Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

302 Land Of Imprison

Dragonite obviously wanted to protect Celebi, and the other party seemed to know Lin Xiu. Under the pressure of his Elite level, Professor Jiang's weak body resisted forcefully, and his eyes were still extremely hot looking at Dragonite's back. Celebi.

But his expression was very uncomfortable, as if he would fall down at any time.

"Dragonite, it's all right"

Seeing this, Lin Xiu quickly persuaded Dragonite to accept the supernatural powers, and Professor Jiang's body was about to collapse if he continued on. Although he was stubborn along the way, he was still a good person.

Dragonite took a look at Lin Xiu, and saw that she was really about to be overwhelmed, so she withdrew her breath.

Immediately, without waiting for their reaction, they flew away with Celebi.

"Hoo hoo!!"

The disappearance of coercion made Professor Jiang and others gasp for breath.

When he recovered, he saw that Celebi was taken away by Dragonite. He became anxious. He waited for someone to find Celebi for so long before he appeared. Efforts were in vain.

"Chasing, chasing quickly"

Professor Jiang spoke eagerly, and started to chase the dragon in the direction where the dragon disappeared.

Other members of the investigation team followed in Professor Jiang's footsteps.

"Professor Jiang doesn't need to chase after him, Dragonite26 will come back at that time, we just have to wait where we are," Lin Xiu stopped Professor Jiang and said.

Dragonite belongs to Brother Jiang, and the other party is going back now, and Brother Jiang will come over soon, but I don't know if Wu Fan and Shen Yu are with Brother Jiang.

"This Dragonite is here to find us"

Hearing Lin Xiu's explanation, Professor Jiang immediately realized that he and others had been missing for so many days, which attracted the attention of the outside world, so he sent someone to look for them.

"Yes, the person who came to us is very powerful, so don't make him angry because of Celebi," Lin Xiu warned.

Professor Jiang frowned, but the student beside him, Qian Feng, said very dissatisfied: "We discovered Celebi first, and once we figure out how Celebi can travel through time

That's definitely an Arceus-level award"

"just you?"

Lin Xiu laughed.

"What do you mean"

Qian Feng was furious, which obviously meant looking down on him.

"Arceus Award, do you think you are Jiang Qi?"

"Okay, Qian Feng, the person here is an Elite trainer. If there is a conflict, it will be bad for us." Professor Jiang stopped Qian Feng who continued to argue.

Although Pokémon Trainers and Pokémon researchers are both engaged in Pokémon-related work, in terms of social status, the two are comparable, but there are some differences.

For example, an Elite trainer has a higher status than a senior researcher.

There are tens of thousands of senior researchers in China, but there are only more than 500 Elite trainers.

But if you are a top researcher, such as Jiang Qi who has won the Arceus Award, your status is definitely higher than that of an Elite Trainer.

The top researchers are all strategic national treasures, and their value is comparable to that of a champion.

Professor Jiang is a senior researcher. Originally, he was not required to investigate the Pokémon density outside the Baicang Mountains, but his disciple Qian Feng.

It's just that he stayed in the laboratory for more than half a year and wanted to go out for a walk, so he took the initiative to apply for this appointment.

About three hours later, following a sound not far away, Jiang Qing, Shen Yu, and Wu Fan appeared in front of Lin Xiu, the investigation team and the others.

And Celebi, whom the investigation team was thinking of, lay on Jiang Qing's head.

The power of the advanced waveguide made Celebi very friendly to Jiang Qing, brought back by Dragonite, and flew directly to Jiang Qing's head.

Its cute appearance made Shen Yu couldn't help but want to touch it, but Celebi avoided it several times.

Furious Shen Yuzhi Stomping Tantrum.


Seeing Jiang Qing, Lin Xiu ran over happily.

"It's all right"

I took a look at the other party and the investigation team. There were not too many people. Except for the embarrassment, there seemed to be no problem.

"It's okay, I'm here after all," Lin Xiu said.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, get out of here first," Jiang Qing said.

Lin Xiu was a little dazed, "Brother Jiang, don't you come with us?"

"something to do"

Jiang Qing touched Celebi on his head.

Damn, I don't know what color you are, you are so green on my head, if it weren't for your cuteness, the country would have thrown you to the ground.

"Can this student discuss it?"

Before Professor Jiang finished speaking, Jiang Qing said.

"Celebi can't give it to you, don't think about it"

Jiang Qing shook his head, said as he rode on Dragonite, and directly took Celebi to fly deeper.

Professor Jiang and the investigation team:

It's gone, gone - and gone with Celebi

Even Lin Xiu was stunned, not knowing why Jiang Qing wanted to leave.

"What did Celebi tell Jiang Qing? Things should be more dangerous, so Jiang Qing didn't take us there," Shen Yu explained.

On the way to find Lin Xiu, Celebi had been communicating with Jiang Qing. Although he didn't know what the two said, Jiang Qing's expression gradually became serious.

And on the way, Jiang Qing told them that after finding Lin Xiu and the investigation team, he asked them to leave the Baicang Mountains and gave them enough supplies.

Hmm - from his small-looking backpack, he pulled out more than a dozen people's rations for more than a month, even Pokémon food.

"I can understand if you don't take the two of you, why don't you take me, I'm much better than you two 407" Lin Xiu said unwillingly.

Jiang Qing and Celebi obviously wanted to engage in some kind of risky behavior. How could such an exciting activity be without him.

Shen Yu's face darkened, she was the last in the special recruitment class, what the other party said was indeed correct, but

In the next second, Lin Xiu clutched her stomach and fell to the ground, paying the price for her words.

"No, Celebi can't be taken away, what's the man's name, I want to sue him"

Qian Feng was full of anger and unwillingness.

"Forget it, let's go back first, Celebi may really have something urgent to find him," Professor Jiang said desolately.

"Teacher, we can't forget about it like this. We must report it to the higher authorities and let them punish this guy," Qian continued.

Wu Fan walked over slowly, slapped him on the face, and knocked him to the ground.

"Boss Jiang is here to save you, you white-eyed wolf, if you continue to go deeper without Boss Jiang, there will be no return."

"I still want to complain about Boss Jiang, but you are not qualified enough"

The Dragonite was flying quickly in the air, and the Celebi finger on Jiang Qing's head pointed to a certain area in front of him and kept making "bi" sounds.

Celebi: The land of Imprison is just ahead.

This area is already located in the central area of ​​the Baicang Mountain Range, and it is also the real forbidden area of ​​the Baicang Mountain Range.

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