Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

272 Cruel Dragonite

Under the Superpower move, Dragonite's power reached an incredible level at this moment. Under Garchomp's horrified eyes, its arms were lifted by Dragonite, and then its body slowly vacated.

In terms of height, Dragonite is four meters tall, almost half as tall as Garchomp.

Naturally, Garchomp would not sit still and spit out the Dragon Pulse, but saw Dragonite free up a hand and beat its Dragon Pulse with one punch.

Next is Dragonite's face-to-face release time, punching and punching continuously in the face of Garchomp, its teeth are blown away, and its face is smashed.

But he still gritted his teeth and endured the stormy attack of Dragonite.

Because this Garchomp's ability is a hidden ability rough skin, every time Dragonite hits its skin with a touch-type move, it will also take a certain amount of damage.

Now Garchomp's face has been beaten out of shape, and Dragonite's fist has also suffered a lot of damage, and the skin on it has been broken, revealing bright red flesh.

The fists hit the flesh, and the flesh and blood of both sides splattered constantly.

The Dragonite's Fist 18 strength is fading, and the victim Garchomp clearly feels it.

The effect of Superpower is indeed disappearing, and the side effects have gradually manifested, Dragonite's attack power and defense power will decrease.


A sense of weakness came to my heart, and the speed of Dragonite's punches paused, and this pause was caught by Garchomp. Although his eyes were blurred by blood, he still focused on Dragonite's fist and opened his mouth to bite it.

With a click, the sound of bone cracking sounded, Dragonite's hand bone was bitten off by Garchomp.

Under the pain, Dragonite's other hand could not help letting go of Garchomp.

And Garchomp didn't attack, but just fell directly to the ground.

In terms of injuries, it was much heavier than Dragonite. Dragonite used Superpower to deliver so many punches to its face. If it hadn't had Ability rough skin, plus its unyielding willpower, it would have been in a coma by now.

Even if he wasn't in a coma, the current Garchomp was exhausted, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up. The Crunch just now used almost all his strength.

As for Dragonite's right wrist drooping, the flesh and blood rolled, revealing the white bones, a lot of blood flowed out of its wound, and a small blood pool soon formed below.

This right hand is considered useless and cannot be used without a certain amount of time. Even if one is not careful, it will leave sequelae and affect future strength.

Jiang Qing in the distance saw this scene with a distressed look on his face.

Since his debut, although his Pokémon have been injured, they have never been injured like this.

But it's time to end.

Dragonite strode out, with bursts of white freezing air on his left hand.

Garchomp's expression changed as he sat on the ground.

This guy is still a dragon, how can he still have physical strength.

Before he could think about it, Garchomp stood up from the ground with willpower, and the fang-like blade in his left hand used Brick Break to meet Dragonite's freezing fist.



The freezing punch hit Garchomp's chest, and the opponent's Brick Break also hit Dragonite, leaving a long bloodstain on his upper body.

Both sides flew out at the same time.

The difference is that Garchomp never stood up after flying out, while Dragonite slowly stood up from the smoke.

Looking at Garchomp lying on the ground not far away, completely incapacitated, Dragonite's heart was filled with excitement to defeat the powerful enemy.


The sound of the dragon's roar that carried through the entire Denglong Mountain resounded throughout the world at this moment, and the sound continued to spread around.


At the same time, the level of Dragonite has also been increased to 67.

After days of fighting, and fighting with high-quality Rivals, the potential of Dragonite is constantly being stimulated, and what it needs to do now is to keep fighting.

Jiang Qing came to Dragonite, and a strong bloody smell spread to the tip of his nose.

Dragonite: I won.

Jiang Qing: "Well done, hurry up and take the medicine"

Taking out the full recovery medicine, Dragonite's eyes lit up and Swallow the medicine away.

Jiang Qing finally understands why only two people from the Xia family have successfully challenged climbing Longshan for more than 100 years, and when they challenged, they were already Trainers at the peak of Elite.

Trainers who have surpassed the peak of Elite are not allowed to challenge Mount Longshan.

The number of challenges is every 5 years.

With this level of difficulty, even if the Elite reaches its peak, it is still very difficult.

The Garchomp just now was in the late stage of Elite, and its strength was comparable to the peak of Elite.

And there must be a dragon-type Pokémon at the peak of Elite, so the opponent's strength may be comparable to the quasi-champion.

Not to mention the last near-champion Dragon Pokémon.

In the process of your challenge, if the Pokémon is slightly injured in the middle, the kind that will be fine all day, then basically the subsequent challenges will not be used.

After all, the following Rivals will only get stronger and stronger, and you won't be able to recover from injuries. How can you play against a Rival that is in full swing in the Contest Condition.

Jiang Qing also relied on the full recovery medicine provided by the system to allow Dragonite to recover all of its injuries in a short period of time. There is no such thing.

Then his challenge is estimated to only come here.

Under the effect of the full recovery medicine, Dragonite's injuries are being healed quickly, but the injuries on his wrists are too serious, and it will not heal within four or five hours.

Anyway, I won't challenge the second Pokémon today, there is enough time for Dragonite to rest.

Jiang Qing walked in front of Garchomp, who had passed out, his face was completely slapped by Dragonite. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was disfigured.

The slightly heaving chest proved that the other party was still alive.

Take out the 727 recovery medicine and give it to Garchomp, with its constitution, I believe it will wake up soon.

As for why not full recovery medicine.

Nima, a bottle of 1,000 points.

He was reluctant to give it to Garchomp, and even this recovery medicine would cost 300 points a bottle. Giving it to Garchomp was entirely for the sake of being a man.


Dragonite walked in front of Jiang Qing. Except for the hand, the other injuries are almost healed, and the physical strength and energy have also recovered.

Then it felt hungry.


Take out a box of top dragon energy cubes.

Another thousand points were spent.

The points spent in the past few days are almost more than Jiang Qing's combined in the past few months, and this is all spent by Dragonite.

Perhaps because of the smell of the food, or perhaps because of the drug's effect, the unconscious Garchomp slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing it was Stuff Cheeks' Dragonite, the small cubes in its hands, the smell made Garchomp's eyes straight.

Garchomp: Give me something to eat.

Dragonite looked at Garchomp, and there were only two left for ten bucks.

Under Garchomp Covet's gaze, it devoured the two energy cubes in one bite.

Dragonite: No more.

Garchomp: (+Dish+).

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