Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

312 Everyone's Task

About 20 minutes after Fang Xian finished speaking, the phone's message sounded. Jiang Qing saw that it was information about the mission.

Almost at the same time, all the students in the special recruitment class looked at their mobile phones, looking expectantly and nervously at the task they were about to perform.

"It's over, it's over, my task is to let me go to the wild to capture a mid-Elite Pokémon," a student said bitterly.

"What's so difficult about your task? It's just to capture the quasi-Elite mid-term Pokémon. It's not for you to be one-on-one. Look at mine." Another student's face has turned into a bitter gourd.

"I'll go, brother, your mission is a bit interesting. If you don't come back, I can understand." The other party patted the man on the shoulder, saying it was comfort, and more of a gloating.

I saw that the task content of that person was impressively to defeat ten students from the first-year special recruitment class of Shuimu freshman.

With the relationship of Shuimugen's imperial capital, this mission probably won't cost him half his life.

"I have to inquire about the information about the last few dozen students in Mizuki's freshman special recruitment class."

"Lin Xiu, what is your mission?"

Wu Fan moved his head closer.

"To participate in the ice competition held in Harbin City, at least the top 16 rankings, fortunately only trainers below God are allowed to participate"

"And you"

"It's about the same as you. I'm participating in the Fighting Competition in Jing'an City next week, and I want to be in the top 16."

"Shen Yu, what about you?"

"Same as Wu Fan, but I am in the top 32"

"Xia Yu, what's wrong with you, it's the same as Salamence's death"

Hu Yi suppressed a smile on the side and said: "His task is to defeat Acacia Liu"

In an instant, everyone around looked at Xia Yu with sympathy, especially because they all knew that Xia Yu and Xiangsi Liu had fought since they were young, and they never won a game.

"Don't worry, even if you leave the special recruitment class with your strength, you can come back soon." Yang Feifei suppressed a smile.

I don't know who thought of this task, it's so fucking wicked.

"Teacher, I want to know who arranged my task"

Xia Yu clenched his fists and stood up from the chair calmly.

"You Uncle arranged it, you have an opinion" Fang Xian said flatly.

This was not the task originally given to Xia Yu, but Xia Wu intervened later, saying how a man from the Xia family could not beat a woman, so he arranged this task for Xia Yu.


Xia Yu roared and sat down unwillingly.

"Brother Jiang, what is your mission?" Lin Xiu asked curiously.

Quite a few people also pricked up their ears. Jiang Qing is known as the number one person of the Xia Kingdom's younger generation, so his task will definitely not be so easy.

"Beat a national gymnasium," Jiang Qing said.

With an understated expression, what he said was earth-shattering words.

"I thought defeating a provincial gymnasium was enough to look up to me, and a national gymnasium would not even dare to think about it," said a student.

There are a total of 18 national-level gymnasiums in Xia Kingdom, and each gym owner is an elite peak or a quasi-champion.

National gymnasiums are not the kind of city gymnasiums. The owner of the city gymnasium has the accusation of pointing out the challenger, so he can release the water. Even if the challenger fails, he can also give Badge as appropriate.

But this is not the case in national gymnasiums. Since you dare to challenge, you will be beaten until you kneel down. There is no so-called coaching at all. As a national gymnasium, if it is defeated by a challenger, this is definitely a matter of humiliation.

And if a certain national gymnasium is defeated several times by challengers within a year, then his strength will be questioned by the Trainer Association.

Once the association assesses it, if it fails the assessment, it will be disqualified as a gymnasium owner.

Therefore, as the owner of a national gymnasium, he will do his best to treat challengers, and there is no such thing as releasing water.

And if you get eight National Gym Badges, you can participate in the Elite Challenge held every four years in Xiaguo.

The national gymnasium is the gymnasium that tests the strength of Xia Guo's Elite trainers. Basically, the trainers who challenge are the late Elite trainers, and there are very few mid-term trainers.

And Jiang Qing is only the early stage of Elite.

"Brother Jiang, why are you not nervous at all?"

Lin Xiu saw that Jiang Qing's face was calm, and she didn't seem to worry at all that she would not be able to complete her task.

Could it be that Brother Jiang wants to challenge his own steel-type gymnasium?

"It seems a bit difficult for Boss Jiang's strength to challenge the national gymnasium"

The number one younger brother Wu Fan is also a little uncertain at the moment whether Jiang Qing can complete the task.

"Is there a national gymnasium in Hedong Province next to the imperial capital?" Jiang Qing asked.

The imperial capital itself has a national-level dragon gymnasium, and the owner of the gym is the Xia family, but Jiang Qing has a good relationship with the Xia family, so he doesn't want to come to kick the gym.

"Well, there is a Rock gym." Lin Xiu nodded.

"Brother Jiang, you want to challenge this gym"

"Well, isn't this one the closest?" Jiang Qing nodded naturally.

Originally, Lin Xiu wanted to say that the dragon gymnasium was not closer, just in the imperial capital, but he just thought about the relationship between Jiang Qing and the Xia family [I think this is the reason why he almost didn't want to challenge the dragon gymnasium.

None of Jiang Qing’s family has ever challenged gymnasiums. After all, he is following the academic route, and those who rely on challenging gymnasiums to improve their strength and participate in various conferences belong to the practical school.

The practical faction looks down on the academic faction, thinking that they are all weak chickens who cannot withstand the rain of Gust, and their minds are full of theories, and the academic faction naturally looks down on the practical faction, thinking that they are idiots who have not even mastered basic knowledge.

But in the end, the two are 913 to the same goal. After graduating from the academic school, they will also take the road of the actual combat school. Many of the actual combat school find that their theoretical knowledge is not enough to support them to continue to become stronger, so they will naturally find corresponding schools for further study.

"The mission has a one-month deadline. If it exceeds the deadline, it will be regarded as a mission failure. Don't delay," Fang Xian warned, and then he left the classroom directly.

The teacher has left, and the others have also left one after another. Many of them started to go back to the villa, pack their luggage, and prepare to complete the task.

Yang Feifan and Hu Yi lived in two adjacent villas, so they walked together.

"What's your mission?" Yang Feifei asked.

"Kill a wanted criminal who is a quasi-Elite peak," Hu Yidao said.

The task request is actually to arrest him, but Hu Yi wants to kill him.

"Do you think Mei Qing can complete this task?"

The national-level museum owners are all elites in the Elite, all of them are capable of leapfrogging and fighting, and each of them has a lot of experience.

"Of course, you still underestimate him."

Hu Yi smiled.

Jiang Qing never thought that the one who was most confident in his strength was not the close Wu Fan, Lin Xiu and others, but Hu Yi, who had a relatively cold personality.

"We underestimated you too," Yang Feifei said.

"Oh, did you see it, no, I hid it very well."

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