Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

Is 303 Ten Years Long?

Not long after entering the central area, a Honchkrow stood in front of Dragonite.

Honchkrow: Leave my domain.

Honchkrow in the mid-Elite stage did not expect to encounter the mid-stage Elite as soon as he entered the central area, which is indeed a place known as a forbidden area.

When Dragonite was about to put Jiang Qing down and was about to teach the Honchkrow a lesson, Celebi suddenly flew out from behind Jiang Qing.

He really hated the opponent's green body lying on his head, so Jiang Qing put it behind his back.

"Bi, Zhao E"

Celebi said something to Honchkrow. After the latter saw the other party, his hostility was obviously reduced a lot, and he directly moved out of the way.

Jiang Qing patted Dragonite to let it go on, and then said in surprise: "You can, it's such a big face."

Celebi immediately showed a complacent expression when he heard the words.

As the guardian of the forest, it is naturally loved by Pokémon, otherwise Dragonite would not have chosen to protect it the first time it saw it.

Pokémon: Celebi (super/grass)

Level: 75

Qualification: blue

Ability: Natural Reply

Props: None

Gender: None

Moves: Confusion, Heal Bell, Magical Leaf, Baton Pass, Ancient Power, Life Dew, Leech Seed, Recover, Future Sight, Safeguard, Solar Beam

Skill Disc: None

Genetic Skills: None

Obviously possessing the strength of the mid-term Elite, but always acting like a coward, and in terms of appearance, he is indeed harmless to humans and animals.

Superpower and Grass Type's fantasy Pokémon, the most eye-catching thing is that it has the power to travel through time.

Traces of Celebi have been found in places with relatively large forest coverage around the world, but so far no Trainer has tamed Celebi.

Once the Gaul state-owned champion trainer wanted to forcibly subdue the opponent, but disappeared directly in place, and when he reappeared, he had turned into a dying old man.

Celebi can take you through time, and it can also make you die in endless time.

Don't be fooled by its harmless and weak appearance.

With Celebi's help, Jiang Qing came to the land of Imprison very smoothly. In addition to Honchkrow, two Elite Pokémon such as Roserade and Magnezone appeared to stop him, but because of Celebi, Jiang Qing and Dragonite passed their territory.

"It's a bit cold in here〃||ah"

When I came to the land of Imprison that Celebi said, the surrounding scenery was no different from the outside world, except that the trees were rocks, and there were even creeks.

But only the temperature is a little too low.

At the same time, Jiang Qing also felt a strong malice around him, which was blocked by his waveguide.

If humans or Pokémon with weak willpower live here for a long time, their personalities will definitely become very violent and bloodthirsty.

Celebi: Come with me.

Said it flew forward.

Jiang Qing and Dragonite immediately followed behind it.

As he continued to go deeper, Jiang Qing obviously felt that the surrounding temperature was getting lower, and the malice became more and more intense. In a trance, he seemed to see dusty air drifting around.

Look carefully, but there is nothing.

"Fucking evil, why is the color of this Leafage black"

At the beginning, the surrounding scenery was still in color, but the more you went deeper, the scenery gradually changed from color to the current single black.

Trees are black, Leafage is black, Ground is black, even Soaring in the sky has become Black.

Celebi: Arrived

Just when Jiang Qing was about to ask Celebi, the other party stopped.

It stayed in front of a half-meter-high Rock, and as Jiang Qing walked over, Celebi said softly.

"This is the land of Imprison. Over a hundred years ago, with the power of the Assist forest and the help of many Pokémon, I imprisoned each other"

The opening is more than a hundred years ago, the old Versailles.

In other words, under such a cute appearance, there is a soul that has lived for at least a hundred years.

"But now this Imprison is about to be broken by it"

"You mean that its strength was strengthened by Imprison, so it can break through Imprison?" Jiang Qing asked.

Celebi shook his head: That's not the case, it's using its own power to constantly wear down Imprison's power.

"Then if this is the case, you can strengthen this Imprison, and its current strength has weakened."

Celebi shook his head again: Back then I assisted the power of the forest to imprison it, causing the vitality of this forest to have not recovered until now. If I assist their power again, this forest will be completely turned into a Jedi.

Jiang Qing found himself asking a stupid question, if he could be Imprison again, why would Celebi ask him.

That's right, let's talk about why it is looking for itself.

Jiang Qing also expressed this doubt.

After all, there are many Trainers who enter the Baicang Mountains every day, and there are many Elites. Why would Celebi find him.

Celebi tilted his head and replied in a clear voice: "Because you are a good person"

In Celebi's eyes, Jiang Qing exudes the power of a high-level waveguide, and the four words "I am a good person" are written all over his body.

Originally, Lin Xiu was also a good person in its eyes, but it was a pity that his strength was not good enough.

Jiang Qing's face was a little stiff, if he didn't see the innocent eyes of the other party, he really wanted to say, how can you scold people so well.

Dragonite nodded seriously, thinking that what Celebi said was right, there is no one better than his own Trainer in this world.

Looking at one big and one small, with that expression of agreeing that he is a good person, Jiang Qing said slightly uncomfortable: "Then what should I do now?"

He pointed to the Rock that represented Imprison. If you look carefully, you can see black air constantly overflowing from the rock.

And the stone has cracked two-thirds.

To be honest, this Imprison is really not tall enough.

Who would believe that a powerful evil Pokémon was imprisoned in the head of this stone.

Celebi: When it breaks Imprison, you destroy it.

Jiang Qing: "When will it break Imprison"

Celebi: "Probably another ten years or so"

"Dragonite let's go"

Jiang Qing rode on Dragonite blankly and was about to leave, feeling that he was being played.

Celebi flew to Jiang Qing in a hurry: what's wrong with you.

What's the matter with me, if it wasn't for your cute face, I would have beaten you up long ago.

"I can't wait so long" Jiang Qing said with a deadpan expression.

Celebi: Ten years is a long time - it won't pass if you sleep.

In its impression, ten years is just a short sleep, maybe it will be longer.

I'm less than twenty years old now, and I'm going to be three in the time it takes for you to sleep, maybe the child will be soy sauce.

Jiang Qing complained and was speechless for a while. .

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