Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

322 Stupid Batch, Wake Me Up

"This time he will lose, he is not even an Elite, how can he beat grandpa"

Although Huangmao's ability is not very good, fortunately, he still has a little vision. Although Steelix looks majestic, he can still tell that Steelix is ​​not Elite.

Elite Pokémon are fundamentally different from normal Pokémon.

Even if an Elite-level Pokémon stands in front of you with restrained breath, you will still feel that this Pokémon is a bit extraordinary when you look at it.

Steelix is ​​near the peak of Elite, and Shi is close to the peak of Elite. The level gap between the two is still relatively large.

So the first thing to do is to close the gap.

"Steelix Mega Evolution"

As a colorful light enveloped Steelix, a few seconds later, Mega Steelix appeared on the field.

For example, Steelix, Mega Steelix has a circle of floating metal fragments around the neck, the fragments are divided into six groups, rotating clockwise, the original three pairs of stick-shaped protrusions on the body have become crystal-colored materials similar to diamonds, and the tail The tip has also become a diamond material.

And there is a blue hexagonal ring pattern on each side of the four body segments without club-like protrusions. The height of 26 is also much higher than before.

The level was briefly increased from level 70 to 73.

Seeing this, Huang Mao kept silent, he forgot about Mega Evolution.


Feeling its own power soaring, Mega Steelix's self-confidence became extremely inflated. At this moment, it even dared to touch Metagross.

With a fixed gaze, he looked at Ba's otolith which was about 400 meters away from him.

Mega Steelix: Kill you first.

The huge body began to move forward, the speed was not very fast, but because of its length, the moving distance was naturally greater.

When it was about to approach Lunatone, a big mouth full of fangs formed in the air, and the huge mouth bit towards Lunatone.

Psychic erupts from Lunatone, crushing Mega Steelix's Crunch with Psyshock.

"Lunatone Future Sight" Fang Zhongdao.

A mysterious ball of light was launched into the air by Lunatone, and the ball of light disappeared in the next second.

Future Sight: Attacks after a few turns.

When Lunatone uses Future Sight, Mega Steelix's Iron Tail has been raised and lowered, and its power is absolutely terrifying in terms of its body.

When the Iron Tail fell, there was an air explosion, and one end of the Iron Tail carried a white airflow, oppressing the air below.


Facing Iron Tail, which was enough to explode a building, Lunatone remained motionless, his eyes emitting bursts of blue light, and the ripple-like Psychic hit Iron Tail round and round.

Every time Iron Tail is hit, its power will be weakened by one point.

Iron Tail stopped less than ten centimeters away from Lunatone.

No matter how hard Mega Steelix tried, the Iron Tail couldn't get off the ten-centimeter distance. Psychic blocked his Iron Tail like an invisible wall.

As the blue light in Lunatone's eyes became stronger and stronger, Mega Steelix felt that his body was slowly leaving it.

"Mega Steelix piercing god" Jiang Qing said.

Fang Zhong's expression changed slightly upon hearing this.

Although Mega Steelix couldn't move his body, he could still move his mouth. As his mouth opened, there was a sound like a knife point scratching glass.

Lunatone showed a distressed look, and his mental strength could not help but relax.


Mega Steelix landed.



Jiang Qing and Fang Zhong spoke almost simultaneously.

Lunatone condensed Moonblast, but did not see Mega Steelix on the field.

Fang Zhong's face darkened slightly, just now he was read first by Jiang Qing.

The opponent knew the move he wanted to use, so he gave the order almost at the same time as himself, and used Dig to avoid Moonblast.

With the sound of ground cracking, Mega Steelix suddenly sprang out from the ground like a Viper hunting sparrows.

The huge mouth bit Lunatone.

At the critical moment, ten green protective shields enveloped the stone.

With a click, Mega Steelix's mouth bit the protection, and the protection kept cracking, but it didn't mean to break.

Maybe it will break in the next instant, but maybe it will be two or three seconds later.

But whenever it breaks, it's time enough for Lunatone.

The ground below Mega Steelix began to quickly desertify, and the deserted ground swallowed nearly one-third of Mega Steelix's body in the blink of an eye.

The powerful suction formed by Sand Tomb, even Mega Steelix has powerful power, but because it is a sandy ground, its power cannot be exerted at all.

And at this moment, a bright white beam of light descended from the sky above Mega Steelix's head.

Future Sight's attack has arrived.

Because of the Sand Tomb, it can't escape at all.

This Future Sight is coming at the right time.

Fang Zhong smiled slightly, he was lucky enough to be unhappy.

Jiang Qing remained silent.

None of my business.

"Mega Steelix Drill Run"

Just when Mega Steelix was thinking about how he should break the situation, Jiang Qing's voice came, which made his eyes brighten up.

Yes, you can still use this trick.

Although the suction force formed by the Sand Tomb prevents it from moving, its body can rotate together along the flow direction of the Sand Tomb.

The Sand Tomb that originally restrained it turned into its support at this moment, and the Drill Run was completed in an instant.

Like Rapid Spin's Drill, Future Sight's attack was 480 crushed by Drill Run, while Mega Steelix left Sand Tomb with the power generated by the spin.

Looking at Mega Steelix attacking Lunatone with Drill Run, Fang Zhong looked at Jiang Qing with some appreciation.

Whether it is the previous Screech, or the first reading, or the current Drill Run. Yangqing can always give Pokémon a way out of trouble at the right time.

Such commanding ability and ability to adapt to the situation, it is no wonder that the younger generation can't hold their heads up, and now they are even challenging the older generation of Trainers.

But my Lunatone is not so simple.

Lunatone's eyes flashed blue, and several light screens directly blocked Drill Run.

Click, the first Light Screen shattered in the blink of an eye.

Click, half of the second Light Screen shattered.



Click, until the fifth light screen, although Mega Steelix's straight charge was crushed, its body also stopped.

The power of Drill Run was blocked by five Light Screens, while Lunatone arranged six Light Screens.


Mega Steelix who stopped Drill Run only felt that his eyelids were very heavy and kept opening and closing.

I really want to Rest.

Looking at Mega Steelix whose eyelids were gradually closing, Fang Zhong smiled lightly.

"Silly, wake me up"

Just when Mega Steelix was about to take a good sleep, Jiang Qing's cold voice suddenly sounded from its heart. .

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