Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

330 Is PokéMon Edible?

Soon the auction officially started, and the auctioneer said: "Dear guests, here is our first lot."

After speaking, I saw a waiter pushing a small cart to the front of the stage. The first lot of the day was placed on the car, and the information about the lot was also displayed on the big screen at the moment.

The guests in the box have a tablet with information about the first lot written on it.

In this mysterious auction, all participants did not know the items to be auctioned in advance, and they would only know when they arrived at the scene.

And this first lot cannot be said to be top quality, but it must not be bad. After all, if the first piece is not good, some customers may leave.

"Dear guests, this first lot is a cyan qualified Pokémon egg, but we are not sure what it is, but our inspector can confirm that it should be a water-type Pokémon according to the pattern on the Pokémon egg. Egg"

The first item on the lot is a cyan qualified Pokémon egg.

For Jiang Qing, he has no shortage of cyan-qualified Pokémon, and it can even be said that to a certain extent, he no longer needs cyan-qualified Pokémon.

However, for other people, there are not many Pokémon with cyan aptitude, even for a top Xia family like the Xia family.

After all, there are so many children in the family, it is impossible to have a blue aptitude Pokémon in hand, only the best people can have it.

This auction gathered most of the dignitaries in Xinnan City, and even dignitaries from other cities came here, and some families didn't even have blue-colored Pokémon.

"The starting price is 200 million, and each increase is not less than 5 million"

200 million is not a lot. If we can determine which water-type Pokémon is in it, the price will only be higher.

Even if it is not confirmed, the price has been soaring all the way. In less than a minute, the price has risen to 400 million, and the trend of quotations still has no intention of stopping.

Regardless of whether you are a water-type trainer, or whether your family is mainly based on water-type, as long as you are trained with the blue aptitude, you have to win it.

Of course if it's Magikarp or Feebas then forget it.

In fact, the egg could also be Magikarp or Feebas, since they are also water-based.

However, everyone has a gambler's heart, and when the chances are not high, and there are still benefits for themselves, then naturally they have to gamble.

"Jiang Shao, don't you need this Pokémon egg?"

The price has reached 600 million, and there are fewer bidders, but Dong Xin saw Jiang Qing playing with his mobile phone with his head down, as if he had no interest in Pokémon eggs.

“Blue enough to see”

Jiang Qing is watching the newly launched Pokémon Gallade in Pokémon Glory. Jiang Qing, who is fighting against Lu Yige, thinks that the assassin Gallade is very suitable for Daidai.

Go online at 24:00 tonight, let Daidai score higher, my Metagross is only 400 points away from 50 on the national server.

Looking at Jiang Qing, who was playing with his mobile phone with his head down, and opened his mouth to show his blue qualifications, Dong Xin didn't know what to say for a while.

Pokémon with cyan aptitude are hard to come by, and aristocratic families will be stronger when they see it. If it is blue aptitude, it is also possible to directly destroy a family.

"Aren't you a water system trainer, you can buy it" Love bowed her head.

He saw it with his probing eyes just now, and this Pokémon egg is indeed of cyan quality, and it is a Corphish. After evolving into a Crawdaunt, it is a very good Pokémon.

Possesses water, evil double Attribute, and is not weak in attack.

It is worth mentioning that the two large tongs of Crawdaunt will often fall off, but the meat in the tongs has a smell, and most people don't like to eat it, but it is also loved by some diners with unique tastes.

The claws of Crabrawler and Clauncher will also fall off, but the meat inside their claws is very delicious.

Certain Pokémon body parts are edible and have the ability to regenerate. The most typical one is a bunch of banana-like yellow fruits hanging from Tropius' jaw. This thing looks like bananas, but it tastes much better than bananas.

There are also small pink fruits at the end of the leaves of Cherubi.

Even Slowpoke's tail is edible, it tastes slightly sweet, and Slowpoke's tail can be regenerated.

Eating Pokémon with the ability to regenerate parts varies from country to country.

Some countries allow it, some countries don't allow it at all, and some countries don't care whether you will regenerate, as long as it tastes good.

So some special Pokémon will probably be eaten to extinction in this kind of country.

For example, Farfetch'd, which comes with its own ingredients, is about to be eaten as a protected species in some countries.

…… Ask for flowers………

On the other hand, Xia Guo can eat Pokémon with the ability to regenerate, but breeding these Pokémon will be strictly monitored by Xia Guo's officials.

So ordinary people basically can't afford it.

"I'm unlucky, I'm afraid the ones I bought and hatched will be Magikarp or Harlequins." Dong Xin shook his head.

The Pokémon with the most cyan qualifications in the world is not Bug Type, but Magikarp and Feebas with amazing fecundity and survivability.

As long as there is water, there are their shadows.

But how they evolved into Gyarados and Menes is still a mystery, so even Magikarp or Feebas with cyan aptitude, if they don’t evolve, it’s just a waste of rations.

The Stars and Stripes has a water system Elite, and they have trained Magikarp to become an Elite, but the other party has not evolved.


So this is an Elite class Magikarp with water splash.

And many Trainers have done this kind of thing.

bad luck!

Looking at Dong Xin, the tone of the other party's speech is obviously a little unconfident, and it seems that he is also a non-chief.

This is where the feeling of sympathy comes.

"Buy it, don't worry it's not Magikarp and Feebas" Jiang Qing pointed out.

Although he didn't know why Jiang Qing said that, and the other party didn't intend to explain, Dong Xin hesitated for a moment, and finally made an offer.

After some quotations, she bought the cyan-colored Pokémon egg that can hatch a Corphish at a price of 800 million.

If it is possible to determine what kind of Pokémon it is, the price is basically around one billion. If it is a powerful water Pokémon, the price will go up.

Dong Xin was able to buy it at a price of 800 million, in fact, thanks to Mei.

The bidders saw that the person in Box No. 8 made an offer, and they also knew that the person in this box was Jiang Qing. Even if they knew that Dong Xin wanted to buy it, they would not continue to bid for Jiang Qing's sake.

The Pokémon egg was delivered quickly, and Dong Xin also paid the money, and took the Pokémon egg carefully.

"I don't know when you will come out"

She was curious about what kind of water Pokémon it was.

"It's almost three days away," Jiang Qing said.

Even if you don't use the probing eyes, it's not hard to guess how many days it will take to hatch another Pokémon egg by looking at the frequency with which the Pokémon egg flashes white. .

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