Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

323 Huangmao: Please Don't Die

Through Psychic, Jiang Qing transmitted the voice into Mega Steelix's mind, the latter's drowsy eyes suddenly opened wide, as if awakened instantly.

Mega Steelix showed a puzzled expression, just now it seemed that the voice of Trainer came from its mind.


The voice of Trainer came again in my mind.

Under Lunatone's puzzled gaze, Mega Steelix, who was about to fall asleep, woke up without warning, and opened his mouth to give it to Bite.

The defenseless Lunatone was bitten, and the huge bite force from Mega Steelix's mouth seemed to want to crush its body directly to Crunch Normal.

Waves of pain continuously swept through its whole body.

Finally, Lunatone couldn't keep the Smelling Salts again, and his head was dizzy.

Seeing this, Mega Steelix threw Lunatone out of his mouth and spit.

Mega Steelix: Don't know when this guy took a shower last time.

Fang Zhong: What do you mean, is my Lunatone dirty?

Jiang Qing released the Mega Evolution form, and Mega Steelix also returned to its previous appearance.

The formidable power on his body disappeared, and Steelix showed a look of reluctance. The Elite level power made him feel intoxicated.

Steelix: Trying to be an Elite, trying to save energy, so I have to eat more.

After the lifting, the body soon felt a sense of weakness, defeating Lunatone, it paid a relatively high price.

Under the Contest Condition of Mega Steelix, the strength and physical strength are much higher. Now there is no Mega Evolution Contest Condition [so the previous injuries will be borne by the current body.

Even if he didn't fall down directly, it can be considered that Steelix's body is tough enough.

"Sister, why wasn't Mega Steelix hypnotized just now?"

Her doubts are also the doubts of these people watching the battle.

They could see very clearly that Lunatone's Hypnosis was successful, and Mega Steelix had indeed been recruited. They were about to fall asleep, but suddenly woke up directly.

Once Hypnosis is successful, it is like a person who has been given general anesthesia, and will fall asleep unconsciously within a few seconds. This is not something that can be resisted by the so-called willpower.

After seeing Pokémon being hypnotized, some Trainers tried to wake up Pokémon by shouting, but in fact they were wasting their efforts.

Unless the hypnosis time is up, the hypnotized Pokémon cannot be woken up by an external sound at all, at least not by your Trainer yelling, after all, the sound is not loud enough.

Stephanie asked this, and the others also looked at her sister, as if they felt that the other party knew the reason.

While her elder sister is plain on the surface, but in her heart she wants to beat up this rebellious younger sister. Although she doesn't mind her younger sister worshiping herself, she doesn't look around to see if there are people around.

So she was going to pretend she didn't hear it.

On the other hand, Fang Xian replied: "It should be the power of waveguide, Jiang Qing possesses the power of high-level waveguide, presumably this awakened Mega Steelix.

Hearing this, more than a dozen people felt mmp in their hearts.

Let ordinary people like us live, not to mention their family background and talents are better than them, and they also have special abilities, and their mother is still advanced.

Advanced special abilities are rare in Xia Kingdom.

And the special ability will play its greatest role after reaching an advanced level.

For example, Jiang Qing's current advanced waveguide can rub Aura Sphere, but the junior and intermediate waveguides cannot.

"Third uncle, when he was in Mega Evolution, he still had other energy to use the power of waveguide." "Power." Huang Mao had an expression that I was young, don't lie to me.

The people around were taken aback, yes, Huang Mao was right.

During Mega Evolution, the Trainer's energy is very concentrated, and even a little bit of energy may lead to exit the Mega Evolution form.

This time Fang Xian didn't say Huang Mao was ignorant, but gave him a surprised look. He still had some brains to think of this question.

"Nothing is impossible. Super Elite once again performed in Mega Evolution in the open competition. At the same time, she used Psychic to link with Pokémon. Her Alakazam got two boosts."

It has been almost ten years since this Open, and the people present were not very old ten years ago, so it is normal that they do not remember or have not watched this Open.

"However, in this way, the consumption of Trainer will be very large"

Fang Xian looked at Jiang Qing, and felt a little puzzled in his heart, because Jiang Qing's expression was very natural, and he didn't show any expression due to excessive consumption.

Anyway, I have used Mega Evolution, and the time is not too short, so it feels like I haven't used it.

Are the young people of today in good health?

Jiang Qing only told his family members about having a mid-level psychic, and others didn't know about it. This was also one of Jiang Qing's hole cards.

Fang Zhong also guessed that Jiang Qing awakened Mega Steelix with the power of Bird.

If Mega Steelix had been hypnotized just now, the ending would have been different.

After two defeats, the face of the Gym Trainer Fang Zhong has become serious. When Jiang Qing defeated his Probopass, he had put away his contempt.

Unexpectedly, his second Pokémon Lunatone was still defeated by Jiang Qing.

"Brother Jiang really gave birth to a good grandson," Fang Zhong said enviously.

He thought of his two grandchildren, the eldest and the second child, they were all standard aristocratic wastes, except for bullying the ordinary-born Trainer outside, they would just kneel when they met the children of other aristocratic families.

Jiang Qing: "It's okay"

Huangmao: "He is such a Power Trip, he is not humble at all"

Fang Xian patted him on the head and said lightly: "You can only do Power Trip if you have the ability. If you have half of him, you will have the final say on the Fang family in the future."

"Really!" Huangmao said in surprise.

"Well, can you do it?"

"Impossible." Huang Mao shook his head.

Fang Xian was speechless for a while, thinking that this guy was inspired by his words, and started to work hard from now on, you are playing yourself with feelings.

Playing with you Uncle, (Nuo Lihao) is really a motherfucker.

Thinking of this, Fang Xian slapped Huang Mao hard on the back of the head with such force that he almost didn't slap Huang Mao to the ground.

"Third Uncle, what are you doing, I'm angry now," Huang Mao said angrily.

What's the matter with me being crippled? You can hit me like this if I cripple you. I don't know if this hurts my self-esteem, and there are many people watching around, and the little sister of the Dong family is also there.

"Angry, then let's practice, you can choose the level of Pokémon, or you want to play real-life fighting with my second uncle and me." Fang Xian looked at Huang Mao with a sneer.

The yellow hair immediately gave in, the Pokémon battle is definitely not the Rival of the third uncle. As for the real fighting, look at my body that has been hollowed out by wine and sex, and then look at the third uncle who has been exercising all the year round and is full of tendons.

"Third uncle, after you punch me, you will beg me"

"I'll beg you, kid." Fang Xian was very annoyed.

"Yes, you will beg me not to die"

Fang Xian: Just kill him. .

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