Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

285 Lin Xiu And The Three Lost Contact

"Hello Party Teacher"

Jiang Qing picked up the phone, and based on his obvious understanding of the other party, if the other party was not urgent, he would just contact him by message, and calls were basically urgent.

"Jiang Qing, when will you return to the imperial capital?"

Fang Xian's voice came from the other end of the phone, and the voice was so loud that he couldn't tell what was wrong with the other party's emotions.

“Going back to school right away”

"Then come directly to my office when you come back"

After speaking, Fang Xian hung up the phone.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, he was not in the mood to swipe the task board anymore, and left the Imperial Capital Trainer Association quickly.

Riding the Dragonite, Jiang Qing came to Imperial University in ten minutes.

Fang Xian's office is in the teaching building next to the special recruitment class.

"Boom boom"

"Come in"

As an Elite, Fang Xian has his own independent office.

Jiang Qing opened the door and entered, Fang Xian smiled slightly: "Good boy, you have become an Elite so soon, it seems that the Dragon's Den secret realm has gained a lot."

After Jiang Qing updated his trainer level, his information has been known to people who are also Elite trainers.

Before he knew it, the news that he became an Elite had already become the top five geek searches, and the popularity was increasing rapidly, and it is estimated that he would become the number one in a short time.

“Harvest is ok”

Jiang Qing nodded, not surprised that Fang Xian knew he had become an Elite.

"Teacher, why did you call me over?" Jiang Qing asked.

Fang Xian's face turned pale, and he said slowly: "Lin Xiu, Shen Yu, and Wu Fan are out on a mission, and now five days have passed since the mission was completed, and they still can't be contacted."

As a freshman at Imperial University, the amount of tasks is relatively small, as long as you complete the tasks assigned by the school. "Of course, if you want to complete other tasks, the school will not stop you.

"What mission did they take?" Jiang Qing asked.

The three of them are all good in strength. Although Shen Yu is a bit weak, he has awakened his mind anyway. The three of them performed a mission together, and they lost contact for five days.

"An escort mission, to escort a ten-person investigation team into the outskirts of the Bai Cang Mountain Range"

"If it's just peripheral, then there should be no problem with their strength."

The Baicang Mountains straddle several provinces of Xia Kingdom, and there are a lot of wild Pokémon living in it, and it is also one of the famous forbidden places in Zhen Kingdom.

However, this forbidden area refers to the central area, and the danger level in the middle and outer areas is not so high.

Of course, if your strength is too weak, then even the periphery is a forbidden area for you.

"Yeah, I thought so too, but now it's not just the three of them, even the ten investigation teams have lost contact"

Fang Xian showed distress. He was not worried about the life and death of the investigation team. It had nothing to do with him if they were all dead. He was worried about Lin Xiu and the three of them.

As long as the students in the special recruitment class can grow up smoothly, becoming an Elite is a sure thing.

"What is the investigation team going in to investigate?" Jiang Qing asked.

The three lost contact, maybe it was related to what the investigation team was investigating.

"The survey team went in this time to investigate the density of Pokémon outside the Baican Mountains. The guidebook of the Baican Mountains will be updated recently, so the survey team was specially asked to go in and investigate again."

In this way, the scope of the investigation is still on the periphery, so there is no danger, but these thirteen people have disappeared.

If you think about it in a bad way, they might all be dead.

"Then how should I find Teachers?" Jiang Qing asked.

The Baicang Mountains straddle several provinces and cities, and its periphery can be imagined, even if it is only the Baicang Mountains within the imperial capital, the periphery is very large.

So if you look for someone like a headless chicken, you will almost never find them.

"The leader of the investigation team has a locator on his body. If you take this, it will detect the position of the locator as long as it is within a range of 50 kilometers."

Fang Xian took out a palm-sized handheld, the screen on it was on, but there was nothing now.

Jiang Qing nodded.

"Even if Lin Xiu and the others are dead, it's best to find their bodies," Fang Xian said.

Lin Xiu and Wu Fan are both children of big families. Although Shen Yu's family is not as good as them, they are still students in the special recruitment class. If something happens, Fang Xian, the class teacher, will be somewhat remiss.

And Lin Xiu and Shen Yu are also people with special abilities.

The meaning expressed by Fang Xian is obvious, that is, to meet people in life and to meet households in death.

If they were really going to die, they could only blame the lack of strength of the three of them. When they became professional trainers, death was already around them.

……… Ask for flowers………

"Time is running out, hurry up and leave," Fang Xian said.

Originally, he didn't want to find Jiang Qing, but he happened to know that Jiang Qing had broken through to the Elite level, so he immediately changed his candidate to Jiang Qing.

Asking other people for help is definitely not as good as asking your own students for help.

And he really believed in Jiang Qing's strength, he already beat Elite when he wasn't an Elite, and now that he is an Elite, if he exerts his strength, an ordinary Elite probably can't stop him.

After leaving Fang Xian's office, Jiang Qing rode the Dragonite and set off towards the Baicang Mountain Range without delay.

Shen Yu is his high school classmate, Lin Xiu and Wu Fan are called Brother Jiang and Boss Jiang, and their relationship is not normal.

Don't look at Jiang Qing's face is very calm now, but he is actually very worried about these three people.


There are five entrances to the Baicang Mountains in the imperial capital. According to Fang Xian's information, the investigation team and Lin Xiu entered the fifth entrance.

This entrance is located on the west side of the imperial capital, and it is also the most remote entrance.

Although the location is a bit off, the number of Trainers entering is the largest among the five entrances, because there are about seven or eight Pokémon populations gathered not far from this entrance, which is much more than the other entrances that only have two or three populations.

There are also a large number of defense forces at each entrance, whether it is Trainer, thermal weapon or legion.

Because tens of thousands of people enter the Baicang Mountains every day, after a long time, a trading area appears at the entrance.

Jiang Qing didn't stop there. About half an hour later, he came to the west entrance No. 5, and the Dragonite turned into a stream of light and rushed into the periphery of Baicang Mountain Range.

This is also Jiang Qing's first time entering the forbidden area.

After entering the forbidden area, Dragonite's speed couldn't help but slow down.

The periphery of the Baicang Mountains is really too wide, even knowing that the investigation team and Lin Xiu entered from the fifth entrance.

It has been more than ten days since they entered and lost contact. During more than ten days, they had no idea which direction they would be on the periphery.

It's even possible they're not on the perimeter anymore.

So even if Jiang Qing has an instrument with a sensor locator in his hand, if it is not within the range, this instrument is completely a decoration.

There is a huge magnetic field interference in the Baicang Mountains, otherwise, no matter how far away it is, the instrument in your hand can receive the position and location sent by the locator. .

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