusaur"

"This is also consigned by Liu Elite, so you don't have to worry about some problems"

Hearing this, the eyes of the people present instantly became hot, especially the Trainer of the Dictatorship Grass Department.

The same Pokémon with the same aptitude, why you train better than me, the main reason is that the personal training methods are different.

A good training method can definitely accelerate the growth of Pokémon's strength.

Basically, every family has its own training method for a certain kind or a certain line, and this training method is the foundation of the family to a certain extent.

Therefore, the training method will never be passed on to the outside world.

Unless you need money urgently, or there is a better way to cultivate.

Although Liu Elite is only ranked 86th on the Elite list, the entire Elite list only includes 100 people.

And this Elite list is based on the Elite Challenge held every four years, so the credibility is relatively high.

It is updated every four years.

Although the auction is only for the cultivation of a single Bulbasaur series, this is the cultivation experience of a Grass Elite.

This thing is optional.

Even if they are also Grass Elite, they will still be tempted. After all, they can confirm each other, and maybe they can get more inspiration.

In the end, this training experience was auctioned for a price of 12 billion.

I have to say that Trainer's money has really improved. I don't know if the content of this experience is good or not, but it can be sold for more than 10 billion.

Conversely, it can also be considered that Trainer spends money very quickly.

Like this Liu Elite, the money must be insufficient, otherwise he would not sell his training experience.

The speed of making money is directly proportional to the speed of spending money, and sometimes it is even inversely proportional.

Lot 20.

Twenty-three lots.

Twenty-seven lots.

When Jiang Qing saw this lot, he finally showed interest, and the auctioneer said.

"The twenty-seven lots here are Honedge with green qualifications. This is the Pokémon that the Gaul royal family has always controlled. We also got it through special channels."

"Although it is only a green qualification, its number is very rare in Gaul, and it seems that Honedge has not appeared in Xia Kingdom so far."

"Own it, you will be the first Trainer with Honedge in Xia Kingdom"

What the auctioneer said were all facts, and there was no exaggeration.

Honedge is indeed a unique Pokémon in Gaul, and it is also a symbol of the royal family. Even in Gaul, only members of the royal family are eligible to own it.

Unless the Trainer wants to have it, unless it is recognized by the royal family.

And foreign trainers want it, it is simply a dream.

Even if the officials of some countries came forward, even if they paid a high price, the Gaul Kingdom did not let go.

Xia Guo did this before, but unfortunately they did not agree, so the Jiang family, Xia Guo's number one steel family, did not have Honedge.

And this Honedge must have been obtained illegally......

Just a while ago, a member of the Gaul royal family accidentally disappeared while exploring the secret realm, and the accompanying person died. The news was still hot for a while.

Now it seems that this Honedge may belong to the royal family member.

After all, its level has reached level 33. Although it may be captured in a secret realm, it is almost impossible to do the latter compared to killing a member of the royal family and stealing Honedge and sneaking into the secret realm of Honedge .

The possibility of killing a member of the royal family is higher, and it is not the first time this kind of thing has happened.

Just because the royal family of Gaul owned the Honedge, they became prey in some people's eyes.

Therefore, members of the royal family of Gaul are also known as one of the most dangerous professions.

"Okay, enough nonsense, the starting price is 10 billion," said the auctioneer.

After finishing speaking, there was a scene of silence, and no one bid.

Excluding Honedge's extremely rare Attribute, its essence is still only a green-qualified Pokémon.

Spending 10 billion to buy a Pokémon with green qualifications, the brain is simply sick, even the dragon quasi-gods with green qualifications are about the same price.

And after buying it, a Pokémon will definitely be sanctioned by the royal family of Gaul. If you don’t have the ability, just wait to die.

This is still only one, if there are two, and they are still male and female, then the benefits of breeding can be considered.

5.7 The disadvantages far outweigh the advantages, and of course those present will not bid.

Just when the auctioneer felt that the auction was about to pass, Jiang Qing in Box No. 8 said: "Ten billion"

Hearing someone bid, the auctioneer breathed a sigh of relief, but love was the only one who bid.

In the end, Jiang Qing bought the Honedge at a price of 10 billion.

Among the people present, only Jiang Qing dared to buy this Honedge. With Jiang Qing's background and strength, the royal family of Gaul did not dare to do it at all.

Even if he makes a secret attack, it is very likely that Jiang Qing will counter-kill him.

In the end, it will anger Jiang Oreburgh and go to their capital or important cities for a stroll.

After paying the money, the Poké Ball containing the Honedge also came to Jiang Qing. This Poké Ball is the kind specially used by the royal family of Gaul.

This is without even changing the ball, completely confirming Jiang Qing's guess. .

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