"What charades are you two playing?"

Everyone in the class had almost left, only Hu Yiyang Feifan and Lin Xiu were left, and it was Lin Xiu who spoke.

This guy didn't leave at the beginning because he was thinking about how to complete the task, the top 16 of the Harbin Ice Competition.

Nima School really thinks highly of itself. I don’t know how many ice trainers are below the Elite level in the country. It is too difficult for Nima to win the top 16.

Then he heard Hu Yi and Yang Feifan playing charades over there.

"You don't understand even if you tell me," Yang Feifei said.

"Then tell me, there are still things I don't understand"

Lin Xiu looked at Yang Feifan and Hu Yi suspiciously. There must be something tricky about these two people. Now that he knew about it, he had to figure it out.

"You know the Pythagorean theorem, yes, it has nothing to do with this at all"

After speaking, Yang Feifei turned around and left.

None of the tasks for the students in the special recruitment class is easy. If they really can't finish it, then Fang Xian said that he would quit the special recruitment class, and he didn't mean it.

"It has nothing to do with trigonometry"

Hu Yi said lightly.

Seeing the two leaving one after another, Lin Xiu was a little dazed, and then suddenly said: "I see, it must be related to the binary linear equation."


"Main Mission Release: National Gym Badge"

"Task requirements, get 3 National Gymnasium Badge rewards: 30,000 points, Mewtwo fragments X3"

"Acquired 6 National Gymnasium Badge rewards: 60,000 points, Mewtwo fragments X6, quasi-champion initial experience card (ten minutes)"

"Get 12 National Gym Badge rewards: 120,000 points, Mewtwo fragments X15, quasi-champion mid-term experience card (ten minutes), golden legend fragments X4"

"Acquired 18 National Gym Badge rewards: 180,000 points, Mewtwo Fragment X30, Champion Initial Experience Card (10 minutes), Golden Legendary Fragment X5, a Special Ability Upgrade Card"

"Note: This task is a phased reward, you can get a reward every time you complete a phase"

On the way back to the villa, a system voice sounded in my mind.

Since the last time the system released the main task, the rewards for the main task have always been the most generous.

And the richness this time was really beyond Jiang Qing's expectation, subconsciously he even stopped his steps, and his face became very exciting.

Four phased missions, the point reward alone is 490,000. If the Mewtwo fragments add up, the total is more than 50. Including what he already has, although it is still not enough to exchange for Mewtwo, at least it has made a big step forward .

The golden legendary fragment originally had six pieces for Jiang Qing, and if he completed the third stage of the task, he would be able to gather enough ministers.

At that time, Metagross will be a proper golden qualification Pokémon, which is comparable to a first-level god.

This is burning up.

Jiang Qing lightly clenched his fist and became emotional.

However, with his current strength, it is still very difficult to clear the 18 national gymnasiums. Some of these gym owners are quasi-champions.

This kind of strength is not something he can challenge now.

Therefore, this main task is completely a long-term task. If you want to complete it all, at least you have to wait for Metagross to reach the peak of Elite.

And now Metagross is still quasi-Elite pinnacle.

Although there have been more than three in the past, the current Elite-level Pokémon is still only Dragonite.

After stopping on the road for a long time, many passing students looked curiously at Jiang Qing, a celebrity of the school.

With a gust of fragrant wind, the day's tender little hand passed in front of love.

"Jiang Qing, are you in a daze?"

Jiang Qing held that hand subconsciously, returning her thoughts, and seeing that the person in front of her was Han Bingqing, Jiang Qing said lightly: "I'm thinking about something."

Saying that, he immediately let go of the opponent's palm.

"If you want to hold it, I have no objection"

Han Bingqing said playfully.

"Your hands are too cold"

Jiang Qing frowned, just now he thought he was holding an ice cube.

Seeing Han Bingqing dressed like a zongzi, and wearing a hat of the same style as Slowking, added a bit of cuteness.

"Aren't you cold in so little clothes?"

Regarding Jiang Qing's straight male Han Bingqing, he said that he has gotten used to it, seeing that Mei Qing is wearing very thin clothes, and the temperature in the imperial capital is about ten degrees below zero.

However, recalling that when Jiang Qing held his hand just now, the heat from the opponent's palm was like a stove, which made Han Bingqing's face slightly rosy.

"Cold, so I'm going back"

Jiang Qing nodded, because of his physique, his resistance to cold and heat is much higher than that of Normal people.

After walking for a while, he found that Han Bingqing was still following him. When he reached the gate of the villa, the other party still followed him.

Jiang Qing looked back at the other party.

"I want to go in and have a cup of coffee. Lin Xiu said that the coffee made by Dadai is delicious," Han Bingqing said.

This woman is very capable, she got mixed into Jiang Qing, Lin Xiu, Wu Fan and others' small group a long time ago, of course Lin Xiula got in.

"...Yah dong"

Slowking: please come in

Jiang Qing didn't agree yet, sensing that Jiang Qing had arrived at the door, Slowking heard Han Bingqing's words as soon as he came out, and immediately smiled and invited Han Bingqing to go in for coffee.

Seeing Slowking making a gesture of invitation to himself, Han Bingqing smiled slightly, and then walked in.

But as soon as she arrived in the backyard, the smile on her face froze immediately.

I saw Ram Nan in the backyard measuring data for Steelix.

"This gloss is not like polished, but naturally formed"

"The density of the body is unbelievably 30g/cm3, which is 10 times higher than that of diamond"

The body density of most Steelix is ​​only 13g/cm3, and that of the Elite class is around 20g/cm3, but Jiang Qing's Steelix has a body density far beyond its strength range.

In addition to restraining its moves, if the level is not as good as it or similar to it, their moves are basically the same as Tickle itch against Steelix.

"Length 13 meters"

(Wang Dehao) Among all the data, only the length is considered normal by the Rams. Although it is 4 meters longer than the Normal Steelix, the longest Steelix in the world record has reached an astonishing 60 meters.

Steelix lay motionless on the ground and cooperated with Gongyang Nan to check his body. When he saw Jiang Qing coming, he opened his mouth to say hello.

"Why is Gongyang Nan at your house?"

Han Bingqing looked directly at Jiang Qing, who was also one of the top ten school beauties, of course she knew about Gong Yangnan, and had met him several times in school, but she didn't say hello.

"I came here to study," said Jiang Qing.

Then he walked from the backyard to the middle of the house, and when he passed by Gongyang Nan, he didn't say hello at all, as if he regarded her as air.

Seeing this, Han Bingqing was slightly relieved, Hao Jiang's attitude towards her was no different from his attitude towards himself.

But I have coffee, and you don't, so I win Ken.

With a triumphant smile, Han Bingqing walked into the room. .

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