Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

310 Arcanine In Winter

310 Arcanine in winter

Three months have passed in a flash, and it is February 2023. The imperial capital is very cold in winter, with an average temperature of around minus 10 degrees.

Jiang Qing has finished the first half semester, now is the second half semester

In the lobby of the villa, Jiang Qing was drinking the coffee he brewed in a daze. The way he brews coffee is even better than that of a professional barista.

Snow was falling outside the window, and it had been snowing for four consecutive days, but there was not much snow in the yard, and the reason was due to the Arcanine who was venting her energy in the yard.

As it ran, a lot of heat radiated from its body, and the snow hadn't fallen yet, it turned into rain—falling.

Pokémon: Arcanine (Fire)

Grade: 62

Qualification: blue

Ability: Flash Fire

Props: Hard Charcoal

Gender: male

Moves: Leer, Ember, Howl, Bite, Flame Wheel, Help, Agility, Extrreme Speed, Burn Up, Flamethrower, Flare Blitz, Fire Fang, Roar, Retaliate

Skill Discs: Protection, Flame Vortex, Hyper Beam, Dig, Sunny Day, Giga Impact, Heat Wave, Wild Charge,, Psychic Fangs

Genetic Skills: Flare Blitz, Flare Blitz, Overheat, Double Edge, Outrage

Note: Fire moves are increased by 20%

More than a month ago, Growlithe completely absorbed the fire spar in her body, and at the same time, with the help of the top-level Fire Stone given to it by Jiang Qing, Growlithe finally completed the evolution and became Arcanine.

Also because the fire spar has been absorbed, the power of Arcanine's fire moves has been improved to a certain extent.

The color is still red, and it has not changed back because of the disappearance of the fire spar. It can be regarded as a different-color Pokémon in name, but it does not have the special ability of the different-color Pokémon.

In addition to Arcanine in the yard, Steelix is ​​also in the yard. The former wants to have fun outside, and the latter simply stays in the yard because he is too tall to enter the house, and he doesn’t want to go back to the Poké Ball. And Aggron.

"Stay dumb Celebi, this guy isn't still in Rest, is he?"

"Yah dong"

Slowking nodded.

"Wake it up quickly, you are too indulgent for it, it can sleep late and skip breakfast, can't I do that?"

In the end, Jiang Qing's face was full of jealousy and envy.

I can't just sleep in the bed in the winter.

Slowking: It's different.

"It's really different, you can eat, sleep and drink" Jiang Qing sneered.

Slowking: It's still small.

"I'm still young at two hundred years old. Two hundred years ago, my ancestors were still landlords."

While speaking, a green figure flew down from the second floor, and then skillfully lay down on Jiang Qing's head, but Jiang Qing picked it up in the next second.

Celebi: You just said bad things about me, I heard you.

"So what, I was wrong, look at you, you just ate your stomach out in two months"

Celebi woke up two months ago. After waking up, Jiang Qing let him rest for a while before leaving. Meiqing who said this naturally had other purposes.

The simple Celebi believed it, and after recuperating for a while, he just lingered and refused to leave.

Whether it's the delicious food made by Daidai, the energy cubes and snacks in Jiang Qing's hands, or the fun games like Pokémon Glory, these are all things that it can't give up.

Jiang Qing poked its belly with his fingers, and it was indeed a little belly.

"You're not the first Celebi with a small belly"

Celebi didn't feel ashamed when he heard this, on the contrary, he looked very honored.


Celebi: I eat fat, it's not because you raised me well.

Hearing this, the corners of Jiang Qing's mouth twitched slightly.

Who would have thought that the patron saint of the majestic forest, the time traveler, and the magical Pokémon Celebi, would be obsessed with appetite and games.

"Don't give it snacks after the stay, and see what it looks like, it's full of technology and hard work," Jiang Qing said.

That is to say, Celebi is a fantasy Pokémon, and its physique is much better than that of ordinary Pokémon. Otherwise, if other Pokémon often eat human snacks, they will be malnourished.

It doesn't look like it, but the more you eat, the fatter you get.

"Yah dong"

Slowking: Mainly because I ate too many energy cubes.

Slowking said that he does not take the blame for this. Although he loves Celebi very much, it is because of his love that he will not let him eat too many snacks.

On the contrary, it was Jiang Qing who disliked the other party for eating too much, but once the other party said he was hungry.

Celebi: I'm hungry.

"Eat, eat, know to eat"

Glaring at the other party, he took out an energy cube produced by the system and gave it to him.

Slowking: That's it.


"Hurry up and eat, we will be three rows after eating"

Celebi: I can eat and fight at the same time, but this time I will choose the confrontation road.

"Listen to me, the road to confrontation is too deep, you are too young to grasp it, I will come, you choose the shooter"

"That last shooter last night was rubbish"

Celebi: It's because you can't help.

"Fart, obviously it's him pulling the crotch, and I can't help it"

Celebi: He doesn't even give out gems, and grabs the shooter's economy, so he can get up.

"What do you know, every support has an output heart"

Celebi: Hehe.

The daily bickering begins, which has happened frequently since Celebi learned Pokémon glory.

And what made Jiang Qing angry, Celebi played better than him, which hit him a bit.


Slowking: Most Pokémon Glory players are better than you, even elementary school students.

"Lucario you call Arcanine in"

How can you play games in winter without Arcanine?

Soon Arcanine entered the room and lay down on the hall quite self-consciously.

Then Jiang Qing leaned against it and squeezed hard, Celebi also flew onto Arcanine's head.

The bursts of heat radiating from the dog's body are simply a warming tool in this cold winter.

Although there is heating, air conditioning, and even a fireplace in the room, they are not as comfortable as leaning against Arcanine, and her long hair is also extremely soft.

Arcanine: Call me baby in winter, call me dog egg in summer.

Leaning on Arcanine and playing games is simply a great enjoyment in winter.

As soon as he opened the game, Lin Xiu's messages popped up. Originally, Jiang Qing didn't want to care about it, but the messages came one after another.

Lin Xiu: Brother Jiang, have you heard that there are new ruins on the high seas.

Lin Xiu: Our country has sent two champions there.

Lin Xiu: But the Stars and Stripes also sent two champions.

Lin Xiu: Brother Jiang, do the two champions of our country have your grandfather?

Lin Xiu: Brother Jiang, why don't you reply to my message.

Lin Xiu: Brother Jiang, I will call you.

Well, it seems that it will be impossible not to reply to the message.

Jiang Qing: Got it, I'm busy!

Lin Xiu: Brother Jiang, what are you busy with? Do you want my help?

Jiang Qing: Send me another message, and I'll let Metagross go over and beat you up.

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