Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

284 Update Trainer Level

Watching Jiang Qing tremblingly take out the cherry fruit from his pocket, he has been so proficient in keeping the cherry fruit in his pocket for a long time.

This scene made Xia Yu want to laugh inexplicably, while Xiangsi Liu's heart was swept away from the depression of failure because of this scene.

After the paralyzed Contest Condition was lifted, Jiang Qing looked at Gastly flying around him with a blank face, and the gas on his body poured into the tip of his nose from time to time.

Hmm, it smells great.

Put Gastly back into the Poké Ball, looking at Xia Yu who was holding back his smile, his face suddenly sank.

This guy is definitely making fun of me.

"Think of the funny things when I was a child"

Xia Yu quickly explained that although he didn't know Jiang Qing very well, the whole special recruiting class knew about the local Xiaoyanxin.

And Shen Yu, who is Jiang Qing's high school classmate, also admits that Mei Qing is a narrow-minded person.

"Is it because you wet the bed at the age of twelve?" Jiang Qing said.

Immediately, Xia Yu's entire face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his eyes were shocked and ashamed.

"Hahaha, Xia Yu, so you are so old and still wet the bed," Xiangsi Liu mocked.

"Fart, it's eleven-no, I never wet the bed when I was little"

Xia Yu blushed and used the Snarl skill.

It's a pity that this appearance is exactly the same as there is no 213 silver and three hundred taels here.

Damn Xia Yi, he must have told Jiang Qing, bastard bastard!!

He only told Xia Yi about this.

How hard to guard against a backstab from a big brother.

"Eleven, I know." Jiang Qing nodded lightly.

"I know too." Acacia Liu also nodded.

Xia Yu clenched his fists and stared at the two in front of him.

For a while he was crying, he couldn't beat either of these two people.

Nima, this is too bullying, I am a dragon trainer, a dragon trainer.

I wrote down Xia Yi's account for you, and you wait for me.

Under the eyes of Jiang Qing and Acacia Liu, Xia Yu left, but he looked a little embarrassed from the back, and his pace was too fast.

"Where are you going, Jiang Qing?"

Acacia Liu saw that Meiqing was walking towards the gate of Xia's house, obviously wanting to leave.

"back to school"

Since the Hundred Schools League, he has not been back to school, and it has been more than a month since he counted the time.

"I won't lose to you next time," Xiangsi Liu shouted.

"Do you believe it when you say it?"

Jiang (cgce) Qing, who left, looked back at Acacia Liu. This woman seemed indifferent, but in fact she was a bit of a secondary school student.

The talent is not as good as him, the resources are not as good as him, and the command ability is not as good as him. How can you win against yourself? You only rely on one mouth to output.

Acacia Liu was taken aback, Jiang Qing's unreasonable words made her a little at a loss, but more embarrassing and angry.

Who the fuck is looking down on, just give me time I-I-do

Looking at Jiang Qing's leaving back, Xiangsi Liu, out of anger, turned to look for Xia Yu, and must beat him to vent his anger.

Who told you to be Jiang's classmate.

On the way back to school, Jiang Qing first went to the Imperial Capital Trainer Association to update his trainer level.

After reaching the Elite level, the Trainer Association will give a certain amount of fixed resources every year. If the difficulty, quantity, and efficiency of the tasks you complete are very good, then there will be additional rewards.

Such as precious resources, the right to enter high-level secrets, the priority of Elite Pokémon and so on.

Setting these rewards is also for the Xiaguo Trainer Association to better grasp the number of domestic Elite trainers.

After all, without these, it is estimated that many trainers who have broken through to the Elite level will choose to hide themselves and continue to develop.

Of course, in this case, unless he has not publicly displayed Elite level combat power, otherwise, once the outside world finds out, he will soon be approached by members of the Trainer Association and personally confirmed.

"Hello, update the Trainer level"

There were quite a few trainers handling matters in the hall of the association, and it was Jiang Qing's turn after waiting for about half an hour.


The staff nodded and put Jiang Qing's trainer certificate on the machine, and Jiang Qing's information and current trainer level were displayed on the computer screen soon.

18 years old, quasi-Elite, Jiang Qing.

Seeing the name above, the staff raised their heads and looked at Jiang Qing in astonishment.

Unexpectedly, I met the famous Celebrity Trainer Jiang Qing.

Wait, he just said that he will update the Trainer level ten times.

Looking at the quasi-Elite shown above - if updated - true or false

The staff's eyes widened instantly - 18-year-old Elite!!

"Hello please bring out the Pokémon that needs to be updated"

Suppressing the shock in my heart, the staff hurriedly said.

Immediately, Jiang Qing handed Dragonite's Poké Ball to the other party, who put the Poké Ball on an instrument next to him.

This instrument can accurately detect the level of Pokémon in Poké Ball.

After more than ten seconds, three lines of words were displayed on his computer screen.

Pokémon: Dragonite

Grade: 71

Trainer: Jiang Qing

71 Elite The early days of Elite.

With the one-click operation of the staff, Jiang Qing's information was updated soon.

His information has also been officially included in the Elite database at this moment, and at this moment, Xia Guo has a young Elite with unlimited potential.

"Please keep your ID"

After the process was completed, the staff handed the certificate and Dragonite's Poké Ball to Jiang Qing.

"Well, thank you"

Jiang Qing nodded, then left the window.

Then he sat down in a relatively quiet corner in the hall, and did not leave the Trainer hall.

He took out his mobile phone and opened the TrainerAPP. After he finished updating his information, the icon of the Elite section on the original TrainerAPP had a lock.

But now the lock is gone, with a light tap of the finger, the Yintian plate was opened.

There are only two areas inside, namely the trading area and the mission area.

TrainerAPP also has a trading area. The items in this trading area are very miscellaneous, ranging from low to medium to high.

In the trading area of ​​the Elite section, the transactions are basically high-end items, which are difficult for the outside world to see.

A few big ones: Ampharos Mega Evolution stone for cyan-qualified Herakhros.

I have money: 3 billion to buy quasi-god cubs.

Gardevoir's stockings: sell Elite grade Alakazam's spoon, 3.5 billion.

Iron Machamp: cyan qualification Geodude, priced at one billion

Solaceon glanced at the trading area, the smallest unit in it is 100 million, if you take out any item, it will make many Trainers fight for their heads.

At the level of Elite trainer, the resources needed are all high-level goods.

At this level, it is very powerful to make money, but it is also very powerful to spend money.

He didn't find anything he was interested in in the trading area, and just as Jiang Qing was about to scan the task area, Fang Xian's number, the homeroom teacher, suddenly popped up on his phone. .

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