Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

309 Growlithe: You Really Are A Dog

In a large dog park in the imperial capital, Jiang Qing was holding a frisbee in his hand, and Growlithe in front of him was looking at the frisbee eagerly, sticking out his tongue.

As Jiang Qing threw the frisbee, Growlithe turned into a red line and quickly chased after the frisbee. When the frisbee was about to land, he jumped up and bit the frisbee.

Then it held the frisbee in front of Jiang Qing, and continued to look at him expectantly.

There are various types of dogs in the dog park, Growlithe, Poochyena, Mightyena, Snubbull, Granbull, Houndour, Houndoom, Manectric, Stoutland, etc.

All dogs can be seen here, even Absol, Manectric, which look like dogs, are here.

The proud Absol looked at the ball thrown out and looked at himself expectantly, wishing to pick it up by himself Trainer, sighed silently, turned around to pick up the ball

"Let's go back after playing for a while"

Jiang Qing took out a ball from his pocket. He had been playing Frisbee for a long time, so he changed to another ball.

I promised Growlithe to go to the dog park a long time ago, but it was delayed because of some things. Now I have time to bring the energetic Growlithe out to play.


Growlithe nodded at 873.

With its excited appearance, Jiang Qing really couldn't believe that it really listened to it.

The last time I brought it here to play, and when I was about to go home, I refused to go back. I didn't settle down until I put it back in the Poké Ball.

Growlithe is a rare Pokémon, but in the largest dog park in the imperial capital, you can still see other Growlithe, even Arcanine.

However, compared to the energetic and lively Growlithe, the evolved Arcanine is much calmer.

"You Growlithe are so well bred, and you're heterochromatic"

Growlithe ran back with the ball in his mouth and threw it at Jiang Qing's feet. A Trainer who also owned Growlithe walked up to Jiang Qing and looked at Growlithe with admiration.

"You're not lazy"

Jiang Qing looked at the Growlithe at his feet. It was a green color, with good hair and eyes. It was obviously a very good Growlithe.

"Thanks for the exaggeration"

The man was obviously very happy when he heard Jiang Qing say that, because the Growlithe cultivated by Jiang Qing was even better than his own, so how could he not be happy to be praised by such an expert.

"Meet Zhou Qing"

The opponent stretched out his palm.

"Jiang Qing"

Hold each other's palm.

"Long-awaited name"

Looking at Jiang Qing wearing a mask, and hearing the other party's name, Zhou Qing suddenly realized that the red Growlithe belonged to Jiang Qing.

He was still thinking that besides Jiang Qing, there was a second red Growlithe in the imperial capital.

"Do you want to have a game?" Zhou Qing asked.

"Not coming"

Jiang Qing directly shook his head and refused, without even asking, he is not interested in the battle now, even if it is not a battle, he is also not interested in other games.

Zhou Qing was slightly taken aback, and then chuckled lightly: "That's fine."

"Growlithe went back"

After continuing to throw the ball a few times, please see that the time is almost up, and t leave.


Sure enough, just like before, Growlithe didn't want to leave so early.

"If you don't leave, next time I will throw you to the cat park next door" Jiang Qing threatened.

Where there is a dog park, there is a cat park, and the cat park is right next door.

Perhaps it is because the two species are inherently opposed, and few cats and dogs can get along normally.

Just like Fearow and Bi Diao, Zangoose and Seviper, they are born on opposite sides.

Even if they are subdued by the same Trainer, they often fight when they meet.

Hearing Jiang Qing say this, Growlithe immediately panicked. It was not afraid of cats, but afraid of dealing with many cats.

Watching Jiang Qing leave with Growlithe, Zhou Qing opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he still didn't say anything.

At any rate, everyone is a dog lover, and they even reported their names to each other, so they can't chat. What do you mean if you don't talk, just (cgfi) picked it up.

"No wonder people from other families say that you are not easy to get along with," Zhou Qing muttered.

As for Jiang Qing's indifferent character, unless he is a social cow like Lin Xiu or a rough nerve like Wu Fan, it is really impossible for Yang Qing to chat normally.

After leaving the dog park, Jiang Qing didn't take back Growlithe. It was about half an hour away from Imperial University. Anyway, Growlithe hadn't exhausted his energy, so Jiang Qing planned to take it back.

Growlithe is a small Pokémon, so it can be taken to the street, and there are many small Pokémon on the street.

Because of the special color of Growlithe, it also attracted the attention of many people along the way.

Some people even came to ask if Growlithe was for sale, they opened their mouths and it started with 100,000,000 yuan.

There are not too many rich people in the imperial capital, and it is also a place where aristocratic families gather.

Of course they were rejected by Jiang Qing.

After being rejected, they didn't bother, let alone rob or speak harshly. This kind of dementia and mindless behavior can only appear in novels.

In a place like the imperial capital where fish and dragons are mixed up, if you don't even know the identity of the other party, if you want to mess with the other party, you may be the one who will die.

Besides, will people with different-color Pokémon be ordinary people?

"Second serving of ice cream half price"

Passing by an ice cream shop, Growlithe stopped.

"Dogs can't eat sweets, they will die if they eat them," Jiang Qing said with a grimace.


Growlithe says you've had ice cream before, so you're lying to the dog.

In the shadow under his feet, Gengar stretched out his small hand and tugged at Jiang Qing's trousers, expressing that he wanted to eat too.

"Two servings"

"good guest"

Soon two servings of chocolate ice cream were ready, Jiang Qing gave one to Growlithe and the other to Gengar who was hiding in the shadows.

"Give me the most expensive one"


Growlithe: You really are a dog.

Seeing Growlithe's depressed expression, Jiang Qing chuckled.

The waiter also found the relationship between Jiang Qing and Growlithe very interesting, and after a chuckle, he prepared the most expensive ice cream for Jiang Qing.

"Little big brother, can you give me a contact information?"


Jiang Qing rejected the fifth woman who asked for her contact information.

The existence of the heterochromatic Growlithe undoubtedly made him the most beautiful boy on the street, only the four words "I'm rich" were written on his forehead.

The way to attract women now is not luxury cars, villas and famous watches, but rare Pokémon.

Rare and powerful Pokémon have become a status symbol.

Eating the most expensive ice cream, it is really good in terms of taste, with a strong milk flavor.


Growlithe: It's delicious.

Jiang Qing: "Not tasty, not tasty at all"

Watching Jiang Qing eat the ice cream bite by bite, but said it was not delicious, Growlithe felt that her Trainer was the real dog. .

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